Zhutian’s Strongest Need System

Chapter 340: 1 Lingping Mountain River

"No need, let's hurry up!" Zhang Liang said, "Please contact the kings of Baiyue immediately and ask them to send envoys to the Qin Army's Great Account to discuss important matters."

"We are fighting Baiyue, is this appropriate?" Zhao Tuo felt strange and raised different opinions.

"Do as I say, I will take full responsibility!" Zhang Liangyang Yang Fusu gave him the edict.

Zhao Tuo stopped talking, and directly ordered, but he made a conclusion to Zhang Liang in his heart. This is a bureaucrat who has no practical experience and can only slap his head. I don't know how to deceive the emperor's edict and come here to show off his might, but his method is obviously not working.

What does it mean to summon messengers to discuss matters? If we can discuss things, will we still fight here? "

After playing for so many years, but still failed to get Baiyue, only Zhang Liang is a weak scholar, Zhao Tuo can only haha.

His current mentality is to allow Zhang Liang to make trouble, but it is his Zhang Liang's business that the task is not completed by then, but he has nothing to do with Zhao Tuo.

At this time, the so-called Baiyue actually had many branches, including Wuyue, Yangyue, Dongou, Minyue, Nanyue, Xiou, Luoyue and many other branches of the Yue ethnic group.

Among them, it is not all the Baiyue forces that are fighting against the Qin State, but one of them called Nanyue, which is equivalent to most parts of Guangdong and parts of Guangxi in later generations.

Xiou and Yangyue near Nanyue did not have war with Daqin, and of course they were not friendly.

Several Baiyue envoys came very quickly.

Zhao Tuo introduced Zhang Liang to the envoys and explained that Zhang Liang was an imperial commission of the emperor.

The envoys from Baiyue couldn't help but look at Zhang Liang, who was as handsome as a beautiful woman.

Unexpectedly, such a handsome little student was actually an envoy of the Emperor Qin.

He didn't look like a high-ranking official, let alone a soldier. Why would the Emperor Qin send such a person here to handle such important matters?

Zhang Liang didn't talk nonsense with them, and went straight to the point.

"Everyone, I invite you to come today because there is a major event that needs to be announced!"

"I don't know what important things the angel wants to announce?" The Baiyue messenger was very nervous, wondering what Zhang Liang was going to announce? Could it be that Da Qin sent troops again and asked them to surrender? Or is there other news that is not conducive to Baiyue?

"Today, His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor is gracious and kind. In order to avoid the tragedy of wives and wives scattered and family destruction, in order to avoid the tragedy of the two countries' wives and families, he decided to terminate the war against Baiyue from now on."

"What?" Zhao Tuo was about to jump up.

Don't fight like this? What about him, the general? He has worked hard here for many years, just to crack Baiyue one day and get a bigger reward when the class teacher returns to the court. If he doesn't fight like this, what else would he do?

"Is it true?" The three hundred and more envoys were surprised and delighted.

They were surprised that they didn't expect such a turning point. They originally thought that since Da Qin had used half a million troops, he would defeat Baiyue anyway. Who knew that the policy changed so quickly? I heard that the emperor of Daqin has changed. Does the little emperor want to fight Baiyue?

The good news is that they can finally end the war.

In fact, in terms of losses in this war, the Baiyue side must be greater.

Although they dragged the Great Qin Southern Army into the quagmire of the war, they faced the most powerful army today, so their own losses were definitely much greater than those of Da Qin, even more than ten to one. .

In other words, if Da Qin died of one soldier, they would die ten. After all, their combat power could not be compared to the Da Qin army, which had no rivals in the entire world. More is to rely on the location and the number of people to reluctantly resist, in simple terms, it is to pile up with human lives.

Similarly, their medical and health conditions are very simple. Years of war have caused them to suffer from poverty and disease. The long-term war caused deaths from starvation, deaths from diseases, and other personnel losses.

Moreover, Baiyue is no better than the Central Plains. The productivity here is still very low. At this time, most of them are still in the later stage of primitive society. They mostly use slash and burn, and even iron tools are not popular, and some places even use stone tools.

Such low productivity, coupled with years of war, almost collapsed their economy.

If Da Qin could really give up the war, they would be happy to see the result.

"General Zhao Tuo, don't worry, I am here to represent the emperor, and what I said is what the emperor said!"

Zhang Liang calmly looked at Zhao Tuo and three other envoys.

Zhao Tuo didn't say anything again. After all, Daqin's laws were strict. If a general dared not obey the emperor's order, he would be punished as rebellious.

