Last time, from half a piece of parchment, he realized the four magic techniques of Bat Secret Technique, Cockroach Secret Technique, Worm Whip Secret Technique, and Golden Silkworm Gu technique.

  The power of these four major magic arts, although not very strong, but each has its own merits, and when the time is right, they all have extraordinary uses.

  But now, combined with the remaining half of the parchment, the system only came to a witchcraft secret technique to finish the job.

  Is there any misunderstanding in this?

  However, in his mind, just as this thought arose in his mind, it was immediately wiped out.

  Because all of a sudden, in his mind, countless methods related to witchcraft secret techniques appeared.

  This witchcraft secret technique is all-encompassing.

  Whether it's snakes, worms, ants, or zerg in the mountains, it's involved.

  There are also soul sealing, warding off ghosts and beasts, astrology and astrology, etc.

  Among them, all kinds of methods are full of wildness, and they need to be supplemented with blood and souls to perform.

  In the eyes of those who are righteous, this is definitely a proper sorcery.

  That's right, the system's identification of it is also a sorcery.

  But what about sorcery?

  As long as he can make himself stronger, Lin Feng doesn't care about this.


  In his body, the mana originally cultivated by the bat secret technique, the insect whip secret technique, the cockroach secret technique, and the golden silkworm secret technique transformed at this moment.

  The mana, which was originally wild, became even wilder and more violent at this moment.


  A wild aura emanated from Lin Feng's body.

  "This guy, is this enlightenment?"

  Yue Qiluo was forced to retreat by Lin Feng's sudden aura.

  At this point, her depression was even worse, because she found that, before she knew it, Lin Feng had distanced herself from her.

  And, not surprisingly, this distance will get bigger and bigger.

  Until, in the future, maybe I can only look up at its back, or I can't even see the back.

  At the same time, she was also amazed at Lin Feng's cultivation talent.

  After living for hundreds of years, she couldn't see where it was. If Lin Feng realized something on the parchment, this change in her body would occur at this moment, and she would become stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  This state, in Taoism, becomes epiphany.

  Epiphany, for practitioners, is generally available but not sought after.

  To be able to have that once or twice in a lifetime is already very remarkable.

  "Just by looking at it, you can enter the state of epiphany. No wonder he was able to cultivate my three major sorceries in such a short period of time to a height that even the original creator of me cannot reach."

  "It seems that the opportunity for me to solve the problem of the soul and the flesh and break through to the realm of the earth master is on this guy."

  "Just, why does he want to help me?"

  "Is there anything in me worthy of his coveting?"

  Yue Qiluo's eyes flickered, she is a realistic person, and she never believes that there is a pie from the sky in this world.

  So, she began to examine herself, what did she need to pay in order for Lin Feng to help her desperately.

  "Sure enough, the master has some kind of supernatural power, any supernatural power secret technique, as long as he sees it, he can immediately learn it, and he can cultivate it to a very advanced realm."

  The grandmother on the side was also stunned, because the breath of Lin Feng's body was transforming in the direction of their Miao Village supreme powerhouse.

  That kind of savagery, standing at the top of the food chain, fascinated her, and at the same time made her have no regrets about her decision.

  This is a man worthy of following, and even, his future may be even more terrifying than that of the devil five hundred years ago.

  "If the next time the clan worships the ancestors in the ancestral land, I haven't been able to break through to the earth division, maybe I can ask the master to come out."

  "No, even if I break through, I must invite the master to come out."

  "My Old Xiongling Miao Village has only inherited the secret techniques of witchcraft from the ancestral land. From the ancestral land to the present, there are still many lost secret techniques. If the master is willing to go there, he should be able to gain something."

  "As for the question of identity, who dares to question his identity because of the aura of witchcraft on him?"

  Wang Po's eyes shone brightly, but she had already thought about the future.

  "This witchcraft secret technique is all-encompassing, and many of the theories, methods, and ghost shepherding and corpse refining techniques, as well as Lao Yue's three major sorcerers, have similarities. If I can integrate them, my Strength, will definitely be able to reach a higher level..."

