A strange color flashed in Taotie's eyes, he opened his mouth and took a breath, and immediately, the soul body disappeared into his mouth.

  It closed its eyes and began to digest everything in the soul body.

  "Lao Yue, you won't be so frustrating, will you?"

  Lin Feng then looked at Yue Qiluo in front of him.

  Because part of her soul power was stripped away, Yue Qiluo was a little stunned at this moment.

  Looking at Lin Feng's eyes, he was a little dull.

  "Lin Feng, it hurts so much..."

  There were tears in Yue Qiluo's eyes, pitiful.

  The pain of soul splitting is not something ordinary people can bear.

  If it wasn't for her practice of immortality, her soul would never be peeled off, it would only be turned into pieces.

  "It's okay, take a sip and it'll be fine right away."

  Lin Feng's body was surging, and he didn't need Yue Qiluo to suck it, he just shoved it into his mouth.


  Yue Qiluo hesitated for a while.

  Lin Feng had just been pitted.

  Once bitten by a snake, he was afraid of the rope for ten years.

  There is a shadow in her heart now.

  But in the end, she chose to accept it.

  Because it was so painful, it still hurts now.

  And around here, she couldn't find any other spirit.

  Moreover, there is a very important point, that is, the essence in Lin Feng's body is many times higher than ordinary essence.

  This taste, of course, has to be better. I don't know how many grades.

  Simply put, it's... it's delicious!

  The surging essence poured into the body, quickly repairing her injuries.

  Her pale face began to turn red again.

  "¨~ What is this operation?"

  Aside, involuntarily stared blankly.

  He thought that Yue Qiluo was finished.

  Didn't expect it to happen like this.

  In the distance, Yu Xiaozhu also breathed a sigh of relief.

(good king good)

  If Lin Feng is really the kind of person who turns his face and doesn't recognize people, maybe, he should consider the way out for himself and Chu Chu.

  At this moment, Taotie also completely digested the soul body.

  "The world has changed a lot."

  "You're right, what's the difference between slumber itself and death?"

  "So, I decided to go out and have a look."

  Taotie said in a loud voice, and then a white light flashed on his body, and his body continued to shrink, and finally turned into a human appearance.

  A short-haired Yue Qiluo in a white gown but with a flatter chest.

  "Little Ding cat row!"

  Lin Feng's heart moved, and he couldn't help but speak out.

  "Little Ding Mao? This name is not bad, very good, from now on, I will be called ... Xiao Ding Mao!"

  A hint of playfulness flashed in Taotie's eyes, and he looked at Lin Feng with a smile that was not a smile. .

Chapter 139

  Although he didn't know what the name Little Dingmao represented, he instinctively felt that this name was very fateful to him.

  For this reason, he couldn't help but glance at Lin Feng again.

  There is something in this kid.

  "You...how did you become like me."

  Yue Qiluo exploded.

  This is completely a male version of myself.

  No, it's just like a woman disguised as a man.

  Seeing an almost identical self appear in front of her, even Yue Qiluo couldn't help but feel chills at the moment.

  If at this time, this gluttonous eater eats her again, then in this world, Yue Qiluo still exists, but it is no longer her.

  "I have your memory, and I have felt your emotions. Naturally, it is the most suitable for me to become you."

  Little Ding Mao said of course.


  Yue Qiluo wanted to say something else, but after seeing Xiao Dingmao's half-smile eyes, she closed her mouth again.

  The eyes of the little Ding cat are really terrifying.

  In front of him, he seemed to have no secrets.

  No, it's not as if, it's true that there are no secrets.

  Because the soul body that was stripped away by Lin Feng just now has all her memories from childhood to adulthood.

  "It's all your fault..."

  But Xiao Dingmao couldn't help it, Yue Qiluo set his eyes on Lin Feng again, but immediately turned away.

  Because of her sad discovery, she couldn't help Lin Feng.

  "Ah...you know how to bully me...one day..."

  Yue Qiluo went wild.

  "How about one day?"

  Of course Lin Feng would not be threatened by her.


  Yue Qiluo didn't dare to say harsh words.

  When there is no strength, it is useless to speak ruthlessly. She still understands this truth.

  "Let's go, I can't wait to see the outside world."

  Ding Mao's gaze stayed on Lin Feng and Yue Qiluo for a moment, then lifted his legs and walked out.

  At this step, the barrier that had existed for thousands of years was shattered, and everyone instantly returned to the cave where Gu Xuanwu had stacked his treasures.

  Lin Feng waved his hand and put Dong Xiaoyu and a group of ghost soldiers into the gourd. At the same time, he looked at Wuxin and Yu Xiaozhu: "Take the things!"


  There was little Dingmao, and the two of them didn't say much.

  Lifted the box containing the gold and silver.

  Yu Xiaozhu mentioned two, but unintentionally mentioned one.

  For ordinary people, this box is definitely not light, but in their hands, it is nothing.



  No one is empty.

  There were explosives piled all around.

  In the distance, Gu Xuanwu kept spinning in place.

  His mood is very complicated and contradictory.

  The appearance of Lin Feng broke his peaceful life.

  It brought him both despair and hope.

  Sometimes, he hoped that Lin Feng would die. In this case, that gold mine would belong to him.

  However, a Gu worm was planted in his body by Lin Feng.

  According to Lin Feng, if he died, he would definitely not be able to live.

  Therefore, for the sake of his own life, Gu Xuanwu hoped that nothing would happen to Lin Feng.

  And he piled explosives at the entrance of the cave, naturally it was not used to deal with Lin Feng.

  Lin Feng is dead, will he die?

  It's a gamble.

  He doesn't want to gamble.

  However, this time, Lin Feng entered the cave so vigorously, but it made Gu Xuanwu panic.

  In this cave, what kind of existence does Lin Feng need to call on so many helpers?

  What if Lin Feng couldn't solve that guy, and was killed in the end, and annoyed the existence inside and let him rush out?

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