Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1072: Wake up big man

After walking back to Lin Qiao, I found that the back looks more like a huge gap. In addition to the hole I just walked out, there are several other naturally formed at least seven or eight meters high and four or five meters wide. Big hole.

The breath of the eighth-level creature leader is coming from another hole next to it.

She followed its breath and slowly walked in from the edge of the cave. When she walked about a hundred meters, a hollow cave suddenly appeared on her left hand side, and the cave was still sinking inside.

The breath of the underground creature leader in this cave, and the sound of breathing came out.

found it!

Lin Qiao went into the cave, and he sunken down a few meters from the entrance. There is a large pit underneath, a large black pimple at the bottom.

"Hoo ~ hoo ~~" There were undulating breathing sounds coming from the body of this big shit. Needless to say, this is the underground creature.

It was dormant, and its breath and energy sense were at least 70% weaker than when it was fighting that night. The atmosphere is chaotic and the vitality in the body is weak.

Lin Qiao narrowed his eyes and saw the red energy on this thing. If it used to look like a large one-kilowatt bulb, it now only has one hundred watts.

And the last energy in the body of this thing is itself repairing the damage inside and outside the body.

It's not a good thing to awaken it directly.

Lin Qiao stepped back slightly, then waved a dark mist. The black mist penetrated its body a little bit along its breath. In order to prevent it from awake, Lin Qiao emitted little black mist. There is no threat to this thing, so it does not react.

After secretly injecting a part of the black mist into the forest, Lin Qiao turned and retreated. Then he took out the rhizome fruit just hanging from the abandoned hole from the space, threw it in and waved his claws.

"噗噗 噗 ——" More than a dozen rhizomes were cut open by Lin Qiao's claw blade, and a deep pungent scent diffused in the hole.

Lin Qiaoyu stepped back a long way. Then I heard a loud roar from behind.

"Roar--" A loud roar exploded immediately with a sound of vibration.

Lin Qiao even felt the rock wall under his feet and his arms shaking. She raised her hand sharply and slammed her finger. The black mist that had just been injected into the creatures under the ground immediately made a small bang, and then turned into a black flame.

Then the other dark mists converged towards this flame and began to grow.

"Roar--" There was a tumble and roar again in that hole, and the giant eighth-level underground creatures made a few rolls in their cave, and then held their bodies and shook their heads .

The disgusting smell in the nose made the eighth-level underground creatures angry, and there was a familiar energy in the body absorbing the little energy left.

"Roar--" The eighth-level underground creature immediately drank loudly, and then burst out of the big hole.

Its roar came to the surrounding hole, and after a while, the roar of many other underground creatures came back.

Lin Qiao waved a few thick black fire snakes again, and shot at the eighth-level underground creatures that had rushed out.

"Roar--" The eighth-level underground creature leader who originally wanted to run to the fault, suddenly smelled Lin Qiao's breath. I knew immediately that she was attacking herself, so she immediately turned and rushed towards Lin Qiao.

Lin Qiao backed away quickly, while controlling the black fire that pounced on the creature leader under the ground into his mouth, while controlling the flame inside him desperately absorbing its energy.

After seeing this big man running violently towards himself, Lin Qiao immediately turned and retreated into a relatively small hole. But you ca n’t pull it too far, or you wo n’t be able to control the abilities that remain in this thing.

"Roar-bang-" The eighth-level underground creature rushed into the hole where Lin Qiao retreated, opened his mouth wide, exposing a sharp white tooth that oozed. There was saliva flowing out of the mouth and it was thrown away.

Lin Qiao was trying to control the black fire in his body to absorb its energy, and at the same time led him into the hole. This hole is getting smaller and smaller, which is good for Lin Qiao.

"Bang bang—" The eight-meter underground creature's ten-meter-high body and four- or five-meter-wide body shape are very inconvenient to run through the hole, and it runs very violently and fiercely, even if its body is in the hole Left and right on the rock wall.

Anyway, it was a state of madness to bite Lin Qiao to death.

Lin Qiao looked back and watched it, and found that it seemed to have slowed down a lot. The scent of those rhizomes has been effective against low-level underground creatures just now, but it seems that the effect against this large block is not very obvious. In other words, the effect is delayed.

"Roar--" The movement of the eighth-level underground creatures in the cave was very loud, and all of them passed to other holes. Underground creatures in other caves gathered here.

Soon after Lin Qiao, some four-fifth-level underground creatures appeared, blocking her back road, and then flung fiercely.

Apparently they were badly damaged by Lin Qiao and the three tonight, so they now look a lot more irritable.

Seeing Lin Qiao yelled at her fangs immediately.

Seeing that he couldn't move backwards, Lin Qiao suddenly cut off the control of the black fire that absorbed the energy of the eighth-level underground creatures, and then jumped on the rock wall next to the stealth, and then kicked into the air again, just that eighth level Underground creature leader rushed under her.

After falling on the back of the thing, Lin Qiao rolled back again, and moved to the back of the creature leader underneath.

She ran a few steps back before she emerged and continued to control the abilities that had penetrated the creature leader underground.

"Roar--" He rushed over and bumped into his own kin. After the head of the underground creature took a stun, he immediately felt Lin Qiao's breath and ran behind him. It had a teasing sensation, and immediately turned his head to roar at Lin Qiao and rushed up again.

But after taking two steps, it suddenly stopped again.


As soon as it stopped, the low-level underground creatures behind it stopped.

The underground creature leader suddenly looked down at his chest and then patted his chest with two front paws. Then it made a few actions like vomiting and coughing.

"Roaring and vomiting-coughing-"

But this time, it didn't cough up the thing in the body that was absorbing its energy.

Because when Lin Qiao controlled the black fire into his body before, it could suppress Lin Qiao's black fire, and then a few coughs turned the black fire into smoke.

However, this time it found that it couldn't hold back Lin Qiao's power.

"Bang-bang-" He couldn't help but hit his chest with his claws vigorously, and the ground creature leader felt a little uncomfortable inside his body.

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