Totally unnecessary.

  He must have seen himself and Crescent Moon living a hard life and wanted to give him a hand.

  In an instant, Wuxin's heart was filled with emotion.

  "Mad, I accidentally ate a cockroach just now. It's still a little disgusting. This little snake will not be eaten for the time being."

  A strange color flashed in Taotie's eyes.

  Although Lin Feng was crowded, he didn't pay attention to Taotie at all.

  A group of ants, he raised his hand to destroy.

  But now, he has a slight interest in Lin Feng.

  With such an elite Yin soldier under his command, the background of this guy is probably not small.

  He wanted to see what Lin Feng wanted.

  So, don't eat this little snake for the time being.

  I was just met by cockroaches, and now I really have no appetite.

  Immediately, he put Yu Xiaozhu aside and looked at Lin Feng curiously.

  At the same time, his body shrank to the size of a calf, and the aura on his body also disappeared.

  In the enchantment, the domineering aura that belonged to it disappeared.

  Outside, the vision in the sky also disappeared, and the moonlight fell on Pig Head Mountain again.

  The night wind was blowing, as if nothing had happened.

  "I'll give you a chance, and give me an explanation that will satisfy me, otherwise, no matter what you have and who is behind you, today, you will surely die."


  Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

  It's good to have a good conversation.

  Hard is just a helpless act.

  If he really did it, then his action this time would be a failure.

  Moreover, he also provoked a powerful enemy out of thin air.

  Even, it is possible to get out of this cave.

  Immediately, he stared at Taotie and advised: "Your deadline is approaching, choose to let time stand still, and sleep here... Sleeping can indeed delay aging, but what is the difference between deep sleep and death?"

  "What's the difference between sleeping and dying?

  Haha, kind of interesting.

  However, I was already tired of seeing the outside world. Rather than waiting to die outside, it would be better to stay in the cave and slowly leave alone. "

  There was a trace of sadness on Taotie's face.

  The longer you get it, the more you will be afraid of death. This is not a casual talk, but there is some truth to it.

  Taotie once thought that he could face death peacefully.

  However, when death was really coming, he, who was not afraid of the sky, was afraid.

  "Do you know how long you've been asleep?"

  "After the Five Husbands, I began to fall asleep. What age is it now?"

  "Five random flowers... That is to say, you have been sleeping for more than fourteen hundred years."

  Lin Feng sucked in a breath of cold air, realizing that the deadline was approaching, and he began to fall asleep.

  It has been sleeping for more than a thousand years, and it is still not dead.

  And it won't be dead for a while.

  How long is the lifespan of this gluttonous?

  "For more than [-] years, the world has already undergone earth-shaking changes. Instead of dying quietly here, I think you might as well leave here, return to this world, and enjoy this last time. It's not a waste of life."

  "The earth-shaking changes? What changes can this world have?"

  Taotie was a little unconvinced. He watched human beings change from monkeys to human beings, and then slowly develop and grow.

  Before he fell asleep, the world had not changed much.

  And now, after he slept for such a short time, the world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

  Who are you fooling?

  "I have a present for you, you will know after you eat it."

  Lin Feng backhanded and pulled Yue Qiluo, who was behind him, in front of him.

  PS: I think that the plots have been connected in series, and I don't know if there are any loopholes. What terrible things will happen next... I dare not even think about it. .

Chapter 138


  Yue Qiluo looked at Lin Feng with a confused expression.


  When I saw this scene, I was dumbfounded.

  A terrible thought came out of his mind.

  Lin Feng called him here, not because he wanted to treat him as food and give it to this gluttonous glutton.

  Immediately, his scalp tingled.

  Although he is immortal and immortal, even if his body is only a little bit damaged, he can regenerate it again.

  However, if it was swallowed directly by a strange beast like Taotie, it would be really over.

  "No, Crescent Moon is still waiting for me at home, I can't die here, I have to go back, take this Crescent Moon, leave Wenxian, go, the farther you go, the better."

  Inadvertently glanced around, and instantly became desperate again. In this enchantment, he had nowhere to go.

  Not far away, Yu Xiaozhu, who had just recovered, was also stunned.

  He saw that along the way, Lin Feng and Yue Qiluo have been chasing me and me, thinking that the two are lovers.

  Now it seems that I have lost sight of myself.

  "Qi Luo, I'm sorry."

  Lin Feng stared affectionately at Yue Qiluo who was in a panic, stretched out his hand and pinched her little face that was already pale with panic.

  "Lin Feng, what are you doing?"

  Yue Qiluo was really panicked.

  Because she suddenly discovered that the mana in her body was not under her control.

  Unable to use this body of mana, she instantly changed from a powerful archmage to a girl who was powerless.

  Can you panic?

  Moreover, looking at the posture, Lin Feng wanted to give her away, uh, no, he wanted to give her to a beast.

  Give yourself to gluttons to eat.

  Thinking of the fate she was about to face, water mist appeared in Yue Qiluo's eyes.

  At this moment, she finally knew what was wrong.

  This Lin Feng was not at ease at first.

  He let himself suck his essence just to control himself.

  I'm so stupid, really.

  I know that he is far superior to me in the undead soul art and the secret art of swallowing spirits, so I still dare to suck his essence from time to time.

  Poor me, I thought I was taking advantage of it, and I don't have to run around to kill for my energy from now on.

  Unexpectedly, this is a game in itself.

  A situation that has plunged itself into a doomed situation.

  Now, the mana in his body is all refined from his body.

  Therefore, the origins of these mana are all branded with his imprint.

  Pity myself for being so smart and confused for a while.

  Now, it's over.

  "It's alright, as soon as you close your eyes, the pain will go away~々."

  Lin Feng took Yue Qiluo's hand with one hand, and pressed the other hand on her head.

  Suddenly, a suction force came out from Lin Feng's palm.

  Yue Qiluo felt that her soul was splitting and traumatized.


  The intense pain caused tears to fall from the corners of her eyes.

  In the plot, because gluttonous devoured Yue Qiluo, he felt her emotions and got her memory, and then, there was Xiaodingmao.

  And now, Lin Feng is going to use Yue Qiluo's soul to create another little cat.

  He controlled Yue Qiluo and used the full-level undead soul technique to extract part of Yue Qiluo's soul. At the same time, he copied all Yue Qiluo's emotions and memories into this part of the soul.

  Soon, a translucent soul body was pulled out of Yue Qiluo's body.

  "Eat it, and you will know how the world has changed drastically."

  Lin Feng threw the soul body to Taotie.

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