He ran the secret method of swallowing the soul, and the vitality of the heavens and the earth around him rolled in and submerged into his body, supplementing the consumption of his mana.

  "How can you play?"

  The little Dingmao, who was enjoying the food of Qingzhuxuan in the restaurant, came over with a bamboo rat that was roasted to golden brown, and when he saw Lin Feng, who looked like a boiled prawn in the water, he couldn't help but be amazed.

  He naturally saw at a glance that Lin Feng was practicing.

  There are not many young people who work so hard these days.

  "So desperate, it's no wonder that the gentleman can have such a cultivation level at a young age."

  Yu Xiaozhu, who had been by his side the whole time, couldn't help but click his tongue.

  The cultivation of demons relies on the accumulation of body instincts.

  He can cultivate into a great demon, relying on the accumulation of time.

  Simply put, it is because he has lived long enough that he has the cultivation base he has today.

  However, Lin Feng relied on hard work.

  The difference is obvious.

  "Come again... pour it all in for me..."

  Suddenly, Lin Feng's tightly closed eyes opened, and a ruthless color flashed through them.


  On the side, Yue Qiluo was stunned.

  Half a bottle makes you feel uncomfortable.

  All poured in, you don't want to die?


  A trace of madness flashed in Lin Feng's eyes.

  Not crazy, not live.

  At this moment, when he was in the hot spring, he felt like he was in a frying pan.

  However, the oil pan wasn't hot enough, and he didn't feel like he couldn't force the potential inside his body.

  Originally, he wanted Yue Qiluo to continue to add slowly until he thought it was almost the same.

  However, he suddenly thought of the famous allusion in his previous life, boiling a frog in warm water.

  The allusion is that if you put a frog in a pot, add cold water to the pot, and then slowly heat it, the frog will be boiled to death.

  And if the water in the pot is replaced with hot water, and then the frog is thrown in, the frog can jump out of the pot the moment it falls into the water.

  That is to say, warm water will make frogs die in peace, while boiling water can stimulate the potential of frogs.

  It was because of these considerations that his brain became hot, and Yue Qiluo continued to increase his blood.

  "That's what you said."

  Yue Qiluo gritted her teeth and directly poured all the blood remaining in the jade bottle in her hand into the pool.

  "You guys are tough enough."

  Little Dingmao stuffed all the bamboo rats left in his hand into his mouth, stared at Lin Feng, and was ready to scoop it up at any time.

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  It's rare to meet an interesting guy, but you can't kill yourself just because you did it yourself.

  "Crazy, young, do you need to fight like this?"

  Yu Xiaozhu couldn't help taking a deep breath.

  The evil-breaking divine power contained in the blood, even if he is not close, can clearly feel it.

  Perhaps after being diluted by hot spring water, it will not be as terrifying as pure blood.

  But the body is wrapped in blood and water, I am afraid it will not feel good.


  A bottle of Evil God Breaking God's blood poured into the water, Lin Feng took a deep breath, but at this moment, he let go of his body's protection.

  Immediately, the evil-breaking divine power poured into his body, frantically destroying it.


  The body instinctively sensed the crisis, and a pure source, in an instant, poured out from the inside of the body and spread throughout the body.

...... 0


  A soft sound of broken eggshells came from Lin Feng's body.


  The aura that belonged to the peak archmage burst out from Lin Feng's body, and then continued to climb upwards.

  The monstrous evil energy rushed out from the top of his head, like a billowing wolf smoke, straight into the sky, and in mid-air, it turned into a demon cloud and rolled.

  In an instant, half of the mountain where Qingzhuxuan was located was plunged into darkness.


  The magic cloud attracted a cloudy thunder and swam in the clouds.


  A gust of wind blows between heaven and earth.

  A look of impending rain.


  Yue Qiluo looked at the hot spring water that was tumbling in the pool, felt the pressure coming from Lin Feng, and couldn't help swallowing.

  This man has cultivated to the realm that he has always dreamed of, but has never been able to achieve.

  From then on, even if he looks at the world, he can be called a strong man.

  "This is the human being loved by heaven and earth. In his twenties, his strength has far surpassed me, who is more than [-] years old."

  Yu Xiaozhu was also agitated.

  A geographer is equivalent to a demon general among demons.

  Previously, he had given Lin Feng as the mainstay, and he still had a grudge in his heart.

  Because the demons worship the strong, and he believes that he is not much weaker than Lin Feng in the realm of the archmage.

  At this moment, the anger in his heart should be gone.

  "Yes, Tianshi can be expected, good seedlings, maybe, the taste is also good."

  Little Ding Mao licked his lips and looked at Lin Feng in the pool with strange eyes.

  PS: I drank two hemp and two hemp to come back and code words...all night.begging.

Chapter 146

  In the ancient years when the spiritual energy had not begun to decline, not to mention the geographers in their twenties, even the immortals in their twenties, there were quite a few.

  However, under such a big environment that his spiritual energy was depleted, Lin Feng could still become a geographer at the age of [-] years old. This talent has been in the top [-] since ancient times in this world.

  And the master of the earth, in this world, is no longer weak.

  Even if he, gluttonous, is a strange beast that has lived from ancient times to the present.

  If you don't show your true body, you can only exert the power of an archmage at most.

  In other words, now, if he doesn't use his real body, he will only get beaten up against Lin Feng.

  "Three months of hard work, I finally became a geomaster."

  In the hot spring, Lin Feng suddenly opened his eyes.

  The galloping mana is intertwined in the body, cheering and jumping for joy.

  His body is changing.

   In the hot spring, the mysterious evil-breaking power could no longer pose any threat to him.

  It's not that unintentional blood isn't powerful enough.

  but not enough.

  Because the current Lin Feng is completely different from the Lin Feng just now.


  Lin Feng restrained his aura.

  Immediately, the dark clouds in the sky disappeared, and the sun shone on the ground again.

  Lin Feng, on the other hand, has become ordinary, and it seems that he is no different from an ordinary young man.

  But it is returning to the basics, not moving like a mountain, moving and the sky will collapse.

  He jumped out of the pool, his mana moved, and his body was filled with moisture, and his wet clothes were instantly dried.

  "Congratulations sir."

  Yu Xiaozhu was the first to surrender.

  "Well, you should also focus more on your cultivation. I believe that you will soon become a demon general."

  Lin Feng nodded.

  He is still more optimistic about Yu Xiaozhu.

  He transformed into a human body and tempered a seven orifices exquisite heart in the world, and the possibility of becoming a demon general is much greater than that of an ordinary big demon.

  "Then borrow Mr. Ji's words."

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