Fortunately, they all know who they are doing things for now, so they didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

  "Unexpectedly, Gu Xuanwu's family is quite rich."

  Yue Qiluo slowly stepped forward, picked up a pearl necklace from inside and played with it.

  "In the end, it's a small warlord, and it's normal to have a little family background."

  Lin Feng stepped forward and snatched the necklace from Yue Qiluo's hand.


  "It's alright." Yue Qiluo nodded.

  "Then send it to you."

  Lin Feng reached out and brought the necklace to Yue Qiluo.

  Today's Yue Qiluo is wearing her iconic red coat with a pearl necklace, not to mention, it's really good-looking.

  "Hmph, no sincerity at all."

  Yue Qiluo's face flashed with joy.

  "No, then forget it!"

  "Oh... who said no."

  Yue Qiluo quickly protected her chest.

  "These things are considered as your reward for coming to help this time."

  Lin Feng looked at Wuxin and Yu Xiaozhu.

  In the past, these gold and silver jewels would definitely be able to blind him.

  But now, holding a gold mine in his hand, these things are somewhat distasteful to him.


  "I have that too?"

  Suddenly stunned.

  But he did not expect that Lin Feng was so generous.

  So much gold and silver jewelry, even if it is only half, I am afraid that I can buy a street in Wenxian.

  Yu Xiaozhu was even more confused.

  Although, Lin Feng couldn't control him.

  However, Lin Feng was kind to Chu Chu and at the same time controlled Chu Chu.

  No way, he can only let Lin Feng drive.

  Therefore, this time he came, but he had no other ideas at all.

  But now, Lin Feng said he would pay him.

  The master asks his subordinates to do things, and does he still need to be paid?

  "Just think of it as a congratulatory gift for you and Crescent Moon to get married."

  Lin Feng said a word to Wuxin, and then looked at Yu Xiaozhu: "Qingzhuxuan will not be open to the outside world, there must be losses, follow me too, it stands to reason that I should also pay you wages, these should be the first Hundred years of wages."

  A box of half gold and silver is worth a hundred years of loyalty for a big demon.

  Moreover, they also included a hot spring villa for themselves and others as a foothold.

  "what about me?"

  Aside, Yue Qiluo quit.

  I'm here to help too, okay?

  "Is one necklace not enough?"

  "You bully people!"

  Water mist appeared in Yue Qiluo's eyes.

  This acting is awesome.


  Lin Feng leaned into Yue Qiluo's ear and whispered.

  Lao Yue blushed and stopped making trouble.

  "Sir, this..."

  Wuxin was still confused, there was no free lunch in the world, he didn't believe that the money was so easy to get.

  "Don't say it, after this matter is over, I still have something to look for you, just don't be too troublesome at that time."

  Lin Feng waved his hand, of course he wouldn't say that he had taken a fancy to Wuxin's blood.

  At this time, let Wuxin hold the benefits first. When the time comes, he will be soft-handed and short-mouthed, and he will naturally not refuse.

  You must know that in Lin Feng's plan, the blood he needs is not a small number.

  On the other side, Yu Xiaozhu was very moved.

  There was an urge to die for the confidant.

  However, he had the idea of ​​telling Lin Feng about a secret place he had undoubtedly discovered.

  Whoosh whoosh—

  At this moment, there was an abnormal noise above the cave.

  Everyone looked up and saw that some of the tree roots entrenched on the stone wall were activating and twisting. .

Chapter 135

  The twisting tree roots, like small snakes struggling, attacked them from the sky, the ground, and all directions.

  "Everyone be careful, I'm afraid that gluttonous glutton will find us."

  Lin Feng's face became a little more excited, and finally, he was going to meet that taotie.

  If there is no accident in his plan, then he will also have a prepared knowledge and understanding of this world from the gluttonous place.


  The bronze light loomed on the body of the royal zombie, but it pushed the bronze armor to the extreme.

  Two tree roots emerged from the ground and wrapped around his legs, but they were directly broken by his legs with violence.


  Grandpa Ren's pitch-black corpse hand slid through the darkness, three roots fell from the sky, and the tree roots that were about to be tied were cut off by him.


  Nintendo's play is the heaviest, grab one directly, and study it carefully.

  The roots of the tree kept twisting in his hands, but he couldn't get out of control at all.


  Yu Xiaozhu took out a machete from nowhere, wielded it with great might, and attacked the roots of his tree, all of which were cut off with one knife.

  Lin Feng and Yue Qiluo summoned their respective paper figurines to guard the surroundings. For a while, those tree roots could not help them.

  Only Wuxin looked a little embarrassed, jumping up and down, constantly dodging.

  But he didn't use his blood.

  "Where is this gluttony hiding?"

  Lin Feng's spiritual power radiated out, looking for these activated tree roots to go upstream, trying to find the hiding place of gluttonous.

  However, nothing was found.

  There are more and more activated tree roots all around, densely packed, twisting frantically, looking a little scary.

  "No, I can't take it anymore."

  Suddenly, Wuxin's expression changed, and he took out a dagger from nowhere and swiped it in the palm of his hand.

  Immediately, the bright red blood seeped out, and the dagger was also stained with blood.


  Wuxin waved the blood-stained dagger, trying to cut off the roots of the tree that could not be avoided in front of him.


  The dagger cut into the root of the tree.

  But unexpectedly failed to cut off the roots.

  Instead, it got stuck in the root of the tree.

  "No, my blood is useless to this tree root."

  Wuxin's face changed greatly, the roots of the tree had already swept up and tied it up.

  Whoosh whoosh—

  A few tree roots took advantage of the weakness and entangled Wuxin.

  Then the roots were harvested, and Wuxin was dragged towards the stone wall above his head.

  "Sure enough, that gluttonous man is not a demon, a god, a fairy, or an evil spirit, so unintentional blood is useless to him."

  Lin Feng's heart moved, and another paper figurine flew out of him.

  These paper figures held paper knives in their hands.

  The light of the sword flashed, and the cold air crossed, directly cutting off the few tree roots that were entangled in Wuxin.

  "Paper man with a knife?"

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