Zombie Evolution

Chapter 709: Zerg, undefeated

"Would you like to capture her to be my maid? The maid of the powerful title ... hahaha! Let her make a vow of heaven, it should be fine!"

Si Ming dominates fantasy. The appearance and strength of the Lord of Xianyuan are in line with his vanity.

What's more important is that the Lord of Immortal Yuan is the **** master of this world, and Si Ming grew up in this world of Qian Qian, so he naturally has a certain closeness to the Lord of Xian Yuan.

This is hidden in the subconscious, and even Si Ming dominates himself without realizing it.

Unless his strength surpasses the Lord of Immortals, this subconscious influence will disappear.


The maid of the title level. Before this, the master of Si Ming could not even think of it, but now it seems to be within easy reach. The pride in my heart can be imagined.


Just when he was ready to give an order, it suddenly became a whole.

Because, at this instant, the breath of the Lord of Immortals suddenly skyrocketed. The original consumption was extremely severe, and the breath was almost exhausted, but it took only a moment to fully recover to its peak state.

"How is this going?"

Master Si Ming didn't notice just now, but he was sure that something very wonderful must have happened.

"This nun just knows that she is at the end of her crossbow, and she is about to run out of mana ... why did she suddenly return to her peak?"

Master Si Ming sat upright, and through the picture, he could only see the fighting situation roughly. However, the strength of people such as Zhang Yang and the Lord of Immortals and their movements are fast. Even if they are immersed, it is difficult to capture them.

Only through the picture, without the aid of consciousness and so on, relying solely on vision. It's hard not to miss anything!

Just a little thought, the master of Si Ming had a change of heart, and had already attached the consciousness to a human face worm.

Pop it!

The human face worm vibrated its wings, hovering and dancing, keeping a distance not far from the Lord of the Immortals. At this distance, the sense and vision of the Lord of the Immortals can clearly sense the conditions on the battlefield, and the aftermath of the battle is difficult to break through the defense of the human face worm.

Because Master Si Ming wanted to see what was happening just now. The number of roundworms besieging the Lord of Xianyuan has greatly increased, and a human face worm has caused a great headache for the Lord of Xianyuan.

Fortunately, to deal with ordinary roundworms, with the strength of the Lord of Immortals, any means can be killed. However, to deal with human face bugs with extremely defensive powers, they can only use a scepter to sacrifice a circle of iris, which consumes extremely mana and consciousness.

In just a moment, after the Lord of Xianyuan killed two human face worms, his breath had also dropped to the extreme.

In the distance, Si Ming dominates the human face bug with eyes wide. God knows the Lord of Immortals.

Unfortunately, there are chaos on the battlefield. There are both screams of maggots and strong battle fluctuations. The godly sense of the master of Si Ming blends with the maggots around him, and it is extremely difficult to detect that the master of the Xianyuan does not know that he is being monitored.

Seeing that consciousness and mana are nearly exhausted. The Lord of Xianyuan did not hesitate to take out a drop of life fluid and swallow it. moment. The breath soared, returned to its peak, and began to attack the maggots around ...

"So it is!"

Si Ming's eyes flashed and he muttered softly. The consciousness was withdrawn and attached to a human face worm near the zombie Zhang Yang ...

After a while, it was attached to a human face worm near Gisiaia ...

"Sure enough! This Yasha has been chased by my Zerg for several years. There is nothing unusual. He should not be weird."

"It's the barbarian king and this female nun, they all have elixir that can instantly restore consciousness and mana, even the wounds can be instantly restored ... Against the sky! Too much the sky!"

"They use it so brazenly, it seems that they have a lot of elixir. This is troublesome!"

"The strength of my fourth-level Zerg is almost impossible to kill them in an instant. Relying on them to rely on the Zonghai tactics, they have this kind of antidote."

"Things are more complicated than you think!"

"However, the number of Zerg fighters is almost endless, and I don't believe he can consume the Lord!"

"With the strength of the three of them, it is impossible to kill all my worm nests."

"But, for the sake of security, I'll do some preparation."

Master Si Ming thought about it this way.

Immediately, above the distant sea, there was originally a worm nest, and a large number of maggot warriors were constantly being swallowed. Suddenly, the speed at which this worm nest was making soldiers was lagging behind. The outer appearance was creeping and the black muzzle appeared on the head.

Energy condensed, and that muzzle glowed brightly.


This bright light spurted out and immediately tore a huge crack in the space ahead.


