

  The eyes of Nintendo and the Zombies of the Royal Family were surging with blood, and they went straight to the archmage who were subdued.

  In the jungle, there was a terrifying scream. .

Chapter 160

  The rest, the elders of Miao Village, who are still worried about their fate, were divided up by Nintendo and royal zombies.


  On Nintendo, blood is surging, and the whole body is cultivated. From the beginning of the middle stage of jumping, to the level of perfection in the middle of jumping, only waiting for an opportunity to break into the late stage of jumping.

  On the other hand, the royal zombies, with bronze-colored light blooming on their bodies, accompanied by the lingering black energy, were consummated from the middle stage of jumping to the middle stage, and advanced to the late stage of jumping.

  At this point, the high-end combat power of Laoxiongling Miao Village, a geographer and ten great masters, have all been slaughtered, killed and stunned.

  And it is because of their dedication that all three zombies under Lin Feng's command have benefited greatly.

  Ren Weiyong has advanced from the late stage of jumping to flying, which is a small step for him and a big step for him at the same time.

  From then on, Lin Feng's subordinates finally had a general who could do it.

  Nintendo, on the other hand, jumped directly from the initial stage of the jump to the middle stage of the jump.

  His potential is even greater than that of Ren Weiyong, and Lin Feng even doubts that if all the resources invested in Ren Weiyong are invested in Nintendo.

  At this time, Nintendo might also be able to advance to the Flying Zombie. Even if it was a little bit worse, the combat power might not be weaker than the ordinary Flying Zombie.

  After all, he is a rare alien among zombies, and he already has some special features of flying stiffness just by jumping stiffly, and his invincible physique is completely an artifact for overstepping challenges.

  The Royal Zombies, on the other hand, went from the mid-jump stage to the late stage, which is also a major breakthrough, although compared to Ren Weiyong and Nintendo, it's not too conspicuous.

  "Maoshan, I will be back soon.

  Moreover, it is still open and honest.

  Unreasonable door rules must end with me.

  In Maoshan in the future, only people will distinguish right from wrong, and skills will no longer be divided into right and wrong. "

  The strength of all his subordinates skyrocketed, and Lin Feng's mind couldn't help but swell.

  As a geographer, he already had the identity of a true disciple, and now he is fully qualified to compete for the position of head.

  Although, it is impossible for him to sit in the position of the head and let himself fall into endless trivial matters.

  However, the rules of the door, he will definitely change.

  "Master, how do you deal with these guys?"

  Dong Xiaoyu came up, and his eyes fell on the Miao Jiang mages who were being watched over by the wild boars and eagle heads.

  These are the middle-level of Miaojiang.

  And there are quite a few.

  Just now, Lin Feng gave all the senior officials of Miao Jiang to Ren Weiyong and the others, so that Ren Weiyong and the others suddenly surpassed the ghost soldiers under him.

  Dong Xiaoyu did not dare to question Lin Feng's decision.

  But now that Ren Weiyong and the others are full, Dong Xiaoyu and the ghost soldiers under his command naturally want to drink some soup.


  Lin Feng frowned and looked at Wang Po: "How do they deal with it?"

  These mages can be said to be the backbone of Miao Village.

  It would be a pity if it was used to feed ghosts.

  After all, the ghosts under him have all turned into ghosts.

  Specter, an existence comparable to an archmage.

  These mages fell into their hands, and they were just ordinary blood food.

  It's okay to satisfy the desire of the tongue, but it's still a little short if you want to use it to improve your strength.

  Relatively speaking, it seems more useful to keep these people under the control.

  "Witch, we are willing to pledge our allegiance to you."

  "Miko, save us, we don't want to die."


  Seeing that many evil spirits had their eyes on themselves and others, the mages suddenly collapsed, kneeling on the ground one by one, kowtowing desperately, begging for mercy.

  "Master, I want to save their lives. In this forest, there are ghosts and ghosts from time to time. If they don't guard the stockade, there will be problems in the stockades."

  "And in the past, the main ones were the elders. These guys are just chess pieces."

