Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1272: Don't let one go

However, these a dozen individuals did not find a transparent figure lying on the wall of the stairway behind them.

Yunmeng nodded: Well, she is indeed in the type of special perception ... After all, zombies are already sensitive to human smell?

She quietly left the building without being noticed by the other party. Then quickly slipped back towards his base, and soon returned to the base. Entering the conference room of the No. 1 office building, there was already a group of people waiting for her.

When Lin Meng appeared, Lin Feng couldn't help but stand up: "Who is it?"

Yunmeng shook his head: "Who doesn't know, but it must have been sent by Si Kongchen. The leader is a seventh-level ability. He doesn't know what type of ability, but he can cover the energy of his own body. Fluctuations. And his own breath is also very strong. If he is an attack type, we may only be able to deal with him here. If it is not an attack, it is probably a dual system and one of them is a type of special perception. "

Her words immediately made everyone's expressions a little serious, but everyone did not show any worried expressions. After all, they still have three seventh-level zombies here ... if he is dual, then as long as he doesn't reach the eighth level. Qiu Lili was more than enough to deal with him.

"Except that the captain is seven, the others are six and nine." Yun Meng said the number of the other party.

"This Sichen Chen is really uneasy. It's all in this situation, even thinking about doing these little moves!" Lin Feng said with a black face, angrily, and said, "Isn't it good to take these people to fight those underground creatures outside?" Have to do this in human circles! Show your ambitions! "

"It doesn't matter that he has his ambitions, but it's not right to stare at us. We've been blind for so many times, and we must continue to be blind!" Yun Meng's face showed a disdainful smile.

Basically, those spy agents who were sent to visit their base were cleaned up directly by her. There is no chance for those people to get close to the base, let alone to reach people in the bases of sentient beings. They were all killed in the last batch of big moves, and this time they came again. Si Kongchen's ambition was also getting frustrated.

"The ten that came this time seemed to be very confident." Yun Meng said something without waiting for everyone to say anything.

"They sent a seventh-level, nine-level sixth. In their eyes, our small base of only a few thousand people, it should be impossible to find nine sixth-level abilities to resist them. Yes, "said Chen Yuting on the right hand side of Lin Feng.

The opposite Lin Lin's expression was a little thoughtful, saying: "I guess Si Kongchen wanted to take advantage of the fact that our leader and Haicheng Wu were not there, mainly to explore the secrets of our base. It was not to invade us. Base, what he really wants to fight is Haicheng. "

"Well, I heard that the situation in the plantation base over Haicheng has been revealed. And Haicheng still eats the fresh vegetables we send every day, which will definitely cause some people to doubt. It seems they know After receiving the delivery channel of Haicheng, I doubted it. This time it is estimated to focus on this point. Otherwise, why would a level 7 ability be sent? ”Lin Feng analyzed the other party ’s purpose, and said,“ Sikong Chen thought we had only a seventh-level ability here, so I sent one over. "

I don't know what the other party's reaction will be to the seven zombie kings of Shangyun Meng.

"Old rules, don't let go of any one!"

"They're ready to act tonight. I'm going to test. Black Panther blocked the road. Now that he thinks we can't find nine level 6 abilities, we will send them twice as many level 6 'powers.' Yunmeng sneered and looked at the crowd and said.

Lin Feng nodded: "That's it."

"You said that they are in Haicheng, will there be a group of people coming tonight?" At this moment Lin Ying asked suddenly hesitantly.

"I'll keep an eye on that side, and let you know if there are any changes." Lin Feng said in a loud voice.

After the meeting, Yunmeng and Qiu Lili gave orders to the current six first-level kings in the Zombie Army to prepare them for battle, and they gave priority to combat-type zombies.

But it didn't take long for Lin Feng to receive the news of the people from Huaxia over Haicheng again, and immediately held an emergency meeting again.

"Fortunately, we were prepared before, so I'm not afraid of the more than a hundred of them." Seeing the news that Lin Feng got was that the people of Huaxia had indeed divided more than a hundred people from Haicheng and it was quiet Rushing over, Yun Meng snorted coldly from the chair.

"Since their numbers have increased, so have our numbers. There are 20 more of their level 6 abilities, and it seems that their focus is still on Haicheng. But their hope is expected to fall through It ’s because their goal is not in Haicheng. ”Lin Feng first clicked the table and changed the original plan, and then said the last sentence with some glee.

Yunmeng nodded: "We have a lot of manpower here, it should have been taken out for a long time!"

Except for those brought out by Lin Qiao, everyone has been training in the training base recently. Of course, these have reached the sixth level, and the task is to stare at the following three, four, and five zombie army training.

It's dark outside and you can't see your five fingers. There is no moon today. Therefore, the dark black wind is more suitable for sneak attack.

The people of Huaxia stood on the top of the building more than ten kilometers away from the sentient base. The short captain sat at the highest position on the top of the building and stared calmly at the direction of the sentient base. Holding a chilling dagger in his hand was playing.

The woman with the short ponytail jumped slightly behind him and looked around. Asked, "Captain, is there any problem with the task of the second team and the third team? The targets cannot be found. Have we already discovered our actions?"

The dagger turning on the captain's hand stopped, and after three seconds, he began to turn on his flexible fingers: "The problem must be there, even if the two children cannot be found, as long as Xie Longyun's action was successful The results of the original plan have not changed much. "

The short ponytail woman's expression was thoughtful, and then she asked, "You said, if the boss really caught Wu Chengyue's child. What should I do with him in the end?"

The captain glanced at her lightly, and said, "What? Heartache that child? Anyway, it is just over a month old, and there is no problem to raise it. But according to the character of our leader, it will only be used to prevent future troubles. "

The ponytail woman really showed some unbearable expressions: "After all, it's just a child, so small ..."

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