Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1071: Rhizome

Walking into the cave with the atmosphere of the sixth-level underground creature, Lin Qiao collided with the sixth-level underground creature shortly after. It was followed by a large number of low-level underground creatures.

The sixth-level underground creature was more than five meters high, but it came down, two forelimbs walking forward on the ground. As I walked, I shook my nose and smelled the smell in the hole.

Lin Qiao distanced him a little bit before he shot a black flame and shot at the sixth-level underground orangutan. Then the other hand sprayed a layer of black mist at the same time, rushing towards the underground biome opposite.

"Roar--" Lin Qiao's sudden appearance made all the underground creatures stunned for a moment, and then all turned into an alert posture. Then when Lin Qiao's power fire was sensed quickly, except for the sixth-level one, those low-level ones were flustered. They want to step back or run away.

"Roar--" The sixth-level underground creature roared back at them, as if ordering them not to run.

However, as soon as he turned his head and opened his mouth, Lin Qiao's black flame drew into his mouth. Then the black fog behind covered the entire passage in the cave, pushed towards the creatures below the ground, and within two seconds, they were drowned in the fog.

"Roar--" Lin Qiao stood silently for a few seconds, hearing a scream from the black mist. Until there was no movement, he beckoned and recovered the black mist.

Then she snapped her fingers, and a black flame suddenly jumped over Lin Qiao's hand from the body of the sixth-level underground creature.

Lin Qiao went on through the bodies of the dead underground creatures. The energy had been absorbed by her, so the corpses would not care.

After she left, the bodies of these underground creatures did not stop changing. After being cleaned up by Lin Qiao's power, the corpses swallowed by Lin Qiao's energy are slowly melting. After an hour, the bodies had melted into a paralyzed fluid.

Lin Qiao hunted these underground creatures while watching their nests. After a few hours of rotation, a lot of underground creatures of level 5-6 or level 7 were killed, and finally entered a channel that was not dug.

Why not dig here? Is there any reason?

Lin Qiao looked around the cave that was abandoned halfway through the digging, reached out and touched the dirt on the wall and smelled it.

There was a moist breath in the dirt, but that didn't seem to be the reason they stopped digging.

Lin Qiao stepped back, looked up and down carefully, and looked down.

After looking back and forth a few times, she saw something strange.

It's something like a plant rhizome. However, what kind of plant can achieve the root system to reach such a deep underground position?

Lin Qiao felt that he was at least two or three hundred meters deep from the ground. What plant roots can grow to hundreds of meters? ? ?

She was curious about picking up the dirt on the stem with her hands. The roots were very thin, as thick as the tip of the chopsticks. Appeared on this earthen wall like a net.

Looking left and right, it turned out that the rhizomes appeared on the wall around the hole.

Lin Qiao dug for a while and found that there were some thumb-sized nodules on the roots. Like fruit, but not like fruit.

Is a rhizome.

Lin Qiao plucked the stem, and there were a few such knots hanging on it. She smelled the tip of her nose, and it smelled nothing.

Peel inside with this nail. The skin of this thing is very crisp and thin. It was easy to break open, revealing the east inside.

As soon as this thing broke open, a nasty smell burst out.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..." Lin Qiao sneezed twice, and immediately pinched his nose to remove the fruit.

It seems that those underground creatures should react to this kind of thing.

Lin Qiao thought about it, and immediately took the rhizomes and fruits from the hole into the space, and then dug all the rhizome plants in the hole into the space.

Then she turned away from here and continued to go out.

After so long, Lin Qiao was a little confused.

Anyway, where is this?

After walking for a while, I finally got out of the tunnel just now. In front of me was a large dome-shaped hole, with several openings around it, but there was no high and very large passageway.

In other words, their leaders will not come here.

Lin Qiao turned and walked towards the other side, thinking about it, it would be better to find two underground creatures to test the effect of the rhizome plant just now.

So soon, Lin Qiao found another hole along the smell, as he approached those things. She suddenly peeled off the fruit in her hand and threw it out at those creatures underground.

"Hoohoo—" The smell of red nose immediately overflowed the surrounding space, and Lin Qiao quickly backed away dozens of meters before standing.

The underground creatures reacted fiercely when they smelled the scent, and immediately rushed into a panic and fell into chaos.

Lin Qiao was not safe against the wall, only a flash of his legs wide open on both sides of the wall to the top of the cave. Watching these things rushed forward like crazy.

"Roar roar--" When they were done, Lin Qiao jumped off and clapping his hands forward.

After walking for dozens of meters, they began to see these underground creatures lying on the ground. And mouth, nose, ears have blood flowing out, and these underground creatures have lost their vitality.


Huh? That's it! Is this too fast?

Lin Qiao looked at these corpses in surprise, wondering a little.

But she became happy the next second. It seemed that this rhizome was a weapon to deal with these underground creatures.

Three hours later, Lin Qiao finally moved to a cave with a dedicated passage for the leader of the underground creatures. She stood in the round hole and smelled it. Then she chose the one with the heaviest odor on the ground below the eighth level.

As you walked, the terrain went down, and the smell of the eighth-level underground creatures became heavier. Lin Qiao could feel its breath coming from the depths of this hole.

But walking, Lin Qiao suddenly widened the space in front of her, she stopped. The ground under the feet has become a strange rock, and the ground in front is sloping down. Look up to see the same rocks above.

There was a lot of air flowing in front of me, which was the wind. A strong wind passed by.

Lin Qiao went down carefully, and it got steeper as he went down. Look at the two sides, it looks like a fault.

Faintly felt that there was an ominous feeling, and the atmosphere of the eighth-level underground creature was not below, and Lin Qiao did not go on at last. Instead, he fell back and walked back to the previous hole.

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