But it is Ahri who has been missing today.

  "Brother Feng, I brought them here."

  Ah Li rubbed against Lin Feng's chest to ask for credit.

  Because there was a lot of people in the vicinity of Pig Head Mountain, Lin Feng specially let Ah Li accompany him.

  In case San Zong meets someone and scare them.

  In other words, it is fierce and can eat people directly.

  After all, although these three stiffs are not low in intelligence, Lin Feng naturally knows the temptation of hot blood to zombies.

  "Okay, it's over, reward you."

  Lin Feng rubbed Ali's head.


  San Zong stood aside and said hello to Lin Feng with corpse language.

  Lin Feng nodded and looked at Gu Xuanwu: "You take someone and guard it. No matter what you hear, don't come into the cave."


  Gu Xuanwu's face was solemn. At this time, he realized that the treasure that he accidentally discovered in the past was not as simple as he imagined.

  Otherwise, if it was just used to get the gold and silver he hid in the cave, would Lin Feng need so much trouble?

  No, Lin Feng, who had a gold mine under his command, could not count on his inventory.


  Lin Feng waved his hand, and dozens of paper figurines flew out of his sleeves and began to dig the ground.


  Yue Qiluo looked strange.

  Using paper figures to dig the ground, I am afraid that only Lin Feng can do it.

  However, this place is too soft.

  She didn't know, just when they were resting, Lin Feng had used the cockroach secret technique to summon the cockroaches around and dig the soil.

  Now, those cockroaches have all climbed into the cave along the gap.

  However, under Lin Feng's perception, the cockroaches that entered the cave did not die on a large scale.

  Now, the very edible guy in the cave is not interested in cockroaches.

  In the dense forest on the side, at this moment, there are also thousands of pairs of green eyes staring here.

  Those were the bats summoned by Lin Feng. They were hanging upside down on the tree, resting and ready to be dispatched at any time.

  This is Lin Feng's prepared retreat.

  If you really have a conflict with Taotie at that time, and you are still invincible, the bat swarm can take them and fly away from here.

  Smoke and dust were everywhere, and soon, the cover that covered the cave was dug out.

  Dozens of paper figurines exerted their strength at the same time, and the lid was lifted off immediately, revealing a dark hole.

  The Royal Zombie jumped first, but it was Lin Feng who let it open the way.

  With his bronze armor, his defense and strength are the strongest among the three stiffs (alright, alright), but he is just right to be used as a meat shield.

  "¨~ Let's go."

  Lam Fung followed.

  Yue Qiluo, Wuxin and Yu Xiaozhu also followed.

  Grandpa Ren and Nintendo went to the rear.

  In the blink of an eye, the entire group had been swallowed up by the darkness and disappeared.

  Gu Xuanwu looked at the dark cave, and felt a little panic in his heart.

  He is not afraid of nature, not afraid of earth, and has no respect for ghosts and gods. He only believes in the guns in his hands.

  However, after meeting Lin Feng, his worldview was shattered.

  It turned out that in this world, there really are such ghosts and ghosts.

  After turning around the entrance of the cave a few times, a sharp look flashed in his eyes: "Come here, bring me all the explosives.".

Chapter 134

  In the cave, it was pitch black.

  However, some of the people who came in were not people, and some were not ordinary people, but they were able to travel unimpeded in the dark.

  "Master, I don't smell living creatures except ourselves."

  The royal zombie's nose twitched, sensing the surrounding breath.

  "Neither do we."

  Grandpa Ren and Nintendo also spit out corpses.

  "Go inside."

  Lin Feng nodded.

  Zombies are most sensitive to the breath of living creatures.

  At this moment, San Zong didn't smell it, that is to say, in this hole, either there is really no living thing, or the living thing is too strong, and San Zong can't find it at all.

  Now this situation is obviously the latter.

  Just this point, you can see the power of that gluttonous.

  This is a cave completely dug out of hard rock, and the hole is covered with dense tree roots.

  Lin Feng naturally knew that once their existence was detected by Taotie, some of these roots would be resurrected and attack them.

  However, he did not let people clean up these roots.

  Because these tree roots are just tools for gluttony.

  Without the roots, the sleeping gluttons definitely have other means to attack them.

  Therefore, instead of guarding against other means, it is better to stare at this known means.

  However, appropriate reminders are still needed.

  "Everyone pay attention to these tree roots. I don't think these tree roots are simple. Don't overturn the boat in the gutter."

  "it is good!"



  Everyone nodded.

  Only Yue Qiluo came to Lin Feng's side: "Brother Feng, I'm a little scared!"

  "I believe you a ghost!"

  Lin Feng was speechless, but he knew that this guy just wanted to be lazy.

  However, he did not dismantle it, but directly put his arms around her waist and narrowed the distance between them.

  "It's okay, I'll protect you, even if that glutton really wants to eat us, I'll let him eat you first."

  "Let him eat me first?"

  Yue Qiluo had a black line on her face, and there was a bit of resentment in her eyes when she looked at Lin Feng.

  Taking advantage of me and saying such things, this kind of man should really be killed.

  Unfortunately, I can't beat it myself.

  Moreover, the feeling of being hugged, it seems, is not bad.


  The two of them chirped me and me all the way, and the people, demons, and zombies around them unconsciously turned their eyes to other places, ignoring them.

  The cave is not very deep, and soon, everyone came to the innermost.

  The innermost is a small semi-circular space.

  It was empty inside, with only three boxes in the center.

  The box was covered with tree roots.


  Wuxin and Yu Xiaozhu stepped forward, tore off the roots, and opened the box.

  But I saw that the box was full of gold and silver jewelry.

  The gadgets gleamed in the dark with a seductive sheen.

  San Zong is unmoved, they are already dead, these worldly things, for them, have no meaning.

  Wuxin and Yu Xiaozhu took a deep breath.

  Although one of them is not an ordinary person and the other is not a human being, but they are all rolling in the sea of ​​worldly misery, they naturally know the weight of these yellow and white things.

  A few days ago, Wuxin worked hard to help Gu Xuanwu exorcise evil spirits, and in the end he only got five small yellow croakers, which is already a high price.

  So much money, I am afraid that he may not be able to earn it even if he has worked diligently all his life.

  And Yu Xiaozhu, who has been a pillar in Liyuan for more than ten years, has accumulated only [-]% of the money here.

  For a time, this person and the demon couldn't help swallowing saliva.

  Although they all know that this thing is enough, no matter how much it is, it is just a number.

  However, they couldn't help being greedy.

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