The Great Elder and the others will never let that rebellious thing leak out.

  "That's right, it's inevitable that you will be tied up in this village. It's better to go to the mountains outside and have a good time."

  Lin Feng didn't care.

  Immediately, the group of people seemed to be peaceful and walked out of the stockade.

  The people in power in the village also found that the situation was not right. Although they pretended to go forward to keep them, but after receiving a clear rejection, they immediately stopped being attentive. Instead, they warned all the villagers to close the doors and windows and not to go out.

  Soon, everyone entered the jungle.

  "Miko, you shouldn't come back."

  There were no ordinary people around, and the Great Elder finally revealed his true face.

  "If you don't come back, how can you avenge the high priest?"

  The demon light flashed in Wang Po's eyes, and her face was full of hatred.

  "Vengeance? He is your support?" The elder looked at Lin Feng with a sneer: "Friend, this is an internal affairs of our Miao Village, and please don't interfere, otherwise, this old Xiongling is hard to come in but not go out. ."

  The Great Elder made an undisguised threat.

  Laoxiongling is the site of their Miao people.

  Come here, dragon, you have to recline for me, tiger, you have to lie down for me. .

Chapter 153

  "Are you threatening me?"

  Lin Feng smiled.

  This old man is interesting.

  Looking at the surrounding posture, if it is an ordinary geographer, I may be really frightened by it.

  After all, next to the other party, there are nine archmages.

  But this time, he saw the wrong person.

  "It's not a threat, it's an advice, fellow Daoist, the matter between me and the witch is an internal affair of our Miao border. Your Excellency is not my Miao person, so it's best not to interfere."

  The elder sneered, and the aura that belonged to the geographer in his body was suddenly released.


  The savage and ferocious aura rose into the sky, coercing the entire mountain forest.




  Behind him, the elders of the nine great mage levels also unscrupulously released their aura.

  In the depths of the jungle, those who followed earlier, but did not follow into the Rongzhai, but directly hid in the mountain forest, also at this time, no longer hide, and released their own momentum.

  They are all Miao people, and they all practice witchcraft secret techniques.


  In the forest, the fishy wind breathes.

  All kinds of snakes, insects, rats, ants, and bats under their control appeared one after another, surrounding Lin Feng and others.


  In the sky, the magic clouds gathered and rolled, covering the stars and closing the moon, turning into a vortex, circling in mid-air.

  In the swirling clouds, there is silver lightning wandering.

  The dark thunder exploded, shaking all directions.

  The mountain and rain were about to come, and the wind filled the building, and the terrifying momentum spread in all directions.

  The towering mountains fell silent all of a sudden.

  Apart from the whistling wind and the blasting thunder, there was no other noise.

  Thousands of meters away, Rongzhai.

  The terrifying sound of wind and thunder made all the Miao people feel depressed.

  The coercion that spreads made them panic in their hearts.

  "What's the matter? Is it going to rain?"

  "This ghost weather, if it changes, it will change!"

  "This thunder is a bit evil."


  "It's over, the elders and the witch, it's not actually going to rain."


  Ordinary Miao people didn't think much about it.

  After all, the climate of this Old Bear Ridge is changeable. One moment ago, it was a safflower sun, and the next moment it was pouring rain. It is not that they have not encountered.

  In this case, the sense of oppression that suddenly appeared in the world was basically the same as the scene when the sky changed.

  "A troubled autumn~々!"

  "The witch disappeared for more than a year, and now she has suddenly returned..."

  "Just now, the elders and the others, it seems that the comers are not good."


  The higher-ups in Rongzhai couldn't help but think about the vision in the distance.

  Although they are not the strongest mages, and more of them are only warlocks, but they also have some eyesight.

  In the distance, on a mountain, Partridge Whistle, Lao Yangren, and Hua Ling had just rested.

  The sound of thunder came out far away, and the partridge whistle woke up suddenly, and looked in the direction from which the thunder came.

  Rotating dark clouds, wandering lightning...

  "There are powerful geographers casting spells."

  The partridge whistle narrowed his eyes.

  As the leader of moving mountains, he is naturally a practitioner.

  Moreover, his cultivation base is not low, and he is an existence in the later stage of an archmage.

  However, if he did not enter the Geomaster, he would end up being an ant. Feeling the power of the Geomaster in the distance, his heart throbbed.

  "Geomaster, if I can find Zheng Chenzhu and lift the curse on my body, it may be possible to cultivate to that realm..."

  There was a hint of longing in the eyes of the partridge whistle, and at the same time, the cautiousness in his heart was even more.

  This mountain forest has the existence of the master level, so they have to be more careful when they act.

  In the other direction, Chen Yulou and his group were chatting around the fire, and they had not yet rested.

  Hearing the sound in the distance, Luo Laowei jumped up first: "Mom, why did the sky suddenly change? Fortunately, it's not our mountain, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep peacefully tonight."

  Luo Laowai was just an ordinary person, so he naturally thought it was raining in the mountains and forests in the distance.

  However, the people around Chen Yulou and the others, Miss Hong and others, had solemn eyes.

  "Boss, this old Xiongling is not easy, I think, let's go...let's forget it."

  Hua Maguai looked at the vision in the distance and felt a little guilty. His task was to ensure the safety of Chen Yulou.

  And the movement in the distance let him know that this Old Xiongling is definitely not as simple as the outside rumors.

  Just being the leader of this vision, I am afraid that they will be able to destroy them.

  "The Miao Village on the Old Bear Ridge once dominated Nuqing County in the past, and it's normal that there are experts at the master level, but I don't know if this expert is cultivating, or is it Getting angry at the enemy... However, Lao Xiong Ridge is so big, we should keep a low profile, and we shouldn't collide with him."

  Chen Yulou's eyes flashed, he is not the kind of person who retreats when he is in distress, the leader of the dignified Xieling, although he is only an archmage, he will not be frightened by a geographer before he touches it.

  "That's right, as long as you are careful, the geographer is high above, as long as we don't take the initiative to cause trouble, we shouldn't notice us."

  The red girl played with the flying knife in her hand, and was also not afraid.


  "I'm a witch, you want to do something to me?"

  Wang Po gritted her teeth and glanced around.

  The identity of the witch makes her aloof, even the Great Elder has no right to do anything to her.

  The elders around all bowed their heads and dared not look at her, but they did not hold back their hands.

  After all, the arrow is on the string and has to be sent.

  Moreover, the high priest is long gone.

  Now, in the clan, the Great Elder covers the sky with one hand.

  "¨~ Wang Po, from the moment you colluded with outsiders, you are no longer a witch."

  The first elder sneered, the identity of the witch, if it was in the past, is naturally a talisman.

  But the reality, huh, he doesn't admit it, then it's not a fart.

  "Okay, prestige, today's matter, I'm in charge."

  Lin Feng sneered when he felt the aura coming from everyone on the elder's side.

  In the past, he had always used his power to oppress people, but this time, the situation was reversed.

  Immediately, his heart moved, and the suppressed momentum in his body, like a volcano that had been silent for a long time, suddenly agitated and erupted.


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