At this moment, three horses galloped towards here in the distance.

  "It's the master."

  Wang Po's eyes lit up, but she recognized that the three people on the horse were not Lin Feng, Yue Qiluo, and Yu Xiaozhu, but who they were.

  "Quick, open the door and greet Mr.

  Zhang Xianzong rushed the fastest.

  However, just as he turned around and went downstairs, Wang Po and the others had already jumped off the stairs.

  For them, the four-meter-high observation platform, although not quite flat, can easily jump.


  When Zhang Xianzong went downstairs and opened the door, he was dumbfounded.

  At the same time, the chill in my heart deepened.

  These strange people are really hard to guard against.

  When someone in his hand has money, he must find some such people and guard him.

  Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't even sleep well at night.



  As soon as Lin Feng arrived, everyone rushed forward.

  The three got off the horse, and Shan Ying felt that he had led someone forward and took over the reins.

  "Well, how is the situation on the mine?"

  Lin Feng nodded and looked at Zhang Xianzong.

  The reason why he chose to traverse the mountains and forests from here to Laoxiongling was because Lin Feng wanted to see the gold mining situation.

  "Sir, the size of the gold mine is very large, and we have not yet found out how much gold is hidden in it..."

  Zhang Xianzong was still very concerned about mine matters.

  In addition, knowing that Lin Feng was coming, he also did his homework.

  Therefore, it was effortless to chat with Lin Feng.

  At the back, Wang Po approached Yue Qiluo and said in a low voice, "Miss Yue, Master, did he break through?"

  As an archmage, the changes in Lin Feng's body could not be concealed from Wang Po all day long.

  Moreover, he hadn't even thought about hiding it.

  Therefore, Wang Po immediately discovered the abnormality in Lin Feng.

  Lin Feng and Zhang Xianzong chatted vigorously, so she didn't bother, but found Yue Qiluo.

  "Well, it's been a while since the breakthrough"

  Yue Qiluo nodded. In this matter, speaking of it, she also contributed a lot.

  However, she's not the kind of person who likes to spread the word.

  "Geomaster, the master has cultivated into a geomaster, so if you go back this time, you will be more confident."

  After receiving a positive answer, the anxiety in Wang Po's heart disappeared immediately.


  Accompanied by Zhang Xianzong, Lin Feng walked around the gold mine and was very satisfied.

  This guy still has the ability.

  Ability, ambition, and if there is a bit of luck, it will definitely be a big thing.

  And he may be his nobleman.

  Before leaving, he patted Zhang Xianzong on the shoulder: "¨~I know, you are a person who is unwilling to live under others. Before coming this time, I also told Gu Xuanwu to ask him to recruit [-] people for you alone. Come here, add weapons, and bring them to you.

  They are all recruits of the same type, and you can train them yourself, and you can use them with confidence.

  From now on, the two of you, on your own,

  Of course, if you really encounter a foreign enemy, I still hope that you will be able to agree to the outside world..."

  Lin Feng explained a few words to Zhang Xianzong, and took Yue Qiluo, Wang Po and his party into the dense forest.

  And Yu Xiaozhu stayed here.

  After all, although he was very satisfied with Zhang Xianzong's ability, it did not mean that he was at ease with Zhang Xianzong.

  So, laying down a nail, this (good promise) is something that must be done.


  Xiangxi corner.

  Nuqing County.

  In an ancient Miao village in Laoxiongling.

  A rickety old man was divination in front of the ancestral temple.

  He danced like crazy, but with a wild beauty.


  In the stone basin, the flames were burning, making a crackling sound.

  Among them, a tortoise struggled a few times, and finally stood upright, and soon, only a turtle shell remained.

  The old man stopped, picked up the tortoise shell and looked at it, his face changed greatly.

  "The bear is dead, and my Miao Village will face great trouble."

  "Come here, send orders to the villages, and lighten my eyes a little recently. Once outsiders enter Laoxiongling, they will immediately come and hug me."

  A sharp look flashed in the old man's eyes.


  Behind him, someone took the order and left in a hurry. .

Chapter 149

  The robbery of tombs has existed since ancient times.

  Tracing back to the source, since Xiang stole the Qin Dynasty, in the twenty-three dynasties, there are all burials in the world.

  As dynasties change in the world, there are as many people as gadflies who dig mounds. According to their motives, methods, and lineages, they are nothing more than finding hills, touching gold, moving mountains, and unloading ridges.

  The generation of people who touched gold in the hair hills began in the later Han Dynasty, and they are all in the same vein. The secret technique of touching gold, the word "Yi" is at the head, and it has changed into "Yi", and the great virtue of heaven and earth is "sheng".

  A branch of Daoists who moved mountains began in the Shuangheishan valley of the Kongque River in the Western Regions. They are all of the same clan and clan. They usually walk around the world as wandering alchemists. They do not communicate with outsiders. They are mavericks. Great possession.

  The most numerous disciples in Xieling started from the late Han Dynasty when the peasant army stole the emperor's mausoleum.


  In the darkness, three candles flickered.

  One of them reflects the old face of the partridge whistle.

  But it was the partridge whistle who took the old foreigner and the flower spirit and broke into an ancient tomb again.

  In the deepest part of the tomb, there is a sarcophagus.

  There is only one sarcophagus.

  Mysterious patterns are carved on the sarcophagus and the surrounding walls, indicating the identity of the owner of the tomb, which is unusual.

  "Zhong Chenzhu, will you be here?"

  The partridge whistle stared at the sarcophagus, his face neither sad nor happy, but the candle in his hand was beating.

  It was his heart, a little messed up, and his hands were shaking.

  Over the years, he has traveled day and night, regardless of rain or shine, looking for Zhuo Chenzhu everywhere. It can be said that he has suffered a lot.

  However, every next tomb represents a fire of hope.

  Immediately, he suppressed the restlessness in his heart, stretched out his hand, and pushed open the sarcophagus.

  The three candles gathered together to illuminate the scene in the coffin.

  A corpse of a young woman in full clothes, lying quietly inside, I don't know how many years.

  However, the amazing thing is that the female corpse is like a new death, lifelike, and the body is not corrupted at all.

  Her lips parted slightly, as if there was something in her mouth.

  The partridge whistle moved in his heart, and stretched out his hand to operate on the neck and throat of the female corpse. Suddenly, a bead was squeezed out and was held by the partridge whistle.

  "Senior brother, is that Zong Chenzhu?"

  On the side, the old foreigner's eyes lit up, filled with hope.

  The partridge whistle stared at the beads in his hand and said nothing.

  "Senior brother, look."

  Aside, Hua Ling called out.

  But it was the female corpse in the coffin, the skin that was originally shattered by bullets was shriveled and festered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  "No, it's a corpse pill!"

  Partridge Xi's face changed, and he quickly stuffed the beads in his hand back into the female corpse's body.

  The corpse of the female corpse stopped mutating, and returned to its original state at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  "Another busy day!"

  The three looked at each other and saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

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