
  The old man and the old woman finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  If there were only the two of them in the car, they wouldn't be afraid.

  After all, they are poor and white, and they don't have anything that Qiu Ba looks up to.

  Except... except this donkey.

  However, in the car, there are their daughters.

  A golden girl is worth a lot of money.

  Whether their son can marry a daughter-in-law depends on how much the daughter can sell... er, no, how much dowry it can be worth.


  Inside the car, Crescent Moon burst into tears.

  It's hard to see hope.

  Now, hope has been dashed again.

  In this way, it is better to have no hope in the beginning.

  At this moment, she couldn't help but regret that she should not have left home in the first place.

  If she doesn't run away from home, she won't encounter Wuxin.

  If you don't encounter Wuxin, you won't be sad.

  However, at this moment, Zizizi——

  The car in front stopped suddenly and stopped on the road.

  If you open the door unintentionally, you have to go down to save people.

  "Wait a moment!"

  Gu Xuanwu grabbed him.


  A little confused.

  This person has been found, why wait any longer.

  "I just saw the old man driving the car, and the appearance of the Crescent Girl is somewhat similar. If I guessed correctly, it should be the Crescent Girl's father.

  If I'm not mistaken, Crescent Moon should have run away from the family privately. Now that the family has found her, she has to be taken back by force.

  If you go down to rob people like this, her father... In that donkey cart, her mother should be there. They must be playing tricks on you. How do you deal with it?

  In any case, they are all relatives of Crescent Moon Girl. "

  Gu Xuanwu is a local, and he has a very clear understanding of some local twists and turns.

  "What should I do?"

  Suddenly stunned.

  If he was kidnapped by the person who took Crescent Moon, he would naturally not hesitate, and would kill the other party and bring Crescent Moon back.

  However, if the other party is the parents of Crescent Moon, then this will not work.

  "Don't worry, let me handle this matter, and I promise to help you do it properly."

  Gu Xuanwu patted Wuxin on the shoulder and winked at the adjutant in the back seat: "Go, get the girl in the car back."

  In this chaotic world, someone with a gun is the boss.

  There are two small farmers, Gu Xuanwu wants to clean them up, and there are ways.


  The adjutant nodded and took someone out of the car.

  Behind, the heart that the old man and the old woman had just put down hung up again.

  The car stopped, and a group of bastards came down. What are you trying to do?

  "Several lords, are you here?"

  Seeing a group of people coming with guns, the old man panicked.

  "In the middle of the night, sneaky, what's in the car?"

  The adjutant didn't even look at the old man, and directly surrendered his gaze to the back of the donkey cart.

  Immediately, a soldier stepped forward and opened the curtain, revealing the figures of the old woman and the crescent moon inside.

  "What's the matter? Robbing a civilian girl?"

  The adjutant's voice suddenly became severe.

  "Sir, no, no, this is my daughter..." The old man quickly defended.

  "Sir, I'm Crescent Moon, save me quickly, I know you, Master Gu..." Crescent Moon hurriedly called for help.

  She knew that this might be her only chance.

  Otherwise, if she is taken home by her parents, she is afraid that she can only be an auntie to the old men in the village.

  "Master Gu? Who is Master Gu?" The adjutant shook his head, but he didn't want to reveal the identities of himself and others. After all, they were stationed in Wenxian now, and they still wanted to be famous.

  "My lord, my daughter has some problems with her head."

  The old woman spoke, and at this moment, she wished she could strangle the crescent moon to death.

  This little girl's film is not at all worrying.

  If it wasn't for her good looks and some money, she really wanted to strangle him to death.

  "It doesn't matter if there is a problem with the head, but she still looks very smart. I have run for hundreds of miles, and I am just tired. Come on, bring her to the car for me."

  The adjutant clicked his mouth and turned to leave.

  Immediately, a soldier dragged Crescent Moon from the donkey cart.

  "Sir, you can't rob people."

  "My lord, please, let go of my daughter."


  The old man and the old woman panicked.

  This is their cash cow.

  clang clang-

  There was a sound of bullets being loaded in the darkness.

  "Howl again! Howl again, I will break you."

  There are soldiers who are fierce and evil.

  The two suddenly seemed to have been casted by a spell, and could no longer speak.

  Uh, no, I dare not.

  After all, no matter how important money is, it has to be spent with life.

  "No...Father...Save me..."

  At this time, it was Crescent Moon's turn to panic.

  Because listening to the tone of these guys, she found that these people are not Gu Xuanwu's soldiers, but a group of defeated soldiers who escaped from nowhere.

  The routed soldiers are much more arrogant than the local garrison soldiers. If they fall into their hands, how can they survive?

  PS: The test starts at [-]:[-], and there are ten minutes left, so hurry up and enter the test room. .

Chapter 143

  "Crescent Moon..."

  Hearing the girl's cry for help, the old man shook his body. In the end, it was his own, and he still had some feelings.

  "Do you want to die?"

  The old woman quickly grabbed him, and this disobedient girl was taken away when she was taken away.

  If the old man doesn't have the eyesight and energy to grab people, what if these bastards become angry and the old man dies...and he will die, but what if he is hurting himself?


  The corners of the old man's mouth moved, but he did not continue.

  In the end, he also cherishes his life, and it is impossible for such a girl to disregard his own life.

  Seeing that his biological father was unmoved, Crescent Moon was completely desperate, and hot tears poured out again, and he was dragged into the car like a walking corpse.

  "Crescent Moon—"

  As soon as she got into the car, she felt like she was being embraced by a man.

  It made her feel hopeless.

  The thought of biting his tongue and committing suicide came up in his mind.

  However, before she took action, she reacted again, how could this voice be so familiar.

  She opened her eyes and looked at the figure in front of her, who was not careless.


  Seeing it was unintentional, Crescent Moon cried even more fiercely.

  This looks like a child who was bullied outside and saw his parents.

  All kinds of grievances in my heart surged up in an instant.

  "It's okay, I promise, I'll never leave again..."

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