Meng Qi:”Is it fun? Can I go over there to play? How does it compare to Komari’s place?”

Lin Chen:”Meng Qi, did you go to Komari’s place?”

Domama:”Yes, that’s right. Sister Meng Qi has been here for several days. She brought Sanqi with her. However, Sister Meng Qi didn’t live in my house, but lived outside.”

Meng Qi:”Your house is too small, and I have to squeeze with a stinky man. I won’t go! I’m living in a hotel now, and it’s pretty good. There are people to help clean up every day.”

Meng Qi:”It’s a pity that we can’t eat human food, so we can only look at it! But some of the little things created by humans here are quite interesting.”

Lin Chen:”It seems that you are not going to go back. What a pity. I also want to see what Pluto A-Cha looks like. Is she beautiful? And the West Queen Mother, I don’t know if she looks the same as in the legend?”

Lu Linglong;”Master Lin, don’t worry about that. You haven’t said whether you want to come and play. My great grandfather wants to invite you to come as a guest.”

Lin Chen;”What a coincidence. If you ask me earlier or later, I won’t have time. But now, I can go over and play for a few days. As long as the time is not too long, it’s fine!”

Xu Fengnian;”No, what should we do if you leave? You don’t care about me?”

Lin Chen777;”You? Who cares about you, but if your sister wants to go with me, I can take them with me!”

Xu Fengnian;”Really? You don’t care about me, a guy who has no humanity towards the opposite sex?”

Lin Chen;”Who cares about you, are you still a beautiful girl? You are not! Then why should I care about you?”

Zhang Sanfeng;”In fact, I am also interested in this Luotian Dajiao. I don’t know When will the ceremony begin? Can

I go over and take a look too?” Lu Linglong;”Of course I welcome Master Zhang to come. The Luotian Grand Ceremony will start in about ten days. Anyone who wants to come can come!”

Lin Chen;”What? In about ten days? Then why did you ask me to go over so early? I have things waiting for me to do.”

Zhou Xiaobai;”If you don’t go, I will. I’m already packing my things! I’ve had enough of this broken world. I want to go out and relax, otherwise I’m afraid I’ll get depression sooner or later!”

Lu Linglong;”Is the group leader sister coming now? Great, I’ll go prepare the food right away to welcome the group leader sister!”

Lu Linglong;”Is Taoist Lin unable to come now?”

Lin Chen;”Someone invited us to help eradicate a town full of zombies and ghosts, but It may take some time! But it shouldn’t take more than a few days, right? Anyway, I should be able to get there before the Luotian Grand Ceremony!”

Lu Linglong;”It’s good to catch up. It’s okay to be late, but if others have time, they can come earlier!”

Lu Linglong;”Also, I have collected some exercises during this period. Although most of them are some simple introductory exercises and some superficial methods, there are also a few very precious ones.”

Lu Linglong;”Lin Chen red envelope!”

Lu Linglong:”For example, my great-grandfather’s”Threefold Reverse Life” and the practice method of the sorcerer lineage! And my great-grandfather also went to Longhu Mountain and asked the old Tianshi for the”Golden Light Mantra”, these”

Lin Chen;”Thank you very much, you can also tell me if you have anything you want, I will upload some more exercises in the mall later, you can also see if you need it!”

Lin Chen;”Just tell me directly if you like it, or wait until I get there and see if I can tailor a set of exercises for you according to your physique!”

Since they are so helpful, Lin Chen can’t let them down! Besides, he has been eyeing Lu Linglong for a long time, so of course he has to take care of her!

What’s more, Lu Linglong is so sensible!

Lu Linglong;”Then I’ll wait~” Looking forward to itjpg.

Lu Linglong;”By the way, I have thought of a way to find the Eight Wonders, but it’s useless. The only promising one,”The Divine Machine Hundred Refinements”, is in Biyou Village, but I dare not send anyone there.”

Lu Linglong;”It will be troublesome if someone from the company spots us, and something might go wrong!”

Lin Chen;”Don’t worry about the Eight Wonders, I’ll be there in a few days anyway, and I can go find him in person then!” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Hermione Granger;”Sister Linglong, be careful, you must keep an eye on this guy, otherwise he will definitely mess around!”

Lin Chen;”I said it was an accident, I was just hot-headed at the time, and I didn’t…”

Lu Linglong;”Don’t worry, little Hermione, I’ll keep an eye on him!”Serious facejpg.

Lu Linglong;”Master Lin, you won’t cheat me, right?””Poor facejpg.

Lin Chen;”No!”[]

I feel tired. I was indeed a bit careless before. Now my reputation has gone bad.

I am afraid that I will have to face this situation no matter which world I go to in the future. I really regret it!

It was also the first time for him to go far away in 18 years. Without his master by his side, he felt a little free.

Lu Linglong;”I knew that Taoist Lin was a good person!”

Lin Chen;””

Zhou Xiaobai;”Hahahaha, did you get the good guy card directly? Lin Chen, you bastard, have you come to this day? Hahahaha” Lin

Chen;”Zhou Xiaobai, just wait for me. When I see you, I will beat your ass to pieces!” Fiercejpg. Zhou Xiaobai;”I don’t believe it. I’m a big beauty. Would you be willing to do it? I… I don’t believe it!” Lin Chen;”Big beauty? Isn’t that better? It must feel better when we fight!” Zhou Xiaobai;”I don’t believe it. I’m a big beauty. Would you be willing to do it? I… I don’t believe it!” Lin Chen;”Big beauty? Isn’t that better? It must feel better when we fight!” Zhou

Xiaobai;”I don’t believe it.

I’m a big beauty.

Would you be willing to do it? I…

I don’t believe it!

” Bai;”I was wrong, please forgive me this time, I won’t dare to do it again!

” Five bodies prostrated on the groundjpg.

Wuqing;”Group leader, you” can’t bear to look directlyjpg.

Gogen Ruri;”Oh, I’ll get used to it.

The group leader has always been so shameless.

” Nakiri Erina;”Lin Chen, when you go over, just tell me and I’ll go with you!

” Lin Chen;”No problem!

” While chatting with Erina, he directly received the red envelope.

A pile of books fell in front of Lin Chen, there seemed to be dozens of books!

Lin Chen searched for it and found”The Threefold Reverse Life” from it.

》、《He took the”Golden Light Mantra” and a copy of”Qi Men Heart Sutra” in his hand, and put the other books directly into the small world.

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