Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1003: Man with long hair

The Panther silently watched Lin Qiao's direction silent, but at this moment a claw suddenly reached over his head and struck two.

"Wow! It turns out you are a transforming power, so cute! Big cat!" Qiu Lili suddenly stared at Lin Mao's fluffy head, his hands quickly rubbed on it again few times. Qiu Lili was a bit reluctant to let go.

She also really likes animals, but her hobby is a little different from other girls. People like small animals, but she likes big ones. Big and wild, but inexplicably cute in the wild. It is only in the pre-apocalyptic society that large wild animals are rare. Even if you see them, you may not be able to feel them.

So after seeing this **** panther, if it wasn't for his breath, he could tell Lin Yue's identity. She thought it was a wild mutant panther!

But it ’s so good to know, you can start to touch it directly! I never knew that this man would turn into a cat.

Lin Lin was a little dumbfounded by the small hand she rubbed on her head ...

It is said that the waist of a woman cannot be touched, and the head of a man cannot be touched! Although he is not human, now the cat's head ... ahh! The leopard's head cannot be touched, anyway, is he male? Is this teasing him?

The surrounding zombies have gradually gathered, partly rushing to the battlefield of the zombies and strange beasts, and partly rushing to the direction of the beings base to isolate both sides. At least if these underground creatures defeated Lin Qiao and wanted to rush directly into the base, they had to pass the level of the zombies wall.

Just then, several people appeared on the periphery of the Skyfire Base. But with the exception of the person at the front, there was no breath of life.

The one who walks in front. He was wearing a long black trench coat with a black hat on his head, and the hair just below shoulders was messing down, covering almost his entire face inside his hair.

His figure shows that he is a man's figure, not too short, at least about 1.8 meters.

The unidentified man walked in the safe area of ​​the Tianhuo base in the dark, and stepped towards the base step by step with five or six breathless people behind him. Several groups of patrolling soldiers walked back and forth, but no one found them.

After a few steps, these people suddenly disappeared. By the time they appeared again, they had reached the top of a building inside the Skyfire Base.

Li Zhengye just stepped out of the bathroom on the second floor, and suddenly stopped when he was about to go back to his bedroom. There was a flash of light in his eyes, and his face looked slightly towards the downward staircase. Then he returned to his bedroom casually.

But when he came out, he wasn't wearing pajamas, but ordinary home clothes.

After Li Zhengye came out, he went downstairs. When he was halfway down the stairs, he saw his dark living room and didn't know when to sit alone on the sofa. I can't see my face and my clothes.

"Pop--" Li Zhengye turned on the light in the living room. After looking at that person, he smiled and said, "Oh, come back so soon? I thought you would be back in two months. How about it? Arrive?"

The man took off his hat and revealed a somewhat gloomy face. The five senses were originally tough, but he was stiffly tempered by his temperament, and the messy long hair was more than half soft.

The person's eyes were also very indifferent, and his tight-mouthed mouth replied after Li Zhengye asked: "No, that's a nine-level ability. No one can cure him when he is crazy."

His voice was surprisingly clear and pleasant, with a dullness that had not been spoken for a long time.

Li Zhengye froze for a moment, then his face sank a little unhappy: "What? Didn't get him to do what you came back so early? Didn't I say I want to get his energy core? If it doesn't, it will be decided It cannot be obtained by people in China or in Qingshan. "

The long-haired man looked at him coldly and said, "He is not dead, no one can get his energy core. We can't get it, and everyone else can't get it."

"So you just gave up and came back so soon?" Li Zhengye also glared at him with a sneer.

"What did I say that I want to give up? I just said that he can't be cured now." The man looked at him calmly and then looked away.

"Then you ..." Li Zhengye's eyes narrowed slightly, and the temperature slightly recovered. He looked at him doubtfully.

The man with long hair suddenly smiled evilly and said, "I'll send you a gift."

Then he clapped his hands.

I saw five or six people walking in the doorway and stood in a row on the open space in front of them.

Li Zhengye looked up, then his eyes suddenly froze. He looked at the man with some hesitation: "These people ... dead?"

The eyes of these people were dull and silent, and there was no breath in the whole body. The skin on his body also looks blue and white, with dark brown circles around his eyes and blue lips, just like those who died of poisoning.

But Li Zhengye watched them walk in right! Since they are all dead, why can they go? !!

"They are dead, but they are not dead," said the long-haired man.

Li Zhengye looked at him puzzled: "What do you mean? The gift you mean is they?"

The long-haired man shook his head: "No, they are just a few of them. There are many outside the base that are inconvenient to enter. These are the ones that remain closest to the original subconsciously and are also the most powerful. And I also bring I came back with an unexpected news. "

Li Zhengye looked at him, and then looked at the living dead: "What's the news? ... No, you need to make these clear first."

The long-haired man said, "Can't you see? They were infected with the zombie virus and died. But they retain some scattered memories and subconscious minds before they die, and they can even understand some simple instructions of me."

Then he waved his hand again and made a move away. The five or six living dead immediately turned away and walked in the same way as normal people.

Li Zhengye's expression was silent for a moment, and he suddenly realized: "Then how do you want to use them?"

Although they all turned into zombies, the movements were the same as ordinary people, as long as some decorations were made on their faces. Maybe you can sneak into other bases and work secretly, not to mention others, you can infect zombies.

To say what humans are afraid of today, the virus is absolutely number one. So if it causes panic and confusion inside, and then secretly create some incidents, the results can be imagined.

Just thinking of this, Li Zhengye's eyes gradually grew brighter.

"Their role is not only used in other bases to spread the virus, they have a better role." Long-haired men flashed a light in their eyes.

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