
  Just about this, a mountain wind came out.

  In the wind, there is a smell of fishy smell.

  "Is something in the wind?"

  Wuxin's face changed slightly, but it was Lingjue's warning.


  Yue Qiluo also raised her brows and looked in the direction of the wind.

  I saw there, there was a cloud of gray gas that was moving here.

  "This guy is coming very fast."

  Lin Feng raised his brows, but recognized that this was Yu Xiaozhu's breath.

  As a great demon who has practiced for [-] years, Yu Xiaozhu's strength is not as good as Wuxin's, but it is still a level of existence.

  Therefore, Lin Feng summoned him.

  The ash fell into the woods on the side, and then the wind stopped.

  Soon, the elegant Yu Xiaozhu walked out of the forest.

  "Big monster."

  There was a hint of greed in Yue Qiluo's eyes.

  The essence of a big demon is enough to reach a hundred people.

  Although she is not lacking in essence now, she still has the habit of accumulating essence. At this moment, seeing Hunting Xinxi, her hands are a little itchy.

  "These days, there are few big monsters, but we meet here. Could it be that he is Taotie's subordinate and is responsible for guarding this place?"

  There was a little more seriousness on Wuxin's face.

  The big demon, in this world, is already considered a strong man.

  "Don't be nervous, he was called by me."

  Seeing that Yue Qiluo and Wuxin were both tense and eager to try, Lin Feng quickly said hello.

  Otherwise, wait for a fight, but it's not easy.

  "Oh, I also said that dinner is available tonight."

  Yue Qiluo was a little discouraged.


  "You guy, I didn't feed you?"

  Lin Feng threw a sudden chestnut on Yue Qiluo's head.

  "Lin Feng..."

  Yue Qiluo swung her teeth and claws at Lin Feng.

  Lin Feng stretched out his hand and pressed his head to suppress him.

  At this time, Yu Xiaozhu had already come to Lin Feng.



  Lin Feng nodded.

  Aside, he was stunned.

  He originally thought that the big demon who came here should be Lin Feng's friend.

  However, they did not expect that this snake demon, like the queen mother, was Lin Feng's servant.

  This is kind of scary.

  An archmage has an archmage, a ghost, and a big demon.

  Three masters of the same level.

  If this is spread, who will believe it?

  "Brother Feng, how many powerful subordinates do you have?"

  Yue Qiluo, who was pressed by Lin Feng's head, was also stunned.

  Just under this odious Lin Feng, there are three powerhouses at the level of archmage.

  When did the powerhouse of the archmage level become so worthless.

  "Forty or fifty."

  Lin Feng said an approximate number.

  "You... liar..."

  Yue Qiluo was so angry.


  Lin Feng was stunned.

  I'm telling the truth, why doesn't anyone believe it?

  The tent is set up, and there is special boiling water for cooking.

  After having dinner and resting for a while, the sun completely went down and night fell.

  dong dong dong-

  At this time, the ground trembled slightly, and the sound of heavy objects hitting the ground sounded in the silent night sky.

  The entire forest suddenly became quiet. .

Chapter 133

  "what sound?"

  "Dragon turned over?"


  Ordinary soldiers panicked.


  Yue Qiluo, Wuxin, and Yu Xiaozhu stood up at the same time.

  Gu Xuanwu even drew his gun and jumped up.

  "It's okay, it's the subordinate I called, please don't panic."

  Lin Feng smiled and stood up.

  The three generals under his command have finally arrived.

  "It's your subordinate again?"

  Unintentional complexion.

  With such a big movement, the strength of the outside visitors can be imagined.

  Unintentionally found that the fog on Lin Feng's body turned out to be thicker.

  Every time, he thought he saw through it, but in fact, he only saw a foot in the mist.

  At this time, the sound of dong dong dong had already arrived outside.


  The guards outside were shaking.

  If it wasn't for Gu Xuanwu who was behind him and knew that there were several powerful mages in the team, they would definitely have run away by now.

  "Three jumps!"

  Yue Qiluo swallowed her saliva and looked at Lin Feng with weird eyes: "Lin Feng, are you really not a liar?"

  "What did I lie to you about?"

  Lin Feng was speechless. So far, he has given a lot to Yue Qiluo, but he has not gotten anything.

  However, it doesn't matter anymore, since he is under his control, he will not let him handle it in the future.


  Yue Qiluo was speechless.

  Only then did I remember that these days, she has been taking advantage of it.

  "Master's subordinates, there are three such fierce gods~々."

  Yu Xiaozhu's face was also shocked.

  These three jumping stiffs, no matter which one, he is not sure of winning.

  However, if it is true, he is not afraid.

  Because his speed is enough to let him get away easily.

  "Is this the strength of Mr.

  Gu Xuanwu has already looked at it.

  Three legendary zombies.

  Although he doesn't know the goods, he also knows that none of these three zombies are easy to mess with.


  A black light burst out from Mr. Ren's head and landed in Lin Feng's arms.

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