As long as there is no Tianshi intervention, the initiative in this matter is in his hands.

  Immediately, he returned to the stone chair and began to close his eyes and meditate.

  "The hexagram is very fierce. I'm afraid that girl may go around talking nonsense and confuse the clansmen... However, in the face of absolute power, these things don't matter."

  Soon, the man in black robe turned back: "One earth mage, two archmage... The three-headed jump is hidden in the dark..."

  "Do you think that finding a geographer will give you a chance to make a comeback?"

  The first elder stood up from the stone chair with a sneer, his face uncertain.

  One earth mage, two archmage, three head jumping stiff, this strength is not weak.

  After all, the Miao Village on their side of Old Bear Ridge is no more than one Earth Master and ten Great Masters.

  At this moment, he suddenly regretted that he was too impulsive in the past and should not have directly killed the high priest and the five arch mages under him.

  It was because they were locked up, moved with affection, understood with reason, and subdued.

  If it really doesn't work, they should be spared and imprisoned.

  In this way, if the Miao Village encounters any danger, they can also reach it.

  After all, no matter what, they are all Miao people, they can fight internally, but when faced with foreign enemies, they will definitely be unanimous.

  However, the circumstances at the time did not allow him to hesitate.

  Therefore, the current Miao Village is not as strong as it used to be.

  As a result, facing the existence of a geomancer and five archmage levels, he is actually a little timid.

  "Elder, this matter can't be delayed, otherwise, if the witch spreads the matter, the stockade below will surely panic."

  The man in black robe saw the hesitation of the first elder and said.

  "That's right, then call all the elders out to bring the witch back."

  The elder nodded, his eyes firmed.

  This thing, can't wait, he, can't wait.


Chapter 152

  In the dense forest outside Rongzhai, the old man Ren and the royal zombie looked up at the moon and swallowed the moonlight.

  Nintendo, on the other hand, was lying on a branch, listening to music leisurely.

  "A sparrow fell into the water

  falling into water


  A nursery rhyme with just a few sentences over and over again, this guy just can't get enough of it.

  However, although he was addicted to music and could not extricate himself, his cultivation level did not fall.

  Even, the speed of cultivation is faster than that of Grandpa Ren and Zombies of the Royal Family.

  That's the difference between zombies and zombies.

  Grandpa Ren and the royal zombies also knew that they would not be envious of this, so they could only work harder.


  In the air, a bat suddenly flew in and kept calling.

  "Master is calling us."

  The eyes of the royal zombies flickered with blood.



  Immediately, the Zombies of the Royal Family and Grandpa Ren turned around and flew away in the direction of Lin Feng.

  They jumped up and down, and there was absolutely no thumping sound of heavy objects falling to the ground like normal jumping, but they were already retractable.

24 This is a great advance in strength, and it has begun to move towards the stance of flying stiff.

  And behind them, Nintendo is even more enchanting, but it floats directly in the air, crossing the void.

  It stands to reason that only Fei Zong can do it. This is the magic of Nintendo. It's just a mere jump, but it already has the supernatural ability of Fei Zong.

  Soon, San Zong fell into Lin Feng's room from the window, but Lin Feng was afraid that they would be eaten up first by concentrated forces outside, so he summoned them back.

  The mountain wind whistled, and there was a faint smell of fish in it. Lin Feng's heart was surging with fighting intent, but he knew that the enemy was approaching.

  "Master, all the bats I placed outside have been taken away. They should have come."

  Wang Po walked in with a serious expression.

  "It does come."

  Lin Feng nodded and looked at the entrance of the village, where a group of people were entering the stockade.

  At the same time, he also found that in the forest in the distance, there were bats patrolling the four directions, apparently looking for the traces of Mr. Ren and the others.

  "It's the elder."

  Wang Po's eyes flashed with hatred.

  If it weren't for this ambitious grand elder, the high priest would not have died.

  And she is still the high-ranking witch of the Miao tribe, not the bereaved dog who just returned from wandering.

  "Come on, let's go meet him."

  Lin Feng's body was full of fighting spirit.

  Since he was promoted to Earth Master, he has not yet faced a powerhouse of the same level. Today, he will use this Miao Village Great Elder.


  "Elder, why are you here?"

  "The witch and the great elder came to our Rongzhai one after another. It is really a blessing for our Rongzhai."

  "Why do I feel that the Great Elder is aggressive and not very happy?"

  "The witch hasn't shown up for over a year..."

  "Why does it seem that all the elders have followed?"


  When the elders entered the village, they were naturally open and aboveboard.

  At the same time, in his line, in order to seek insurance, it can be said that he brought all the strong people in the Miao Village with him.

  One geographer, nine archmages, this power, no matter where it is placed, should not be underestimated.

  Moreover, they are all powerful figures in the Miao Village. On weekdays, there is a small village like Lairong Village, and the people in the village will be flattered.

  Not to mention that these big men are here now.

  Soon, the group came to the attic where Lin Feng lived under the leadership of the villagers.

  At this time, the door of the attic opened, and Wang Po also greeted him with a mountain boar and a group of eagle heads.

  Lin Feng, Yue Qiluo and San Zong in black robes stood behind.

  This is their own business in Miao Village, and Lin Feng is going to let Wang Po handle it himself.

  And he, Lao Yue and San Zong are responsible for supporting her.

  To put it simply, his main task today is to make a cameo appearance as a thug.

  "Elder, I didn't expect that, I will come back completely."

  Wang Po stared at the hunched old man in front of him, her eyes full of cold light.

  If her gaze could kill, the Great Elder might have been pierced by Wan Jian now.

  "It's good to come back, witch, you don't know how worried the elder is when you go down the mountain this time. After losing the news of you, he even sent a bear to bring people down the mountain to find you. Unfortunately, now you are back, bear They will never come back."

  Beside the Great Elder, there is an old man whose face is full of haze.

  He is a die-hard loyalist of the Great Elder, and in the past he made great efforts against the High Priest.

  "If they come back, I'm afraid they won't be able to come back, Great Elder, between us..."

  The demonic green cold light flashed in Wang Po's eyes, but she no longer wanted to be in vain with these guys.

  "Witch, this is Rongzhai. If you have anything to say, we'd better go back to the ancestral temple."

  The haze old man said with a smile.

  However, the murderous aura in his tone made the surrounding temperature drop a bit.

  "Please go back to the ancestral temple!"

  "Please go back to the ancestral temple!"


  The identity of the witch, in this Miao border, has always been under the high priest and the great elder.

  Therefore, the elders, at least on the surface, still respect them.

  At this moment, all the elders greeted in unison, which is not only to express their position, but also to remind Wang Po that there are some things that are not suitable to be said here.

  Of course, this is also because they are wrong and have ghosts in their hearts.

  "Go back to the ancestral temple, okay."

  Wang Po nodded, but she also knew that although she stood up to this matter, she couldn't say it openly here.

  Because there are many ordinary people around.

  If they hear this, what awaits them will be death.

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