Zhutian’s Strongest Need System

Chapter 357: Retribution

The martial arts of Jia Daoxue and Xiong Wei were both the best martial arts taught by Wang Yin and evolved, but their qualifications were limited, but they did not bring this martial arts to its limit.

Although it can be upgraded with the power of the heavens, upgrading does not mean comprehension.

Now that Wang Yin had used the same martial arts as they did, but he had fought all the martial arts in this battle, they finally realized that martial arts could still be used in this way.

As if opening a door to a new world, their great progress in martial arts began from this moment.

The two of them stared at the battle greedily, trying to print all the moves Wang Yin used in their minds.

The same is only the martial arts of Skywalker, but Wang Yin used to recruit five tigers and four masters who restrained and martial arts.

The four masters of Zhan Wuxiu were almost like a dough letting Wang Yin knead, and the horror in his heart was beyond words.

The young man's comprehension of martial arts in front of him has reached the pinnacle.

There were some flaws that even the Four Sect Masters did not realize, but Wang Yin went straight to the point.

Moreover, Wang Yin only used general external and internal martial arts.

Jia Daoxue, Xiong Wei, and the four masters all wanted to break their heads and couldn't figure it out. Why can external power and internal power martial arts actually restrain the martial arts of fighting martial arts?

For Wang Yin, this is not difficult at all. After all, these moves were all evolved by Tianmen.

Boxing, swordsmanship, leg skills, swordsmanship, light skills, and hidden weapons, he showed Xiong Wei and Jia Daoxue the same.

Even the Four Sect Master didn't want to be a test subject anymore, he was completely in Wang Yin's grasp.

Wang Yin can make him immortal, and he can also make him have to die.

Such an ability, even the main gate master may not be able to achieve it.

Digging Tiger's heart is full of doubt and horror.

Toad Tiger is also full of horror. He didn't expect that this young man's martial arts was so powerful, his body would be so complex, his skill so profound, and his moves so many!

The martial arts master father she was for was just a babbling baby in front of this boy.

Every sword of Wang Yin pierced the key points of the four masters.

"Do you think you can destroy my defense?" Although the Four Sect Master was surprised in his heart, he was full of confidence in his armor and laughed.

However, before he stopped his first laugh, he turned to horror.

"How is it possible? My armor...what kind of weapon are you? You can actually penetrate my armor."

What he wears is a high-level Zhan Wuxiu armor.

In his opinion, the weapons used by Wang Yin were nothing but ordinary weapons used by Skywalker. It was impossible to break his armor. But what surprised him was that Wang Yin's sword broke its armor, just like It's so easy to cut tofu with a knife.

What made him even more desperate was that he thought that Wang Yin's sword could not penetrate his body with the powerful defense power of fighting martial arts, but in fact, Wang Yin's sword piercing his body was like a needle piercing him. Cloth is so convenient.

"You...you, you are not a skywalker at all, who are you?"

"I am me, it doesn't matter if I am a Skywalker, the important thing is that I can hang you!"

"Are you still playing with me?" Digging Tiger was furious.

Toad Tiger, who had seen everything at this time, was trembling with fright, and was too frightened.

She never thought that the father she thought would be invincible would be defeated by this young man with a single sword. How could this be? This is simply shaking the sky!

All this is completely beyond her scope of cognition. In her opinion, Wang Yin is simply like a wild beast.

"I am the master of the five tigers and four sects, how about we turn fighting into jade silk? Money beauty, Tianxin martial arts, what do you want." The digging tiger began to tempt Wang Yin.

"I want your dog's life, will you give it?"

Wang Yin had already beaten him into an inhuman form, and stepped the digging tiger directly into the dirt with one foot, and then stomped his face and rubbed it on the ground.

"Don't worry, you can go with peace of mind. Everything in your five tiger gates will belong to me."

"No no, you can't kill me."

The digging tiger was trembling with fright, and it was unbelievable that the four-sect master of the five tigers who was once invincible was so cringe.

"Want to survive?"

Wang Ying looked at the toad tiger and the digging tiger.

Boom boom boom boom, the two people knocked their heads on the ground as if they were beating a drum, and their foreheads were full of blood.

"Think about it, the young man raised his hands high and let us die." 29GG

"Well, what, you have killed so many innocent people..."

"Kacha", Wang Yin hadn't finished speaking when he suddenly discovered that the toad tiger had stabbed a knife directly on the back of the ground digging tiger.

"You...what are you doing?" Digging Tiger looked at Toad Tiger incredulously. The biological daughter stabbed the knife directly into his back.

