"The era of the end of the law, this word is not bad."

  Little Ding Mao nodded, "As early as three thousand years ago, the great supernatural powers in the world noticed the changes in the world.

  Therefore, on a certain day three thousand years ago, the high heaven and the underworld of the general territory and the underworld were almost empty overnight.There are also many strong people in the world who are deeply involved with them, and they also leave together and disappear.

  However, it was not over yet, the homeland was invincible, and there were a few great masters who were unwilling to leave, and pulled people around to maintain both the heaven and the underworld.

  Therefore, in this world, first of all, there are not so many gods in every legend.

  Moreover, many of them are new gods that the world has never heard of. The world only knows the Ten Temple Yama, but they don't know that the Ten Temple Yama did exist in this world, but now, they have already left this world. Now, The ruler of the underworld is Acha, the king of the underworld. "

  "Most of the legendary fairy gods are no longer there..."

  Yue Qiluo listened with relish.

  And Lin Feng, but his eyes shrank: "Chi You's younger sister Ah Cha—"

  As the saying goes, my lord Ah Cha please be lightly abused, Her Lady Queen is crazy and cool, and in the ferry of soul, Ah Cha's beauty and power, he has a deep memory to this day.

  "It seems that you don't really know anything about this world, don't you?"

  Xiao Ding Mao gave Lin Feng a surprised look, but he did not expect that he would reveal the identity of Hades in one sentence.


  What Xiao Dingmao thought and said, Lin Feng didn't understand and asked, and soon, what the world in this world was like, Lin Feng finally had an idea.

  Heaven, Earth, People, Three Realms.

  The gods live in the heavens.

  Where they are now is the human world.

  The so-called Yin World is called the Earth Realm, or the Earth Immortal Realm.

  In the heavens, there is Kunlun, and in Kunlun, there are gods.

  The underworld is ruled by the king of the underworld, Acha.

  Of course, she couldn't manage it at all, so the famous sects in this world had a chance.

  The true disciples of various sects usually join the underworld and serve in the underworld after their death.

  Some are in the yin world to maintain the cycle of reincarnation, while others return to the yang world and become ferrymen.

  Even, in some sects, the powerful disciples have already begun to take up shady duties when they are alive.


  "Sir, we are back."

  Lin Feng hadn't digested the news from Dingmao's side, but Gu Xuanwu had already turned around with Wuxin and Crescent Moon.

  "Mr. kindness, Wuxin will keep it in your heart. If you are sent by Mr. Wuxin in the future, Wuxin will simply rely on your instructions."

  Wuxin took the crescent moon and thanked Lin Feng in front of him.

  If Lin Feng hadn't taken action, even if Gu Xuanwu was willing to go out and help him find him, he might not be able to get him back.

  "I don't know if I need your help in the future, but now, I really need your help."

  Lin Feng nodded, and he was not polite, and said straight.

  "Sir, please say, as long as it can be done, there is nothing wrong with it."

  Wuxin breathed a sigh of relief, Lin Feng was just as useful as he could.

  He was afraid that he would not be able to help Lin Feng, so he would owe this favor.

  "Give me a bottle of your blood!"

  Lin Feng took out a fist-sized jade bottle.

  If, in Lin Feng's eyes, Wuxin had any treasure, then it must be his blood.

  Turn evil.

  And it is still unreasonable to restrain all evil.

  Such attributes make him envious.

  It's a pity that this is given by the old man, so I can't envy it.

  However, he can use Wuxin's blood to temper the mana in his body and the potential to oppress his subordinates.


  Unintentionally stunned.

  But he didn't expect that Lin Feng's needs were so simple.

  His other advantages are not obvious, but his skin is thick and fleshy, and his blood volume is high, which is nothing to say.

  Moreover, his vitality is strong, and if he loses a little blood, he can recover the next day.

  Immediately, he cut his palm and dropped the bright red blood into the jade bottle.


  "What do you want his blood for?"

  After Wuxin waited for the others to leave, Yue Qiluo looked a little strange as he watched Lin Feng play with the jade bottle filled with blood.

  "This blood, I call it the blood of the evil spirits, all evil in the world can be broken... and you and I are also within the scope of being broken... Believe it or not, although you claim that your soul is immortal, but, Just this bottle of blood can make you ashes."

  Lin Feng grinned and looked at Yue Qiluo.


  "What the hell are you doing?"

  Yue Qiluo was a little flustered.

  "Tomorrow, let's go to Qingzhuxuan, and I'll invite you to take a bath in the hot spring."

  "Don't go."


  "...Forget it, accompany you.".

Chapter 145


  in a hot spring pool.

  The mist was rolling, and the smell of sulfur could be faintly smelled.

  This made Lin Feng admire Yu Xiaozhu a little. For the sake of love, he was able to overcome his instinct and stayed in this place for more than ten years.

  You know, for humans, this hot spring is a good thing, occasional bubbles, physical fitness, and relaxation.

  However, Yu Xiaozhu is a snake, not a human.

  And in this hot spring, there is a smell of sulphur and sulphur, but snakes hate it.


  Looking at Lin Feng who was soaking in the hot spring comfortably, Yue Qiluo hesitated.

  Because Lin Feng gave her a task, let her, drop by drop, drop the evil spirit-sacred blood that she got from Wuxin last night into the hot spring.

  Isn't this asking for trouble?

  Yue Qiluo found that she could not see through Lin Feng more and more.

  "Di, but slow down, don't shake your hands, it's all poured in."

  Lin Feng nodded, for Yue Qiluo, he is very relieved now.

  Because Yue Qiluo knew it herself, because of her spirit, she has now fallen into Lin Feng's clutches.

  If Lin Feng is not willing to let her free, she will never be free.

  "it is good."

  Seeing that Lin Feng had made up his mind, Yue Qiluo stopped persuading him and poured a drop directly into it.

  This Evil Smashing Divine Blood is very miraculous. Although it has been out of the body for seven or eight hours, there is no sign of solidification at all, as if it had just been released from the body.

  As soon as the blood drop fell into the hot spring, it turned into blood threads and scattered.

  "I feel it."

  Although only one drop of blood dripped from this huge pool, the amount was almost negligible.

  However, Lin Feng was keenly aware of the changes in the water in the pool.

  The temperature of the water he felt had obviously risen a little.

  That is the blood of the evil spirits, attacking him... attacking the evil energy in him.

  However, because of the amount, his feeling is not very obvious.


  Lin Feng signaled.

  Immediately, another drop of Evil Destruction God's blood fell into it.

  Soon, half of the blood of the Demon-Breaking God was poured into the pool.

  The hot spring water in the pool has a strange red color.

  And Lin Feng sat in the pool, his body was red and hot.

  One after another magical and strange power gushed out of the water, constantly attacking him.

  And he was doing his best to resist.

  The mana in the body is consumed wildly.


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