Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 936: Who started

At this moment Hou Guozhong suddenly looked at Xiao Yunlong and others with dark eyes, and said, "I heard that your leader Wu often stays in the newly-established sentient beings base. It seems that he is really obsessed with Miss Lu."

Xiao Yunlong nodded in acknowledgement: "Indeed, I also think. Unfortunately, Liuhua deliberately, flowing water is ruthless. Miss Lu looks down on our leader Wu. It seems that it is very difficult for our leader to marry Miss Lu back. . "

Hou Guozhong said, "But when we came here, I heard that there was a thunder system on the side of the beings base some time ago, and I didn't know who it was."

He meant something. After all, everyone knows that there are very few thunder abilities. If it is not the former Zombie Emperor, so far Wu Chengyue will be one.

"Oh, do you? Why don't we know?" Xiao Yunlong replied with a blank expression.

"I don't think you can hide it, Wu Chengyue is an eighth-level thunder system. Who can come close to him when he initiates a madness? The situation of your leader is probably bad now." Wei Haichao sneered.

It directly shows that they already know this, and if you Haicheng lack a strong man like Wu Chengyue, what qualifications are there to compete with China?

Since Haicheng is so unpredictable, then they are not to blame Huaxia.

"Our leader Wu is fine, don't worry about everyone." Zou Shihui said lightly, took a drink and took a sip. Obviously, there was not much reaction to Wei Haichao's words.

Xiao Yunlong is the same.

The reaction of the two of them was seen in the eyes of others, and they thought they were covering up deliberately. I'm afraid I'm not calm anymore.

Now that we know that the outside plan can no longer be implemented, several people in Wei Haichao do not want to continue to stay here, false and fake snakes, and they all got up and walked away.

"I'll take you out of the gate. I don't know if you want to go to the north gate or not?" Xiao Yunlong stood up and asked with a grin, after they all got up and left.

"Ximen, are we still afraid of those zombies? Exactly, we can help you by passing by. Should you Haicheng thank us?" Wei Haichao replied without a smile.

"That's not necessary, we can solve it by ourselves. I dare not bother you to help this specially." Xiao Yunlong said indifferently. Without mercy.

"Huh! Then you guys! Anyway, we can just go to Ximen." Wei Haichao's face was dark and said coldly.

Without the opportunity to stir up the muddy water, Wei Haichao and others did not just go straight to the people. Besides, Xiao Yunlong and Zou Shihui also deliberately sent them outside the gate of the base in order to prevent them from acting behind them.

Immediately after leaving the base, Wei Haichao and Hou Guozhong went towards the gathered zombies, and it didn't take long to see the bombed chariots.

They were sprayed with zombies from the base of Qingshan, and when they smelled from afar, the zombies began to disperse.

With these potions, it is easy to operate outside the security base. But if you want to borrow zombies, this kind of potion is not used.

Looking at the chariot that was burned into wreckage, Wei Haichao and Hou Guozhong's faces were extremely ugly.

"Boss, all the other cars have been found. The situation ... is the same!" After searching around, the men returned to report to Hou Guozhong.

Hou Guozhong was even more ugly when he heard it.

"Looking like this, they were either attacked by the fire system or attacked by the lightning system. Their condition is fine this morning. They were broken so quickly that the opponent's strength is very strong." Li Zhengye was beside him. Looking at the condition of the car, he began to analyze.

The chariot was burnt black, but there were no other traces around it. It doesn't look like the car flipped over here and spontaneously exploded. Obviously, when the car drove here normally, it was hit with a power and then blown up. There were still many dead bodies in the car. Outside the car There are also plenty of blood stalls and minced meat. It should also be dragged out of the car by the zombies around and shredded to eat the rest.

The weapons on the vehicle were blown up, and their new weapons were destroyed before they could be used.

"It can't be a lightning system! Wu Chengyue's crazy place is not here. If it is him, it is unlikely that only this car will be hit by lightning without other traces of lightning strikes." Hou Guozhong directly excluded Wu Chengyue. When he wanted to come, it was impossible for Wu Chengyue to appear here at this time.

"Who the **** is that? And because of this attack, your people did not respond at all. Then the opponent's power level is only high or low. At least it is level seven, either lightning or fire. This sea city With the level 7 fire ability of the beings base ... It seems that Lin Feng of the beings base is the fire type, is it him? But he has not heard of him breaking through the level 7 and only rose to the level 6 last year. There should be no So fast. "Li Zhengye thought curiously, and suddenly thought of Lin Feng.

"No matter who we are, we will definitely find out! Huh!" Wei Haichao grunted coldly.

"This Haichao is a shame with your Huaxia, what are you going to do next?" Bao Chengzhi suddenly looked at Hou Guozhong and asked.

This time they can be said to have lost a lot of money, and they didn't plan to actually do any transactions, so they didn't bring anything except the surface materials used for cover up. The elites and weapons brought secretly were wiped out, but there was nothing they really wanted to bring back.

Land purification technology was not available, nor were technicians. Also forced to terminate future transactions with the other party.

For the first base Huaxia, it was just a hard blow.

"Since Haicheng is so ignorant, don't blame us for China Huaxia's indifference. Anyway, now they can't cure Wu Chengyue and see what else they can do to resist our China strength." Wei Haichao flashed a coldness in his eyes , Said his face grimly.

"This sea city is too selfish. Since there is a method of land purification, we can't let everyone know together? It is not united at all, and it will become more and more difficult for humans to survive in this way!" Li Zhengye accused with dissatisfaction. Haicheng.

But in the last days when the strong are respected, we all stand on one side and are irrelevant to each other. If you want to benefit from others, you have to pay the corresponding value.

Huaxia has much more technology than Haicheng. But at that time, they did not see that these technologies were thrown out for human unity and survival. But staring closely at what others have, the technology they don't have is calculated greedily.

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