Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1004: News leaked again

Li Zhengye was flashed by the light in his eyes, and looked at him with some surprise: "Oh, what else is there for?"

The long-haired man smiled slightly: "They are three times as powerful as they are alive, they can control ordinary zombies, and they can also be used as bombs. If such an army could be created Come and use them on the battlefield, then we will not only no longer be afraid of attacks from other bases, nor will they be afraid of attacks by zombies. "

Li Zhengye was a little hesitant: "You said they were okay to talk about being bombs, but you said to let them control ordinary zombies? Is this all right?"

The long-haired man said, "Why not? We just have to control them. Let them control other zombies. But we need more such" dead men "to expand our army for us. So I leave the method to You, you do it. I continue to stare at the ninth-level lunatic to see when he dies. He has been crazy for several months, and I feel that the energy in his body is exhausted. Wait for the energy in his body After it is consumed, it will continue to consume his vitality. "

Li Zhengye's eyes brightened: "Oh, you mean, it won't be long. Will he die?"

The long-haired man's eyes flickered, and he raised one hand to his eyes. Putting five fingers together, he looked at his hand and said, "When his body doesn't have the energy to support his madness, his body may just be like this ... blasted."

Speaking of this, he opened the five fingers close together and made an explosive gesture.

Li Zhengye also showed his delightful gaze and nodded: "Okay. I will help you with this matter. You must find a way to get the Ninth Energy Core. If you can't, you can't get it to others. "

The long-haired man nodded. "I know."

Li Zhengye asked him the next operation method.

The operation direction given to him by the long-haired man was to give him a pile of potions, and then ask him to find a group of psionic powers, and inject these potions with the blood from the zombies Inside, things are done.

But it must be found that it is not voluntary, because people who are not willing will have a strong resistance or that kind of obsession. After they become zombies, they will retain a trace of human subconsciousness. But their subconsciousness will not make them sober and distinguish right from wrong. It just makes it easier for them to accept some human commands and orders.

"So where did you get these people from?" Li Zhengye asked the long-haired man. The groups that just appeared didn't look like the people in their Tianhuo base.

The long-haired man just smiled coldly, and said, "To find those who have resistance, of course, to find the ability of other bases. The group that belonged to the Qingshan base just now, as well as a group of people outside China."

Li Zhengye smiled at his thief: "Song Sikongchen and what kind of blue land would kill you sooner or later, aren't you afraid?"

The long-haired man sneered dismissively: "There are so many people who want to kill me. The premise is that they can find me. Oh yes, I just said that there is a message for you. It is the female leader of the new base in East China Ah, she ’s actually a zombie, do you know that? Do you think it ’s incredible? ”

Li Zhengye hesitated after hearing the words, then immediately stared at him with his eyes wide open, "What? Do you tease me? Why doesn't she look like a zombie, do you think I can believe it?"

The long-haired man gave him a calm look: "Believe it or not, although I haven't confirmed the news. But I suggest you don't leak the news if you confirm that she is really a zombie. The best is ... ... take her back. "

The long-haired man's eyes covered in the long hair on both sides of his forehead lit up a strange light, very excited and curious, and with a strong violence and **** obsession.

"If she is really a zombie, it will definitely be more valuable than the batch we have made now. Think about it, a person looks like a person, speaks, is powerful, and even capable of speaking. A new base has been built, and it is so beautiful and charming. How can such a special female zombies make her disappear? "

Looking at the real situation of the long-haired man, Li Zhengye's expression was a little strange, a little bit dreadful and helpless.

"Okay, I know. But first you need to know if what you said is true. Where did you know the news?" He asked.

"I overheard it from Lan Lu." The weird expression on the face of the long-haired man disappeared, and he answered lightly.

"Lanlu also knows that? How dare he cooperate with this sentient beings base?" Li Zhengye expressed his doubts about this.

The long-haired man glanced at him and said, "This Lan Lu knows more than us. If I hadn't been staring at him recently, I wouldn't have heard it unintentionally. Don't worry about it Anyway, you have to find a way to confirm the truth of the matter before making a decision. "

At this time in the Qingshan Temporary Base, Lan Lu was sitting with Chang Qingqing and Hu Daba, all frowning.

"If this news comes out, it will not be very good for Miss Lu." Chang Qingqing frowned.

"If she can hide well, then the other party doesn't know if what I said is true or false. Then we will spread it out and say that he got false news and should be able to conceal it." Lan Lu smiled bitterly.

"Hope she can cooperate with us ... but we are too far away from the living beings base. The information transmission is a bit slow ..." Chang Qingqing said.

To pass the information to the sentient base to the female zombie leader, of course this information cannot be known by the person who inadvertently got the news from Lan Lu.

So we can't drive the helicopter in a big way.

"Roar roar ..." You leaked the news yourself, you think of a way.

Hu Bus gave Lanlu a white look.

"In short ... quickly find a suitable person to send out. Not only must you inform Miss Lu, but also tell Wu Chengyue of Haicheng. If you don't tell him, wait until he knows that his wife's identity information has been leaked from us, not yet Kill me! "Lan Lu looked at the other two with a somber crying face.

Hu Bus looked directly at the ceiling, indicating that he did not care about it. Whoever is in trouble will handle it by himself.

Chang Qingqing frowned slightly and thought, "Otherwise, let Lei Cheng and Ying Yue go. At the speed of Erlei, although not as good as an airplane, it is already the fastest method on land."

Lan Lu sighed and said, "Hey, that's all it can be. But if Erlei wants to carry two people at the same time, it's a bit hard for such a long distance. Only one can go."

"Then Sakura Yue, this operation is mainly to send news. Sakura Yue has a space department, although the value of force is weaker, but the escape ability is better than the minefield." Chang Qingqing nodded.

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