Moreover, the Emperor Shi Huang was deeply jealous of the generals. Although he favored the Wang family and the Meng family, even Wang Jian Mengtian, a general who was highly regarded by Qin Shi Huang, could not be placed in the position of a lieutenant, but remained empty. How taboo the emperor has powerful generals.

Now although the emperor has changed from Laodou to his son, Zhao Tuo is not the roundworm in Fusu's belly. Who knows if Fusu will be as guarded against generals as Qin Shihuang.

If Fusu is the same as his old bean, then what Zhao Tuo is saying now is that he is putting himself on the rope.

Especially I don’t know the details of Zhang Liang, in case he goes back to tell the truth...

So Zhao Tuo was silent immediately and never said a word again.

"So this thing is true!" The three emissaries were very excited.

"This is absolutely true," Zhang Liang replied with a smile, "Zhao Tuo listened to the order!"

Zhao Tuo had no choice but to kneel to take the order.

"The emperor of the Qin Dynasty helped the Soviet Union: From the day Zhang Liang arrived in Baiyue, Zhao Tuo immediately stopped attacking Baiyue and Mingjin retreated. In the future, if Baiyue takes the initiative to attack, he must not actively attack Baiyue."

"The minister accepts the order!" Zhao Tuo pinched his nose and could only accept it first.

Zhang Liang smiled at the three messengers again: "Now you believe it! The previous ones were all misunderstandings, which suffered the people of Daqin and Baiyue. Now that the new emperor is enthroned, he has decided to become brothers with Baiyue with graciousness and kindness. Alliance!"

"Brother's League!" The three Baiyue's envoys glanced at each other, and they didn't expect Qin State to play so big.

"It is the alliance of brothers, and His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor is going to make the princes and kings, all tribe kings in Baiyue, as long as they have signed a contract with Da Qin, they can be made kings!"

"Finalize the king!" The three envoys seemed to be listening to the heavenly script. Not only did Da Qin stop attacking us, but also gave us the king?

You must know that the princes and kings were enfeoffment system in the Zhou Dynasty, and after the Great Qin eradicated the six kingdoms and established a unified dynasty, they began to implement the system of prefectures and counties. How could they be enfeoffment system this time?

Although they are only tribes, their desire for power is no less than that of the Central Plains.

If their tribes can become the princes and kings of Daqin, then they will have the right to rule by law, the right to rule, the power of war, money, and land will be concentrated in their hands.

"Not only that," Zhang Liang said. "The Emperor of Qin promised that not only the eldest son of the prince king can inherit the throne, but other sons of the prince king can also be rewarded, can become dukes and marquis, etc., have their own territory, Taxes in the territory, defense decisions, etc."

"The princes, you can still inherit, and there are dukes and marquises, great!" The three envoys jumped up excitedly.

This system of enfeoffment is too beneficial to them. Not only can the throne be inherited, but all the sons of the princes and kings can become the lords of the same place. If there are more such people, the strength of the tribe is stronger?

It's just that the three messengers weren't fools either. Da Qin was obviously not idle and nothing to do. Playing with Fengwang must have their purpose. It's better to ask clearly.

"Excuse me, Daqin loves us so much, what kind of help do we hope we can provide?"

"The Emperor of the Great Qin Kingdom hopes to be able to trade with Baiyue. 12345

In fact, Qin Shihuang's conquest of Baiyue was not only for the territory, but also an important thing, that is, Baiyue's overseas trade.

Many luxury goods that Daqin lacked, such as ivory agate and citrine, were obtained from sea trade.

Therefore, the first emperor hoped to control this trade channel and serve himself.

The method he used before was war, but now Fusu is a peaceful deal.

"Deal, I don't know what Da Qin wants to trade with us?"

These envoys all knew what was the purpose of Daqin's war?

They just don't understand what Da Qin can deal with them?

"Of course there are many things, Daqin has some things you have never even heard of before!" Zhang Liang took out a basket of potatoes and sweet potatoes.

"The golden ones are called potatoes, and the red ones are called sweet potatoes. These are two very excellent food crops. They have high yields and are storage-resistant. The long ones can be stored for a whole year, and they can be ground into various foods. The key is that their yield per mu is very high. Normally, one mu of land can produce 5,000 catties!"

"How many? Five thousand catties!" The three messengers were completely stupid, and even Zhao Tuo looked incredible.

If there are such crops, Baiyue’s food and clothing problem can be solved.

All three messengers moved a little, grabbed a few hurriedly and put them in their pockets.

"And this!" Zhang Liang used another stack of paper.

"What is this?" The three envoys looked at Wang Yin very carefully.

"This thing is called paper, which is used to replace bamboo slips for writing." Zhang Liang explained.