This was also a surprise to Wang Yin and others.

"You let me go, you let me go. He did all the bad things. He indulged me, he misled me, and he didn't teach me well. Anyway, his martial arts are also abolished. It doesn’t work anymore. I will definitely change my evil and be a good man in the future. Only one of us can live, isn’t it? Did you just want to say that? Leave me."

Toad Tiger held a **** short knife and shouted frantically.

"I can't give him the opportunity. He is old and a bad person. He deserves to die, and I am still young! You must keep your promise and let me go! Let me go!" Toad Tiger cried frantically while crying.

"It's really self-inflicted and you can't live." Digging Tiger was stunned. He didn't expect such a scene to happen. He suddenly lost confidence in life and his desire to survive.

Although it is true that I am a villain, it is not a pity to die, but it is really good for my daughter, what I want to give, there is never a serious word, from childhood to adulthood, although she is ugly, although she is stupid, although she is evil , But never willing to teach her.

did not expect……

"In that case, forget it, but I hope you can keep your promise and let him go."

"What promise?" Wang Yin looked at the digging tiger with surprise, "When did I say it?"

"Don't you mean that only one of us can live?" Digging Tiger asked sharply.

"Yeah" Toad Tiger also looked at Wang Yin nervously.

"When did I say that only one of you can live." Wang Yin asked in surprise.

"What!?" Toad Tiger's mind was completely confused.

She thought that Wang Yin said that two people had done so many bad things and that they could only live one life, so she went ahead with her father, but she didn't expect that Wang Yin didn't mean it at all.

"What I mean is that both of you must die."

Wang Yin finally stated his purpose.

"Hahahahahaha, it's true that a mouse gives birth to a son and will burrow. Tiger poison quilt food." Digging Tiger laughed frantically, "I have done bad things in my life and indulged my daughter, but I was stabbed by my daughter. It was really dead. "As he said, the blood and tears in his eyes flowed down.

"Now he is dead, he is dead, can you let me go?" Toad Tiger yelled frantically.

"Did they agree to let you go?" Wang Yin asked sharply.

Toad Tiger didn't know what Wang Yin was talking about, and then he fixed his eyes, and suddenly there were countless figures in front of him. These people were all familiar to him.

There were girls who were humiliated to death by her, there were boys who disobeyed her, who was tortured and killed by her, and the gang she slaughtered for wanton and recklessness, and more were countless innocent people in Leizhou City.

These people all stood in front of her, pointing their fingers at her. Although there was no sound, it seemed as if a thousand words roared in his ears.

"What are you doing? You untouchables, if I kill you, do you dare to scare me?" Toad Tiger slammed his knife forward, but she didn't hit anything.

There was a look of pity on the faces of those people.

"It's pathetic!" said one of them.

"Yeah, it's so pitiful!" Another person said the same, "I'm so ugly, nobody loves it!"

A pair of lovers who had been killed by toads appeared in front of her. The kind of tenderness and sweetness made her teeth broken with anger.

There were even a few handsome guys who were forced by her to have a relationship with them, but they would rather die than touch her.

"You all die to me! Go to die!" Toad Tiger swung the knife frantically, but everything in front of her didn't disappear at all. Instead, it became more and more heavier, as if the mountains were pressing her down. , It was breathless. In the eyes of Xiong Wei and Jia Daoxue, this Toad Tiger was absolutely crazy. There was nothing in front of her, but she screamed and killed frantically.

In fact, the reason is very simple. It is because Wang Yin used the Contemplation Dafa on her.

Everything is not realistic, just her demons.

"Ah! Don't don't, don't bite me!" Toad Tiger slashed his left hand with a knife frantically, as if there were poisonous snakes and centipedes gradually climbing up, in fact, it was just the poison in his heart.

In his opinion, ~www.readwn.com~ a strangely shaped and smelly poison has climbed onto her left hand.

With a click, she cut off her left hand directly.

"Don't, don't, don't come!" Toad Tiger, who had broken his left hand, didn't seem to feel any pain. He cut off his right leg, then his left leg frantically, and finally stabbed his throat and heart frantically. Until the blood was dripping, he still slaughtered himself frantically.

This madness was like killing the person she hated the most.

Digging Tiger looked at all this quietly, with infinite sadness in his eyes.

Seeing Toad Tiger slaying himself frantically, his blood gradually drained, and his voice gradually became quieter, and finally lay on the ground without moving, but his face was still hideous and crazy.

There was a bloodshot from the corner of Digging Tiger's mouth, and he also severed his heart.

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