However, Zong Chenzhu couldn't find it, but he couldn't say that this trip was in vain.

  Because the surrounding murals carry the same elements as the legend of Zong Chenzhu.

  Perhaps among them, there are traces of Zong Chenzhu.


  There are as many as tens of thousands of Xieling disciples.

  Xiangxi is near a Xieling station in Nuqing County. Chen Yulou, the leader of Xieling, is standing on the stage, giving instructions to his subordinates.

  "Brothers, my Xieling faction started with Chimei, and when I hit the master, I distributed the emperor's wealth and silk to the poor people."

  "The world is reincarnated. Now, the reputation is withering, and the people are miserable. Most of my brothers in Xieling were born in poverty, and I should have contributed a little at this time."

  "Today there is a treasure land in western Hunan. There are countless gold and jade in it, all of which are the blood and sweat of the people. We can just follow the example of Chimei, follow the group training, and cooperate with Luo Shuai to collect treasures from the mountains and help the people in troubled times."

  "Okay!" Seeing Chen Yulou speaking of the tomb robbery so righteously, Luo Laowai, who started his career as a bandit, couldn't help but applaud.

  Mr. Chen's head is a figure, I am old and crooked, and serve.




  Below, the blood of the Xieling disciples also ignited.


  Old Bear Ridge, the mountains are high and the forests are deep, if you are not familiar with the road inside, if two or eight thousand people are thrown in, I am afraid that they will not even hear a single sound, and they will be swallowed up.

  On this day, Wang Po, who had been driven away from here for more than a year, finally set foot on this land again.

  In this land, wild beasts are infested, and poisons are rampant. To outsiders, it is a Jedi that eats people and does not spit bones.

  However, for people like them who were born and raised in this land, this place is heaven.

  "Master, in front of me is the stockade where my house is located. We have been walking in this mountain for half a month, and will we go back to the stockade tonight?"

  A rare smile appeared on the wild boar's face.

  Since his arm was cut off in the last battle with the bear, his mood has been very low.

  Now, the homeland has healed the wounds in his heart.

  "If we enter the stockade, our traces will soon spread."

  Grandma Wang frowned.

  In Laoxiongling, there are many Miao villages, and they are also very scattered.

  However, this does not mean that they are not well informed.

  Between the stockade and the stockade, birds are used to transmit news. If someone is really watching out for them, as soon as there is trouble in that place, the news will soon spread to the ancestral courtyard.

  "It's okay, wouldn't it be better for someone to pass the news of your return and let them come to us."

  Lin Feng said.

  After running around in the wild for more than half a month, he was also a little tired and needed a place to fix it.

  "Okay, let's go then."

  Wang Po nodded, but she understood what Lin Feng was thinking.

  Among the ancestral land, the ancestors of the past dynasties have a lot of arrangements, and it is the home of the high priests.

  And if they are looking for news, then their home field advantage will be gone.

  Immediately, the group of them was mighty and killed towards the Miao Village in front.

  PS: Start a new plot, alas, I am ashamed of Jiangdong's elders. .

Chapter 150


  On the Ancestral Court side, there is the most order to convey the order to let the villages strengthen their vigilance and guard against outsiders.

  Lin Feng and everyone did not hide their whereabouts at all, so they were discovered by the villagers as soon as they emerged.

  "It's me, Boar."

  Boar stood up.

  He grew up in this stockade since he was a child, and when he was ten years old, he was chosen to go to the ancestral court to learn the art of witchcraft.

  But his home, his family, has always been in this stockade.

  At this moment, when he arrived at the door of the house, he couldn't help but panic and was a little worried about the situation at home.

  But he is worried that his escape from the ancestral court will affect his family.

  Although, Miao Village has rules, and entering the ancestral courtyard is equivalent to being separated from the family.

  It's not a disaster for the family, and the same applies to Lao Xiongling.

  However, if it is really said that there is no impact at all, the wild boar will definitely not.

  At the beginning, his home was not up or down in the stockade, and it could only be regarded as medium.

  After he entered the ancestral court to practice, his family rose up in a few years and became one of the big families in the stockade.

  All of this is naturally based on the premise that he is in the ancestral court and works for the witch.

  Now, the witch is no longer a witch, and his family leaves the ancestral court with the witch, then his family will definitely not maintain its previous status.

  The wild boar only asks for the safety of the family.

  Otherwise, don't ask for anything else.


  Among the Miao people in Waishangli, some people recognized the wild boar.

  "Boar, are you back?"

  Lintou glanced at the boar with fear, and then looked at the people behind him, especially when his eyes fell on Wang Po, his eyes suddenly shrank, and he fell to the ground with a "thump".

  "Lord Miko."

  Witch, in Miao Village, in terms of status, only under the high priest.

  A year ago, Wang Po fled from the ancestral court, but the ancestral court only preached that the witch had left the mountain, and did not preach that the witch should defect.

  Therefore, when the people in the stockade saw Wang Po, they were still respectful and revered like a god.


  A quarter of an hour later, Lin Feng and his party moved into the Boar's house.

  This year, although the wild boar's home is no longer beautiful because of the disappearance of the wild boar.

  But because the Ancestral Court did not deliberately suppress it, it did not suffer any losses.

  "Master, the situation is not as bad as I imagined. The Great Elder didn't slander me in order not to make the clansmen suspect. Now the villages still recognize my identity."

  In the room, Wang Po stood in front of Lin Feng, respectfully reporting the collected information.

  "This is the best way, otherwise, if the people of the villages treat us as enemies, there will be some killings."

  Lin Feng nodded.

  He has long understood the power structure of the Lao Xiongling Miao Village.

  Since ancient times, Miao villages have been divided into two main lines: the great elders and the great priests.

  The Great Elder is in charge of all military activities, while the High Priest is in charge of sacrificing ancestral spirits and the inheritance of witchcraft.

  Generally speaking, the high priest ignores world affairs, and the Miao village is dominated by the elders.

  However, once there is a major matter related to the life and death of the Miao Village, the high priest will intervene.

  In other words, in the original Miao village, the position of the high priest was to be above the great elder.

  In the past, the great elders of all dynasties did not think there was any problem with this.

  However, this generation of elders is very ambitious and wants to take all the power of Miao Village into their own hands.

  As a result, he killed the high priest, and then took the position of the high priest himself, becoming the first person in the Miao village to hold the two positions of the high elder and the high priest.

  "Master, eldest sister, the food is ready."

  At this time, the boar came in.

  "Wang Po, go out to eat. Lao Yue and I won't go. You can choose a few dishes and bring them to us."

  Lin Feng shook his head, the Miao people's banquet was full of wine, and if he went, few of his subordinates would be able to let it go.



  Soon, Wang Po brought people and served the evening dishes.

  "Oh, kid, what's your name?"

  Lin Feng's eyes lit up, staring at one of the half-old children who was holding chicken.

  But I feel that this child is very familiar.

  "Sir, my name is Rongbao Huixiao."

  The child raised his head.

  "Rongbao Huixiao, yes, good name." Lin Feng nodded, but remembered that this kid is not the kid who led the way for Chen Yulou and his party in Nuqing Xiangxi, "Is there a special one in your stockade? Fierce chicken?"

  "How do you know?" Rong Bao looked at Lin Feng in surprise.

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  But he didn't expect that the reputation of the chicken in Mr. Herbal's house had already reached the nobleman's ear.

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