  As he digested the extra memories in his mind and felt the mana surging in his body, sparks collided constantly in Lin Feng's mind, which resulted in new ideas.

  And as he remembered, the mana of the original four divisions in the body began to merge.


  In Lin Feng's body, there was a faint explosion.

  The momentum in his body, which could no longer be controlled, suddenly burst out.

  "No, is this going crazy?"

  On the side, Yue Qiluo was forced to go backwards.

  It wasn't until he retreated to the door that he was able to stabilize his pace.

  And Wang Po is not much better.

  Even Yue Qiluo is even worse.

  was forced directly outside the door.

  Of course, this does not mean that Wang Po is weaker than Yue Qiluo.

  After retrieving her life Gu, her cultivation level returned to its peak, and after she had received her revenge last night and her mood sublimated, her strength did not need Yue Qiluo to be weak at all.

  However, the helpless witchcraft's suppression of similar practitioners is more brutal than the suppression of similar practitioners by Yue Qiluo's three major sorcerers.

  Therefore, Wang Po felt the pressure on Lin Feng, which was naturally greater than the pressure Yue Qiluo felt on Lin Feng.

  "Miss Yue, you have a lot of knowledge, can you see what happened to the master?"

  Seeing that Lin Feng's state was a little off, Wang Po was a little anxious.

  "Either he has gone crazy, or he has realized something else and is testing the way forward."

  Yue Qiluo guessed.

  Whether it is to go crazy or to test the way forward, it is actually extremely dangerous.

  However, the difference between the two is that it is a complete dead end. Once you step into it, you will definitely be killed or injured.

  To test the way forward is to coexist with life and death. Once you go right, your strength will improve greatly, and if you go one step wrong, you will end up going crazy.

  And at this moment, Lin Feng is really not feeling well.

  The mana trained by the major sorceries rampaged in the body, using his body as a battlefield.

  However, this is also a step that must be experienced in order to combine the major sorcerers.

  Lin Feng was already prepared for this, so at this moment, although his body was in a mess, he was not afraid at all.

  Because he, who is full of all kinds of sorcery, knows all about the attributes and mana of all kinds of sorcery.

  Everything is under his control. .

Chapter 162

  "With God as the source, all Taos return to the sect."

  Immediately, Lin Feng reshaped the mottled mana in his body based on one of Yue Qiluo's three major magic techniques, the Undead Soul Technique.

  The soul is the source of mana.

  With soul magic as the foundation, soul power as the trunk, other magic arts are the branches branched off from the tree trunk, and none of them interfere.

  As Lin Feng's thoughts moved, the mana that was chaotic in his body suddenly calmed down.

  And, with his thoughts, he re-condensed and wandered in his body.

  In an instant, the violent aura on his body eased and gradually subsided.

  The atmosphere in the hall changed from the violent storm just now to calm and calm.

  If it wasn't for the mess in the hall, neither Yue Qiluo nor Wang Po would have believed that a storm had just come here.

  "He... is he stepping out of his own way?"

  Yue Qiluo looked at Lin Feng, who had become more inscrutable, and the strange color in his eyes became more intense.

  Cultivation, when we are weak, we need to follow the steps step by step and follow the footsteps of our predecessors, so that we can walk more smoothly.

  However, once they reach a certain level of 24, when their own thoughts conflict with those of their predecessors, practitioners will try to step out of their own way.

  At this step, almost all the existences at the level of the Celestial Master will be considered.

  However, there are always alternatives.

  Yue Qiluo herself is one of the alternatives, so she combined Qingyunmen's Taoism and some sorcery she collected to create three great sorceries that are exclusive to her.

  Then, although she failed to soar into the sky, she also got the great benefit, that is, the soul is immortal and immortal.

  This is a different kind of longevity, something that many people dream of.

  And when Yue Qi committed this incident, she was only an archmage.

  And now, Lin Feng is also doing this kind of thing.

  And, it seems to have succeeded.

  At least, it is a successful first step.

  Otherwise, the aura on his body would not have become so unpredictable.

  "Master is more powerful than before."

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