Gogen Ruri:”I don’t know if I’ll have time by then, if not I’ll just have to ask for leave!”

“But I stayed at Lin Chen’s place for a long time before, and I don’t know if my mother will agree to let me go out this time?”

Lin Chen;”I will pick you up then?”

Gogeng Liuli;”No need, anyway, I have told my mother everything, she should agree, right? If not, I will find another way!”

Tsuchima;”Kouma also wants to go, but I’m worried that my brother won’t agree.”

Wuqing;”I can, but it will take two days, I still need to make some arrangements here.”

Dongfang Bai;”I will go with Lin Chen, it would be nice for everyone to get together!”

Hermione Granger;”School has already started here, I will ask the principal if I can take a leave.”

Tony Stark;”I will know if I have time then, anyway, I definitely can’t go now.”

Si Teng;”I’m at Lin Chen’s place, I will go with him!”

Lin Chen;”Everyone can go when they have time~, just treat it as the next offline gathering, many people haven’t really met, this is also an opportunity!”

Lu Linglong;”You are always welcome here.”

Before logging off, Lin Chen uploaded some of the skills he had acquired during this period to the chat group, and directly gained millions of points. Together with the previous ones, the number of points has exceeded 10 million!

But unfortunately, it is not very useful, after all, there are no good things refreshed in the mall.

They are just some small gadgets, although they are also very interesting, but they don’t cost many points!

“”Huh?” Lin Chen subconsciously opened the mall and took a look, and suddenly exclaimed in surprise!

“Damn it, finally some good stuff has been refreshed!”

It’s not easy~, after such a long time, only a gourmet tablecloth is still somewhat useful, but it is not very useful after having Erina.

Until now, finally some good stuff has appeared!

A wisp of the origin of the small world; the power of the origin of the small world, after refining, it can greatly improve the cultivation level, and has infinite magical uses! Exchange points; 5000000!

A wisp of the origin of the middle world; the power of the origin of the middle world, after refining, it can greatly improve the cultivation level, and has infinite magical uses! Exchange points; 2000000!

Dragon Yuan; from the world of wind and cloud, after taking it, you can gain 20,000 years of life, and you can also share it, but the effect will be reduced after sharing! Exchange points 200,000!

Black tortoise armor; advanced spiritual weapon, with extremely strong defense! Exchange points 5000!

A ton of cola; Pepsi and Coca-Cola have all kinds of flavors! Exchange points; 50!

“The origin of the world, Dragon Essence, and high-level spiritual tools!”Lin Chen’s face was full of smiles.

It was just this high-level spiritual tool, the tortoise shell. It looked like this in the picture.

Was it really a tortoise shell? And it was green!

Would he be killed if he wore this thing? Anyway, it was impossible for Lin Chen to wear this thing, no matter how strong the defense was!

Anyway, the points were enough, and it was not easy to get some good things, so he bought them first!

Only the Coke one was a bit of a rip-off, but he didn’t care about such a small number of points, so he didn’t have to ask Tony to help buy it in the future!

Lin Chen didn’t need the Dragon Essence himself, but it would be good to share it with his woman.

Of course, he couldn’t forget his master!

After clicking to buy, a milky white light ball the size of a human head suddenly appeared in front of Lin Chen, emitting a soft light!

“The effect will be reduced after it is separated, but it should also be a considerable number, right?”

But Lin Chen remembered that Dragon Yuan said that eating it can make you immortal? How come it has become 20,000 years now?

But it seems to be right. 20,000 years is almost the same as immortality for ordinary people! (To read the novel of Bao Shuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!) It is too wasteful to give it to one person directly. Only by dividing it among multiple people can the benefits be maximized! Lin Chen did not divide the Dragon Yuan now. He would think about how many portions he needed to divide it into.

Then there was the black tortoise shell, a palm-sized grass-green tortoise shell floating in the air. Green is fresh! Green is natural!

Lin Chen’s mouth twitched a few times. This shape, this color, if it is spread out, no, no, I will never use this thing anyway. I will see if Qiu Sheng and the others want it later. If not, I can give it to my uncle!

After all, it is a high-level spiritual weapon. Even if the style is a bit hard to describe, a treasure of this level will tempt the Heavenly Master, right? []

0 Asking for flowers

Finally, it was the origin of the world. Lin Chen first exchanged the origin of the small world.

A strand of silk emitting a strange light appeared, and before Lin Chen could take a closer look;


This spiritual light did not give Lin Chen any time to react, and instantly flew into Lin Chen’s body!


Lin Chen seemed to hear a loud noise in his trance, and the mana in his body began to run wildly out of control.

Subconsciously, Lin Chen sat cross-legged on the ground, trying to control the mana in his body again, but no matter how he tried, he couldn’t even slow down a little!

Led by the origin of the world, the mana in his body ran wildly all the way, as if it had taken drugs, and wandered around Lin Chen!


Outside the dilapidated charity cemetery, the spiritual energy within a radius of a hundred miles suddenly rioted, and boundless spiritual energy began to gather rapidly, turning into a huge funnel that appeared above Lin Chen.

It poured into Lin Chen’s body from the top of his head at an astonishing speed!

“Lin Chen? Lin Chen~” Xu Fengnian was chatting with others in the chat group, but was suddenly awakened by the movement from Lin Chen’s side.

After discovering that Lin Chen’s condition seemed to be different from Tina’s, Xu Fengnian did not dare to delay and hurried to the charity cemetery;”Sister~, you guys watch over Lin Chen, it seems something has happened, I’ll go find Uncle Jiu.” Dongfang

Bai and others who were wandering around the woods were already startled by the movement from Lin Chen’s side and ran over here.

“What’s going on? What happened to Lin Chen?”Nakiri Managi was a little flustered, not knowing what happened.

“Don’t panic, Lin Chen seems to be practicing!” Nangong Pushe frowned;”It’s just”

“Don’t worry, Lin Chen knows what he is doing!”Although Dongfang Bai was also worried about Lin Chen’s current situation, he was not panicked;

“He just got some skills and should be trying to practice them!”

“We’re just going to watch?” Xu Weixiong stared at Lin Chen’s figure, feeling the increasing pressure on Lin Chen, with a lot of thoughts in his mind!

“Don’t disturb him, wait for the master to come and take a look and then you will know!”

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