Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1273: Out of base

The captain said faintly: "What do you want so much to do? First of all, the operation of the second team and the third team is successful. They can't even locate the target now, and this task is estimated to be water."

"But it's weird. The target was clearly confirmed before. Why did you find that the information did not match here?" The short ponytail woman asked a little in confusion.

The captain was about to say something, and suddenly looked up.

Soon, the woman and the others on the roof immediately noticed something, and Qi turned around to look in the same direction as the captain.

Then they all stood up, showing an alert look.

"Welcome to the battle!" The captain suddenly stood up, and the figure suddenly flashed out after a loud scream.

His subordinates on the top of the building rushed out of the place in batches and spread apart. Their captain was shouting to fight, not to prepare for action. This means that they have been found and they have been found.

"Since you are not invited, don't leave." A man's voice came from far away.

"It depends on whether you have the ability!" The captain sneered in the direction of the man's voice, and then flickered in the blink of an eye.

If he didn't guess wrong, the other person is talking about the only seventh-level ability in the sentient beings base.

"I? Oh, you're the wrong one. We have a girl who wants to play with you, and you should accompany her first." The voice across was indeed Lin Feng, and he answered calmly.

The captain rushed to the position where his voice came as fast as he could, but when he didn't stop, it wasn't Lin Feng's man who met him there, but a pink petite figure.

What surprised the captain was that he hadn't felt the breath of this petite figure until now.

When the pink figure rushed into the air before him, he could see clearly that this was a teenage girl! It was actually a white skirt, but there was a faint red flame on her body. The most obvious feature is the two fluttering long hair behind her. But what most concerned him was that the girl was wearing sunglasses at night? !!

"Hoo--" As soon as Qiu Lili flew into the air, her whole body flames burned. Like a huge fire lotus blooming in the air, it will illuminate the surrounding tens of meters.

As her sparks bloomed, a blast of heat spread suddenly. At high altitude, the ground immediately fell into a high-temperature baking situation, and the air was burnt.

At the same time, a strong breath of energy also spread, and directly suppressed the short captain closest to her.

"You! Who are you!" Suppressed by Qiu Lili's sudden openness, the short captain's original calm expression changed suddenly, stopping suddenly in the sky in front of her, with a startled expression on her face. He stared at Qiu Lili with wide eyes and hesitated to look at her.

"I'm from the base of beings, but you seem to be bad people. Really bullying when our base has few people is weak? Then we're welcome!" The sunglasses worn by Qiu Lili's face blackened her. Hong Zhu's eyes were blocked, so the other party did not know her identity.

However, although her powerful breath is very close to the eighth-level ability, she has not entered the eighth-level realm at all. But in the seventh level, it belongs to the peak.

And this captain's energy breath, although it is seven. But it is not the pinnacle, it can only be regarded as the intensity of the seventh-level intermediate. So in front of Qiu Lili, who was full of momentum, he seemed weak.

More importantly, he didn't know the existence of Qiu Lili. So I was shocked when I was beaten. Fortunately, he is indeed a captain. Although his face seemed a little panicky, his heart calmed down quickly.

After hearing Qi Lili's aggressive words, she immediately responded. He shot first, rushed towards Qiu Lili, and wrapped him with a strange breath.

Seeing that he rushed towards himself, Qiu Lili raised her hand without moving, a flame separated from the huge spark around her, but was blown in by a strong wind in the blink of an eye, then changed into a The flame tornado blew towards the short captain.

As the fire tornado became larger and larger, the wind became stronger. The strong wind produced a suction.

The captain felt that the danger of the little tornado grew stronger and stronger. He knew that the energy in this attack could not be carried hard, but the tornado's suction was also great. His actions to get out of the way were limited by pull.

The captain's body movements were limited by the tornado's suction, so his flashing figure was obviously slower.

"Uh ---" Just as he was one step behind, Qiu Lili's fire tornado had already struck him in an instant.

But after the fire tornado Qiu Lili hit the other side, a white mist suddenly burst out from the whole body of the short man. The tornado exploded, but it did not actually hurt him.

"Baiwu? What kind of power is this?" Qiu Lili looked at the white haze wandering around him in doubt.

When the two opened in the sky, others had already met their opponents.

When the captain's more than one hundred people quickly spread out, it was found that soon a group of men and horses appeared silently around them and blocked them.

The people here at Huaxia had all dispersed into a team of more than a dozen people. As a result, all of them were surrounded by countless figures emerging from the surrounding darkness as soon as they rushed out for a few meters.

"They ... why are there so many people!" The woman took her team member, her expression sinking slightly. His eyes looked at the man who stopped them in disbelief.

"Want to leave? It depends on whether we agree or disagree ?! Come whenever you want, leave if you want to go? Our sentient beings base does not have such rules! Leave your life if you want to leave!" A slightly hoarse woman's voice.

The other's voice was not very good, as if his throat was broken, with a harsh, hoarse voice. I can barely hear the voice of a woman.

Soon, the other figure showed up. A group of people in camouflage uniforms appeared in front of the ponytail women, with hats and sunglasses on their faces. Only the lower half of their face and mouth can be seen, and the face gives a mysterious feeling.

"Not bad tone! Then look at so many of you, do you have this strength!" The woman with short pony tail closed her unbelievable expression on her face and stared at the other person coldly.

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