Zombie Evolution

Chapter 710: Blaster

"Okay! Next, let's break up and search for the worm nest to kill. [百 书斋.] This is the jade Jank commonly used in your fairy world."

Gisela said, throwing away a few pieces of jade bamboo, divided into two groups, respectively towards the master of Zhang Yang and Xianyuan.

"In case of danger, such as today's situation, shatter the jade letter. Believe that with our strength, even if we are trapped in the swarm, even if we cannot get rid of the swarm, it is no problem to persist for a while. No matter who After crushing Jade Bamboo, the other two must immediately rush over to help. What do the two Highnesses think? "

"Well! His Highness Gisella has a good idea. In this way, we should be invincible." Zhang Yang nodded.

"Yes, with this arrangement, as long as the bugs do not advance to level 5, we will not fall. Of course, if the bugs advance to level 5, we will not have to fight, and how far to run at once is life-saving. Said. "Gisella haha ​​smiled.

Obviously, the cooperation with Zhang Yang gave him the strength to fight against the swarm, and he no longer had to run away as long as he was surrounded by the swarm. This made Gisella feel better.

The three discussed some details and separated.

This is how a protracted war begins.

At the beginning, there were a lot of insect nests, and the three of them were flying fast in three directions. Each person could find several insect nests every day and destroy them.

In this way, although the number of Zerg warriors is still growing. However, the number of worm nests ended a steady increase that lasted for several years and began to decrease sharply.

The master of Si Ming is afraid of the elixir that can instantly restore mana in the hands of Zhang Yang and the master of Xianyuan. Therefore, I dare not let all the Zerg gather to launch a counterattack against them. For fear of that, not only could he not succeed, but he was hit hard all at once.

Therefore, each time she gathers several female worms to deal with the master of Zhang Yang and Xianyuan. Each battle, Zhang Yang will consume dozens of drops of life fluid. The Lord of Xianyuan consumes dozens of drops or even hundreds of drops each time.

one year later.

The number of Zerg is already very small, and often three people fly for several days to find a worm nest.

Because the worm nest is not immobile. Master Si Ming will be based on the information sent by the maggot swarm. Determine the position of the three Zhang Yang, and let the Worm Nest intentionally avoid them.

However, Zhang Yang and others were flying so fast that sometimes the insect nest could not escape. It is an unavoidable battle.

Sometimes, there will be several worm nests ambushing, and then they suddenly appear, launching raids on Zhang Yang and others.

There are endless forms of combat.

When the number of worm nests decreased to more than a hundred, this number became stable.

The vast expanse of immortality has enough space to accommodate more than a hundred insect nests to hide. In addition, the maggots of the sky are the eyes and eyes of Si Ming, and they can always catch the movements of Zhang Yang and others in advance, which has caused them great difficulties in their actions.

The number of nests remains the same, and the number of roundworms is skyrocketing. The life fluid in the hands of Zhang Yang and the Lord of Xianyuan. But it is a little consumption ... The situation is developing in an unfavorable direction.


The ocean floor.


In a scream, a peculiar maggot swimming fast in the sea, as fast as a shuttle.

Metamorphosis of Ascaris. Able to adapt to various environments.

The vast space in the open sea, the area is even above the land, naturally the Zerg will not let go of this excellent place.

After the tapeworm enters the bottom of the water, it mutates. The most common being. It is like a tuna with wings, with a long sharp beak.

A pair of wings looks very soft. Under the swing, it generates a strong thrust. It swims extremely fast, which drives the body's potential energy and can pierce the skin of most creatures on the ocean floor.

The creatures on the bottom of the sea have become targets of aquatic ascaris hunting.

Tens of thousands of meters below sea bottom, even hundreds of thousands of meters, the strong pressure makes the number of living things very small. All the creatures that can live here are powerful.

The Zerg do not even give up this place.

Groups of aquatic tapeworms chase a large or flat creature like a group of ants biting a meat bug.


In the water, explosions and waves one by one almost completely decomposed the liquid water.


An aquatic tapeworm was affected, and half of its body was destroyed by the shock wave. Even if the Zerg has strong vitality and loses half of its body, it has not died for a while. However, the pouring body was out of balance and kept falling towards the ocean floor.

Zerg warriors have the cheapest lives. Seeing their companions fall, none of the maggots around them are reaching out. But let it fall to the deepest part of the ocean floor.