The huge cricket body of the worm nest was swimming and plunged into the crack in the space.


The streamers flickered, and several human face worms and a large number of roundworm warriors passed through the cracks and followed them.

In the chaos of space, the huge body of the insect nest was swimming.


The following maggots vibrated their wings and landed on the worm nest.

The number of roundworms is so large that in just a blink of an eye, the nest is already wrapped up and becomes a huge earthy yellow oval sphere.

The strong cutting force of the turbulent space on the maggots on the outside was blocked, and the nests in them could not be harmed.

Obviously, the maggot warrior is using his body to cover the damage for the worm nest.

Level 4 Ascaris warriors can survive in the chaos of space. Their hard shells are not cut by the chaos of energy instantly.

However, as if the water dripped through the stone, the energy was constantly scouring, and within a few hours, a maggot would be cut into maggot powder.

This level of consumption is obviously not afraid of anything for a Zerg mother's nest.

Wrapped in the maggots, a new maggot in the nest kept crawling out of it. Furthermore, a single maggot suddenly broke away from this oval sphere, vibrating its wings to break up the energy turbulence, and flew towards the depth of the turbulence.

Above the magical continent, in the far north ...

In more than one place, there are more than a dozen insect nests breaking through the barriers of space, entering the turbulent space, and then turning into earthy yellow oval spheres ...


"My fourth-level Zerg, originally did not have the ability to survive long-term in the turbulence of the space. When you advance to the fifth level, the worm nest has an energy shield defense, so you do n’t have to worry so much! Now that you have a certain crisis, you have to take this form."

"With these dozen bug nests, I can escape into the chaos of space at any time."

"Hahaha, in this way, I am invincible! With their strength, it is impossible to find me in the turbulent space!"

"Even if the battle was defeated, I fled into the chaos of space. With these foundations, relying on the ability of the Zerg metamorphosis, a large number of soldiers were quickly reproduced, and then killed back ..."

"Compare with my Zerg, see if I die without playing! I'll see how much elixir you can compare with me!"

The master of Si Ming laughed loudly, and his heart was extremely happy.



The last energy wave exploded, one worm nest was destroyed, and a dozen worm nests were finally wiped out.

Pop it!

The maggots around seemed to know the power of these enemies. After losing the restraint of the worm nest, they all scattered and flew away.

For these common roundworms, Zhang Yang and others have no interest in hunting down.



Zhang Yangren suspended in the air, panting heavily. A big hole was pierced through the belly, and it was slowly healing. It was a human face bug.

Beside, the Lord of Xianyuan looks better than Zhang Yang, but he is also panting.

Seeing this, Gisela finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The battle just lasted for several hours. The huge number of Ascaris warriors seemed endless, and Gisela fell into the siege, thinking that she was about to hold on, and was even thinking about whether to stop fighting and go away.

However, when he killed the third Worm Nest, he was surprised to find that the battle had ended.

A dozen insect nests, the most powerful of which he only killed three, and his strength is not as good as his Zhang Yang and the Master of Xianyuan, each of which killed at least twice as much, which surprised him. .

Now look at the miserable appearance of Zhang Yang and the Lord of Xianyuan, and my heart is immediately relieved.

Obviously, these two guys did their best to fight the Zerg.

Gisela is very disdainful to Zhang Yang ~ www.readwn.com ~ However, the Zerg currently needs these two cannon fodder to persist for some time, so Gisela can only pretend to remind:

"His two Highnesses, it seems that you do n’t yet understand the characteristics of the Zerg! Such unreserved fighting is very dangerous. Because the number of Zerg is too large, no one knows when there will be a large number of Zerg warriors. Reinforcement. You go all out in order to eliminate this group of maggots, without reservation. If there is another worm group to reinforce when you are about to win, then it ’s extremely bad, I ’m afraid you ca n’t even escape. So, follow the Zerg When fighting, you must always spare three points, so that you can fight forever and consume the bugs. "

"That's the case, this is what we care about. His Highness Seguisella reminded." Zhang Yang made a grateful look.

The appearance of him and the Lord of Xianyuan was naturally intentional. Otherwise, let Gisella see that they have killed so many bugs, but they have not consumed even a little mana. This cunning Yasha must be jealous. This is not conducive to future cooperation.

Of course, Zhang Yang also knows that the reason why Gisella reminded herself and others was just to make her cannon fodder more persistent. Therefore, he was not grateful. (To be continued)

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