Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 937: Underground Orangutan

This time, the combination of Huaxia and other bases failed to count in Haicheng, and Huaxia lost a big face. The Tianhuo base and the Mongolian base naturally did not count any benefits, but the Heilong base pulled out halfway and exchanged a batch of food with Haicheng. So Du Kunsheng has become the biggest winner. Although he doesn't want much, at least for the next two or three months, he will not worry about the food and clothing of the hundreds of thousands of survivors at the Black Dragon Base.

"Since this is already the case, let's plan it later when we go back. But now the most important thing is to solve the food problem at the base first. Although Haicheng refused to deal with you any more, he never said he would not agree with us. Skyfire Base Trading. How about? Do we need our help in the future? "Li Zhengye asked with a smile at this moment.

Wei Haichao looked at him with narrowed eyes, sneered in his heart, but his face did not change: "Not for now, we still have grain storage. When we really need it in the future, we will not forget your Tianhuo base. However, maybe We do n’t have to wait until then, and we can work out how to clean up the land. ”

Li Zhengye nodded and said, "That way, I still have some things to do, so I won't go with you. Just say goodbye here, goodbye."

Wei Haichao didn't say anything, and immediately said, "Walk slowly."

After Li Zhengye's people separated from Huaxia's people, they detoured in the direction of the sentient base.

"The momentum of this sentient beings base is very good, and Haicheng will let them develop like this, I doubt whether this is the second base extended from Haicheng's back ground. And now the original Tibetan Cloud City and Dilong bases have survived. The author is adding a lot to Haicheng and the beings base, and the beings base can swallow so many people. It must not be so simple on the surface. "Li Zhengye has already been focusing on the beings base, and sent so many people before Inquired, no useful news came out. Even Gu Yikang took the initiative and disappeared here.

"This sentient beings base is indeed a bit weird, but the people we mixed in have not dared to take too obvious actions. Not long ago, the sentient beings base just packed up a group of people who disturbed it, so in order to stabilize the identity, I let everyone Don't take any action first. "Li Zhengye's deputy looked at him and said.

Because there are a lot of people joining the Sentiment Base recently, it is easy for them to send people in. It is just that after entering, the people in the Sentinel Base will also check their bottom. So in order not to attract attention, the deputy let the mixed people temporarily stop collecting intelligence.

"Take your time, you can't eat hot tofu. It's good to mix in, let them lurk first." Li Zhengye smiled slightly, agreeing with this matter. Continued: "As long as the leader of the sentient beings is not stupid, he will stare at these newly-added survivors. As soon as he enters, he will perform small moves and not expose himself."

The deputy nodded.

At this time, the bases of all beings, Yuan Tianxing and Lin Feng were meeting. After Xie Dong returned, they let them know about Lin Qiao and temporarily handed the base to these two.

In fact, Lin Feng had just returned to the base not long after, and happened to Lin Hao when he was in the medical center to learn about Lin Qiao's sudden disappearance. Knowing that Lin Qiao had no major problems for now, he was relieved. As for why Lin Qiao suddenly ran to Haicheng, he didn't care much about it.

Anyway, the mind of his big sister, he couldn't guess. As long as people are fine, he is too lazy to care.

"These creatures are very afraid of sunlight. They don't dare to make holes in the daytime. They will come out to look for food at night. They have no power, but their physical strength is very strong. The mutation level is the same as that of mutant beasts on the ground, but this creature is first-class However, they can bite a second-level beast-like mutant beast, and the one that directly bites them, and the third-level ones can also be tied unbeaten. More importantly, these creatures can control the mad state autonomously. "Lin Feng's expression condensed after he described the situation of the underground creatures.

Yuan Tianxing heard him, especially the last sentence, which surprised him slightly: "You mean, they can freely control the state of madness?"

Lin Feng nodded, expressing expressionlessly: "So I said that these creatures can play terrestrial beast-type mutant beasts of level three and are not restricted by the opponent's size. These creatures look like orangutans, but There is no hair on the body, there is a layer of hard skin like keratin, the muscles of the extremities are very developed, and the power is endless. The claws are also very hard and sharp, and the iron is really shaved. These underground orangutans have no eyes, and may use their noses and ears or other senses to detect the surrounding environment. "

Yuan Tianxing imagined the action described by Lin Feng, and made up a strangely ugly monster without eyes.

"Every night, these things come out on a large scale to eat alone, and they will go into the burrow when it is dawning. They like to eat living things, and they only hunt mutant beasts when they come out at night. And they will not be on the ground. Eat and eat, as soon as you catch it, you will be bitten and dragged back into the hole. "Lin Feng continued.

Yuan Tianxing frowned, asking a question: "What is the range of activities they come out at night?"

Lin Feng replied: "They choose to go in a different direction every night when they go out for hunting. The longest distance is temporarily one kilometer away. As long as they pass, living things within this kilometer will be caught by them without leak No one can run away. Their detection senses are so sharp that even the birds on the tree were bitten before they could fly. "

That said, none of these underground orangutans have survived.

Yuan Tianxing looked at Lin Feng and asked, "How did you observe them? Didn't find them?"

Lin Feng shook his head: "It wasn't us who approached them. They were brought by Asan and Asi."

Asa and Asa are zombies, those things have no interest in them. Turn a blind eye.

Yuan Tianxing then nodded clearly: "Oh, this is the case. What is the highest level of these things?"

Lin Feng was silent for a few seconds before he drunkly said: "Seventh level. From the time I observed this time, at least seven out of every night came out with more than one. Because every two In three days, a different batch will be replaced. "

Yuan Tianxing's eyes widened slightly, and some were unbelievable: "You mean, the number of seventh levels is not yet determined? And how many?"

It is not difficult for the current change beast to encounter a seventh-level beast, but it will not appear in a pile. Because the level 7 mutant beast consciousness is very strong, it is impossible for two to act together. Not even the same kind.

If there are more than two seventh-level mutant beasts in the same class, it can only indicate that there may be eight-level existence behind this.

"Anyway, I've seen no less than 20 these days. And these seven level creatures can be as powerful as a level eight mutant as long as they are mad." Lin Feng sighed and said.

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