The aquatic tapeworm fell to the bottom of the sea, and soon sank deep into the silt.

The mud on the sea floor has not been accumulated for billions of years, and the depth is countless. The more this aquatic tapeworm struggles, the deeper it sinks.

In the end, the aquatic tapeworm seemed desperate, giving up the struggle, and constantly wriggling his body to start egging.

This is the characteristic of the Zerg. Zerg warriors, once in a desperate situation and unable to escape, or when there are too many warriors and the worm nest energy can not support, they will egg.

The zygotic Zerg warrior almost no longer consumes energy. Even after tens of billions of years, as long as the opportunity is suitable, he will immediately break out of the shell and become a powerful warrior again.

Being able to cross the universe sea, the Zerg Horror!

Become ovum, because the quiescence is significantly slower. However, it is still falling slowly under the influence of gravity.

After about a month, the color of the surrounding mud began to change. It was no longer pure black mud, but showed a red color.

When this ovulated maggot touched this red mud, those red energy leaves and began to surround the egg.

Visible to the naked eye, these red strange energies began to sink into the eggs.



The worm eggs soon began to beat rhythmically, getting bigger and bigger ...

In about a day, this worm egg has become towering like a small mountain bag, as high as a hundred feet.


With a sound, the egg ruptured, and a large red beetle crawled out of it.

This huge beetle is not only reddish, but even the eyes are reddish.



At the moment when this beetle was born, a strange soul wave was felt by the master of Si Ming.

"A new kind of warrior? Pythium! It is Pythium!"

As the Zerg dominates, it is natural to have the Zerg heritage. At the same time that the Beatles were born and the information returned, the master of Si Ming knew the type of this new roundworm.

"Hahaha, it's a blaster! It's dead! They're dead!"

Master Shi Ming laughed loudly.

The battle with Zhang Yang and others entered a stalemate phase. Although it was said that Si Ming ruled that his great Zerg would gradually gain the upper hand, however, it was always such a stalemate. Seeing that a worm nest that had to be born was destroyed This made Deming the master of Deming very depressed.

You know, worm nests can't be produced unlimitedly like ordinary tapeworms, but only one can be made every day.

The strength of Zhang Yang and others often drops a few, dozens, or even dozens of worm nests as soon as they explode. The master of Si Ming simply vomits blood.

However, this is how the Zerg fight. Consumption, whether the Zerg Warrior produced, or the Worm Nest, is to be consumed.

Originally, the master of Si Ming thought that the battle would continue this way until the elixir in Zhang Yang's hands was consumed.

Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, there was the birth of the blowworm.

"It's those red mud!"

Si Ming dominated the consciousness and was attached to the giant beetle.

"Well! I do n’t know when these red sludges formed, and they actually contained red sand. According to the Zerg Collection, ordinary Zerg warriors can swallow red sand after swallowing it. I do n’t know the red sand on the sea floor What about sand reserves? "

"A maggot happens to hit here, and it seems that the reserves are quite good. But it is good to be sure."

"Although Plasmodium is powerful, it can't be formed in sufficient numbers."

As soon as Si Ming dominated the consciousness, the newborn Plasmodium started to act.


I saw a red-like flame-like existence spurting behind the groundworm's buttocks, pushing the groundbreaker's huge body to separate the mud and rush straight up.

At the same time, in the seawater above the silt, countless aquatic maggots were ordered to pierce into the silt below them.

After entering the mud, he was constantly swimming around and quickly drilled down.

In less than an hour, these aquatic tapeworms penetrated the ordinary silt and penetrated into the red mud.

Under the entire sea surface, most of them are red silt containing red sand.

This discovery ~ www.readwn.com ~ made Si Ming dominate ecstatic.


Aquatic maggots are also extremely excited, with soft wings flapping and a sharp cry in their mouths.

"Swallow! Evolution! Swallow me!"

Lord Siming issued the order.



Aquatic tapeworms opened their mouths and began to devour the red mud.

Different from the passive egg absorption of the first Plasmodium, this time because it was directly swallowed, the evolution of the aquatic tapeworm was significantly faster.

After eating a certain amount of red silt, the aquatic tapeworms egged. In just one hour, a blaster had broken out of its shell, and then a flame-like propellant was sprayed behind the buttocks, prompting them to shuttle through the mud and rise towards the ground ...

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