  Wang Po thumped and knelt on the ground.

  In the end, she was born in Miao Village, although Lin Feng is now the main force, but in this matter, she still instinctively considers Miao Village.

  Moreover, now that the high-level Miao Village is gone, the Miao Village in the future will definitely respect her.

  And she is Lin Feng's servant.

  From this point of view, this Laoxiongling Miao Village will also be the private property of Lin Feng in the future.

  "Well, this time, I'll spare their lives."

  Lin Feng nodded.

  "Then I'll thank the master for not killing them." Wang Po nodded and looked at Lin Feng, "It's not too late now, we should go back to the stockade to rest now, or rush to the ancestral temple overnight, and then rest?"

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  "Go to your ancestral temple. After you go back, call me the remaining half of the parchment that records the witchcraft technique as soon as possible."

  Lin Feng thought about it for a while, but decided to rush on the road overnight.

  What you get is yours.

  For him, Miao Jiang's witchcraft was still very useful.

  And if you want to enter Pingshan, the magic of witchcraft can definitely come in handy.

  So Lin Feng decided not to stay too much and went directly to the Miao Village Ancestral Temple in Laoxiongling.


  The moon is dark and the wind is high, and the mountain wind is howling.

  In the second half of the night, a mountain rain suddenly came, erasing the traces of the battlefield last night.

  The next day was bright, and the people of Rongzhai, who had been anxious all night, dared to come to the battlefield last night to inquire, but only saw a large circle with withered vegetation and some broken branches.

...... 0

  Rongzhai is at the very edge of Laoxiongling Miao Village, but at this moment, it is completely unknown that the Miao Village in Laoxiongling has changed.

  At this time, Lin Feng had already been guided by Wang Po and entered the ancestral temple of Miao Village.

  The ancestral temple of this Miao Village, located under a cliff in the mountain, was transformed from a natural cave.

  There are formations all over it, and in that formation, the fluctuations exuded, some make Lin Feng feel terrified.

  At the same time, I secretly rejoiced in my heart, fortunately, this time, the great elder who did not know whether to live or die brought people to find them, instead of them directly hitting the ancestral temple of Miao Village.

  Otherwise, it's hard to say what the outcome will be.

  After all, this Old Xiongling Miao Village was once the place where the Celestial Master was born.

  Many of the layouts are from the handwriting of the Tianshi. According to Linfeng's observation, there are several dangerous places. Even if the Tianshi comes and enters it by mistake, I am afraid that it will not be good.

  Lin Feng sat quietly in the hall, next to the tea served by the servants.

  Lin Feng looked at Yue Qiluo next to him while eating the tea.

  For some reason, Lin Feng always felt that Lao Yue was not in high spirits tonight and looked a little lost.

  He wanted to ask and care, but Wang Po hurried over at this moment and handed over two pieces of torn parchment: "Master, this is the remaining half of the parchment.

  The two pieces of parchment put together are the complete witchcraft in our Laoxiongling Miao Village. "begging.

Chapter 161

  "Complete witchcraft."

  Lin Feng's eyes lit up, he took the two pieces of parchment, spread them on the table, and looked at them carefully.

  The reason why he traveled thousands of miles and came to Laoxiongling with Wang Po, why?

  One is the bottle mountain, and the other is for the remaining half of the parchment.

  Now, with the remaining half of the parchment in hand, one of his goals in coming to Lao Xiong Ling this time has been achieved.


  On the side, Yue Qiluo, who was originally not very interested, also became interested and came over.


  Seeing this, Wang Po frowned slightly, but didn't say anything more.

  After all, the master didn't say anything, what qualification did she have to speak.

  In addition, Yue Qiluo recorded that the three evil bones of the undead soul technique, the secret technique of swallowing the spirit, and the paper man technique are still in her hands, and she has been specializing in research recently.

  "Sorcery detected - witchcraft mystery!"

  "Witchcraft Secret Art, automatically full level!"

  The sound of the system sounded after a long time, and Lin Feng was stunned for a moment.

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