"What can be used to write?" The three messengers were immediately attracted to the past.

Zhang Liang told them all the characteristics of the paper and asked them to advertise.

The three messengers passed the paper around to watch, a little bit fond of it, no one would let it go.

They can see the great effect of this paper at a glance.

You must know that although Baiyue is an uncivilized place, it does not mean that they have no capable people and strangers. These messengers are all outstanding people.

They all have a certain culture, have read books, and even some have gone to Central Plains to learn the culture of Central Plains.

It’s a pity that it’s really not easy to get the culture of the Central Plains back. If you use an ox cart to pull it, you don’t know it will be the year of the monkey.

If there is something like this, it will be very convenient. The Central Plains culture can be continuously introduced into Baiyue, to open up people's wisdom to the people in Baiyue, so as to improve the overall level of Baiyue.

"This is a fetish!" The envoy from Nanyue touched the paper, extremely excited.

Speaking of this, the signing of the contract was a matter of course, and the three envoys each brought back to the tribe a detailed revision of the book.

Sure enough, most people would like to see the reward of the Tweet Order. The leaders of the three tribes had no extra opinions and directly agreed to sign.

After the heads of the three tribes came to sign, other tribes in Baiyue Land also inquired about the news.

So they applied to the Daqin court to sign the same contract as Nanyue.

Of course Zhang Liang will not refuse, and he will sign a contract with them if he comes.

So there were more than a dozen princes and kings in the land of Baiyue.

"What you do is not in line with the emperor's mind. His Majesty will ignore you!" Zhao Tuo finally put forward his own opinions.

Zhang Liang was not angry, but smiled and said: "Your Majesty will definitely agree, and will certainly agree. I believe that His Majesty the Emperor will definitely see through the mystery."

Zhao Tuo's face is a bit dark, and this good face is too direct. Why don't you just say it directly? I don't understand the secret.

Daqin Qilin Temple.

"How do you think of Zhang Liang's measures?" Fusu asked the civil and military officials.

The civil and military officials immediately used their brains and began to comprehend the mystery.

Is it just a truce? Obviously not.

Or trade? Nor is it.

Is it entrusted? Is it possible to get rid of the old system?

Everyone thought for a long time, but they didn't understand what was going on.

Fusu secretly asked Wang Yin through the Zhutian chat group, what was Zhang Liang's strategy?

"What, isn't this the Tweet Order?" Wang Yin understood immediately.

That was originally a strategy made by Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty in order to deal with the expansion of the power of the kings. Its effect is very good. After the princes and kings used this Tweeting Order, their strength began to disperse, and it became more and more dispersed. In the end, there was no way to resist the central government of the Great Han, and Emperor Wu's goal was achieved. Up.

"The first step of the so-called Tweet Order is to allow those tribal leaders to have the title of king, but this is only a false title. In fact, they are kings, even if we don’t seal them, they are just to win them heart of.

The second is to let them subdivide the fiefdom to many sons, and allow their sons to collect taxes and conscript within the fiefdom, so that they can do everything the princes and kings can do. In this way, the back cover of the princes and kings will inevitably split, so their strength is more and more scattered, and it is becoming more and more difficult to be one mind, and internal conflicts will arise due to uneven distribution of the spoils.

The third step, because of the enfeoffment, the kingdom is divided into duchy, and the duchy is also divided into princes. The princely kings are getting smaller and smaller, and their strength will naturally become weaker. In fact, they are no longer a real enfeoffment system, just a set of It's just a system of prefectures and counties. In the future, Da Qin would find a reason to subdue them one by one. By that time, they had split to the point that they didn't even have the strength to resist. "

Fusu said it again according to Wang Yin's analysis.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

"Your Majesty Shenwu!"

"Your Majesty's opinion, I can't wait!"

A group of people immediately began to pat the horse, half for flattery, and half for really admiring Fusu for being able to understand the true meaning of this Tweet Order in such a short time. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Fusu used Wang Yin's knowledge to pretend to be a wave, and the feeling of pretending to be beep made him comfortable.

"Will anyone see the true meaning of Daqin's Tweeting Enling?" Some people questioned.

"Impossible, just a group of wild people, who can infer the emperor's talents?" It took another shot.

"That's true, and I also think that even if someone really sees it, it depends on whether the old princes and kings are willing to listen. Even if he is willing to listen, can his sons refuse such temptation?"

"It seems that Zhang Liang has considered everything, what a genius!"

"The city lord is indeed the city lord. The two recommended to Lian have the power of the world. With these two people, Da Qin's foundation is stable!" Fusu thought, "Han Xin and Zhang Liang must be rewarded!"

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