I searched everywhere, and I went all over the county, but I didn't see anyone. "


  "Don't worry, did you bring her clothes or other things that have her breath?"

  I have roughly guessed what the situation is, and I know that Crescent Moon should not be life-threatening, and Lin Feng is not in a hurry.

  "Yes, this is the hairpin she usually uses to braid her hair."

  Although Wuxin is not good at finding people, he is not ignorant of this, so he came prepared.

  "If there is something, it's easy to say."

  Lin Feng nodded, waved his hand, and mana poured out, extracting the breath of the crescent moon from the hairpin.

  "Go, after you find this girl, report back to me immediately."

  Lin Feng casually patted the breath in his sleeve.

  Immediately, densely packed paper figurines flew out of his sleeves and flew in all directions.

  Hundreds of paper figurines are divided every time the road forks, Wenxian goes out, there is no way, they will not miss it.

  "Don't worry, there should be results soon."

  Seeing Wuxin fidgeting on the side, Lin Feng couldn't help but want to laugh.

  This guy, when faced with gluttonous food, was relatively stable, but he didn't expect that in the face of this matter, he panicked again.

  Sure enough, in this world, there is no real power at all. No matter how powerful a person is, he has his own weaknesses.

  As long as he finds his weakness, he is vulnerable.

  The unintentional weakness is the crescent moon.

  What about your own weakness?

  Lin Feng couldn't help but think.

  "Well, I have no weaknesses."

  After thinking about it for a long time, he didn't come up with it.

  "Wuxin, don't worry, Mr. is very powerful, and you will be able to find the Crescent Girl soon."

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  Gu Xuanwu no longer smiled at this moment.


  After about half a stick of incense, a paper man turned around.

  "Old Gu!"

  With a move in Lin Feng's heart, he greeted Gu Xuanwu.

  "Crescent Moon is about ten kilometers away from the city. You take people with Wuxin and bring them back."

  Lin Feng arranged.

  As expected, Crescent Moon was taken away by his parents.

  If you let Wuxin save people, you may not be able to save them.

  Gu Xuanwu's shot is no problem.

  Crescent Moon's parents are ordinary small farmers, and they don't dare to be arrogant even if they are given ten courage in front of being a soldier.




  Soon, a military vehicle, led by the paper man, headed out of the city.

  "Are you making an unintentional idea?"

  Yue Qiluo came over with a glass of wine.

  For Lin Feng, she has complicated feelings now.

  Speaking of love...it seems a little bit like that.

  Speaking of hate...it seems to be a little bit like that.

  With such complicated feelings, she was not trying to figure out Lin Feng's thoughts all the time.

  "His blood can destroy all evil."

  "You want his blood?"


  "...you really have impure motives."


  On the mountain road outside Wenxian County, a donkey cart was on its way.

  An old man was sitting outside the car, holding a wooden stick. On the wooden stick, a carrot hung from a rope and landed in front of the old donkey.

  The old donkey rushed forward, trying to eat carrots.

  Unfortunately, it's still a little bit worse.

  However, its stubborn temper made it necessary to eat carrots.

  Therefore, along the way, his speed is not satisfied.

  In the donkey cart, Crescent Moon had tears in her eyes, obviously she had just cried.

  On the side, an old woman is persuading: "Crescent moon, there are thirty acres of fertile land in Mr. Liu's house..."


  Suddenly, a light came from behind.

  At the same time, there is the unique roar of the truck.

  PS: I don't feel like I'm in a state... The plot of Wuxin Mage is about to end, and it's about to enter the plot of Nu Qing Xiangxi... stuck.begging.

Chapter 141

  The college entrance examination, the pressure is high, the plot is not clear, Carvin, can't write it... I will make up tomorrow, tomorrow will be ten shifts... After tomorrow, this July, the rest of the days, 7 shifts a day, if I can't do it... I am very special. What... I'm a special woman... Chrysanthemum stuffed with garlic... Upside down diarrhea...

  Seriously, the grades of the book are good, and the two demons have been really weak recently, and I want to force myself. I will sort out the outline tonight, and I want you to look at it tomorrow.

  - Less than [-] words, no charge!

  Two Demons, on July 2020, 7! .

Chapter 142

  "Old man, what's the sound?"

  The curtain of the donkey cart was pulled open, and an old woman stuck her head out and shouted.

  "Be quiet, there are big soldiers passing by..."

  The old man's face was filled with fear, and he changed his usual obedience, and his voice was much louder than usual.

  "Big Head Soldier..."

  The old woman was shocked, her head retracted into the car, but she didn't dare to make a sound.

  These days, the army is in chaos, the reputation of those who eat imperial food is not very good, and almost none of them are reasonable.

  In this wilderness, if they get in their way, they will be cleaned up, the reputation is not good, and they may die.

  In the donkey cart, Crescent Moon, who was wiping tears, suddenly stopped sobbing and regained her energy.

  Here, Liwen County is still reluctant.

  These soldiers are very likely to be the subordinates of Commander Gu Xuanwu.

  Could it be that he had no intention to go home and saw that he was gone, so he asked Commander Gu to arrange for someone to come find him?

  Whether it is or not, as long as these soldiers are really Gu Xuanwu's soldiers, if they attract their attention, they will be able to escape the clutches of their parents.

  Immediately, she suddenly leaned half of her body out of the carriage, waved her hand and shouted loudly, "Save..."


  However, as soon as she shouted a word, she was pulled back into the donkey cart by a strong force.

  At the same time, a large rough hand covered her mouth.

  "Stinky girl, what do you want to do?"

  The old woman's voice was fierce, and she pressed Crescent Moon's mouth tightly with her hand to prevent it from making a sound.

  The old woman has done farm work all her life, and with all her strength, Crescent Moon can't break free.

  "Crescent Moon—"

  In the cab of the rear car, Wuxin's eyes lit up, and he naturally saw that half of the voice that flashed to death just now was exactly Crescent Moon.


  "Finally caught up."

  Gu Xuanwu also breathed a sigh of relief, and instructed the driver next to him: "Come on, pass him, and stop in front."


  Outside the car, the old man slowly parked the car on the side of the road to let the car behind him go first.

  The car passed by, ignoring them.

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