Zhutian’s Strongest Need System

Chapter 356: Really evil

The sword light was like a wild beast, showing sharp teeth to them. A shudder from the depths of their hearts enveloped them all.

"Defensive formation." At this time, their confidence was greatly shaken. It was not an active attack, but a posture of active defense, which was unique in the history of the Eighteenth King Kong.

Eighteen kinds of weapons appeared in their hands in an instant, flashing one after another, as if suddenly built into a complex building.

This building enveloped all the Eighteen King Kong. Eighteen forces gathered in a city, forming a strong defense force.

Zhan Wuxiu, the defensive power of the eighteen Zhan Wuxiu, is even a person of the pinnacle martial arts, and it is not so easy to break through.

The strength of the eighteen people is not simply added, but multiplied. Just like the formation of Leizhou Siyi before. It's just that there are only four people in that formation, but now there are eighteen people, which is not the same.

Although not the top master in Zhanwuxiu, the eighteen people together are definitely a super power capable of slaying tigers and dragons.

Now that this super power has gathered into one, they are going to resist Wang Yin's sword light attack. They think that even if it's not 100% safe, it's at least pretty sure.

However, there will always be one or two accidents in the world, unfortunately, they encountered it this time.

Wang Yin's sword light instantly destroyed their fighting martial arts power and the gathered formations, the defensive formation, its destructive force, the extent of its power was astonishing.

There is only one thought left in their hearts, how is this possible?

The combined power of eighteen warriors was actually broken by a warrior.

They didn't know that their strength was in front of Wang Yin, and they were not even scum.

So all the eighteen people died.

Go down with one sword and kill 18 people!

Toad Tiger was so scared that he was about to pee.

"You, you, please let me go."

With a puff, she fell directly to her knees.

Desperately kowtow, can no longer care about dignity, can no longer care about pride, just to survive.

"Do you know what you did wrong?"

Wang Yin asked.

"I know I know, I shouldn't kill innocent people, I shouldn't harm goodness, I shouldn't disfigure all beautiful girls."

"So you know. It seems that you are not too stupid. Since you are not stupid, it is evil."

"Give me a chance, please let me go, I have a lot of gold and silver jewelry, I have a lot of heavenly heart, I have a lot of exercises, cheats, and medicines that can be given to you." Toad tiger cried bitterly, speaking incoherently. .

"Please let me go, I will definitely correct it." Toad Tiger's head hit the ground, blood dripping.

"I let you go. Have you let go of the people who were hurt by you? Have you let go of the girls whose lives were ruined by your disfigurement?"

"Just admit your mistakes, then what do you want the police to do?"

"I will kill your whole family, and then confess a mistake to you, okay?"

Wang Yin sneered.

When a wicked person breaks the law and hurts an innocent person, as long as he repents in public, many mothers will come out and say, "He has repented, give him a chance!" Yunyun, then advocated not letting him go. People will be attacked as cruel, vicious, etc.

Wang Yin wanted to say to them: "I killed your family and expressed regret. Will you let me go?"

"Youth! You have to be forgiving and forgiving." Suddenly a voice rang in the distance.

"Ah, it's daddy, you save me." Toad Tiger trembled with excitement, and met the last hope in despair. 120

"Daddy, you killed this kid for me, cut him alive, and slaughtered the waste wood together! And the woman over there will give it to you to play."

Hearing the conversation between the father and daughter, Wang Yin, Xiong Wei and Jia Daoxue all looked sick!

There are still such disgusting people in this world.

Xiong Wei looked at the eyes of the Four Sect Master and couldn't help but want to vomit.

In front of those eyes, she seemed to be naked.

She almost wanted to take a pair of scissors, dig out those two eyeballs fiercely, and then cut them into pieces, so that he could never see anything.

"Although it's not a good thing, but..." The four masters stared at Xiong Wei's majesty for a while and said, "Reluctantly accept it."

The sound like rust from the mouth of the four masters was extremely uncomfortable.

Xiong Wei felt as if she was being stared at by a poisonous snake, and it was a cold, dark, **** snake.

Wang Yin silently stood in front of Xiong Wei.

"I heard you are looking for me, what do you want to do?"

"Are you the kid who has the True Tongyuan Pill? Hand in the prescription for the Tongyuan Pill, and I can make you die a little easier."

It turned out to be Tongyuan Dan. Wang Yin understands.

"Just for these pills, how many people will you die? Are you going to kill so many people for this unilateral purpose?"

"It's not a pity for these untouchables to die." The Five Humen and Four Sect masters didn't put the lives of those people in their eyes at all.

"It is you who are really humble, you scumbags."

"Do you have a hard tone, boy? You dare to speak wild words when you die!" The toad tiger, seeing his father coming, suddenly showed courage and pointed at Wang Yin.

"Shut up." Wang Yin directly slapped toad on the face, knocking her whole body out like a baseball again.

The five-humen four-sect master wanted to pursue the block, and found that Wang Yin was more than twice as fast as him, so naturally he couldn't stop it.

In front of him, she beat her daughter to the ground. The Lord of Five Humen and Four Sects was really angry.

"Even if the boss wants a pill, he can no longer save you. Now I will cut you off."

The Four Sect Master took out a big knife from his body.

The blade is pitch black with numerous skeletons painted on it.

"You retreat." When Wang Yin saw this weapon, he knew that it must be highly poisonous, and immediately told Xiong Wei and Jia Daoxue to step back ten feet. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"What's the use of retreating, no one here can leave."

The four-door master was about to step forward with a wave of his sword.

Where would Wang Yin allow her to release the poison of fighting Wuxiu?

The sword light overwhelming the sky fell from the sky.

Shrouded the four masters.

Wang Yin hated this person for being vicious, and didn't want to kill him all at once, but first destroyed his weapons so that he could not put poison.

"You two are taking a good look."

Wang Yin didn't take the life of these four masters all at once, but planned to use it as a material for practice, and by the way teach Xiong Wei and Jia Daoxue to practice and fight! "

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