Grandma Wang was also stunned.

  This magical master seems to be getting stronger all the time.

  Following such a master gives a sense of security, but also a sense of crisis.

  Because, once you can't keep up with his footsteps, that side will soon be abandoned.

  "Combining the Undying Soul Technique as the foundation and combining other sorcery techniques together, my practice will be called Undying Sorcery from now on."

  A gleam of light flashed in Lin Feng's eyes, the sorcery of immortality. This name sounds like a very low, but in Lin Feng's heart, it has a different meaning.

  Immortality represents his pursuit. Isn't this practice and strengthening for immortality?

  And sorcery means that he does not forget his original intention.

  He started out with sorcery.

  In the future, he is destined to become famous all over the world with sorcery.

  Naturally, it is necessary to respect those techniques that have been relegated to sorcery by the famous and decent.

  What is right and what is evil?

  Whoever has the bigger fist is right.

  Whoever has a small fist is evil.

  "Sooner or later, one day, I will make the name of undead magic spell the world.

  At that time, people in the world will no longer respect sorcery as they are now, but will respect it..."

  Lin Feng muttered and made a big wish in his heart.

  "On the shoulders of giants, you can see farther. My undead magic is only rough, many things are not perfect, but we need to absorb more magic to make it more perfect... …”

  Measuring in his heart, Lin Feng turned around and looked at Yue Qiluo and Wang Po, who were standing at the door and didn't dare to come in.

  "What are you doing standing at the door?"

  "Hey, what's going on in this house?"

  Lin Feng looked at the mess in this room and was a little confused.


  Yue Qiluo rolled her eyes, this guy definitely did it on purpose.

  "Master, have you broken through again?"

  The grandmother on the side was full of anticipation.

  "It's all geographers, how can there be such a good breakthrough, just look at these secret techniques in your clan, and you can get a little bit." Lin Feng shook his head, then pointed to the parchment beside him: "You keep this thing."


  Wang Po nodded, but her heart was bitter.

  The things that I regard as treasures seem to be of little value in the eyes of the owner.

  "Lao Yue, I think you were in a wrong state tonight, is there something on your mind?" Lin Feng looked at Yue Qiluo, "If there is anything unpleasant, tell me to make me happy."


  Yue Qiluo's hair suddenly exploded.

  If it wasn't for her self-knowledge, knowing that she couldn't beat Lin Feng, she would definitely have rushed up by now.

  Suppressing the anger in her heart, she squeezed out a sweet smile on her face, moved to Lin Feng's side, and held his arm: "Brother Feng, I have something to ask for your help."

  "Is something called Brother Feng? Don't you usually feed him?"

  Lin Feng looked at Yue Qiluo jokingly, her little daughter form is hard to see.

  "Brother Feng, I was a thug for you just now."

  Yue Qiluo looked at Lin Feng pitifully, but her clenched fist betrayed her restless heart.

  "Uh... let's talk, as long as I don't want to make a promise."

  Lin Feng's heart softened.

  In the end, it's a man, facing this sweet and salty girl, he can't always be hard-hearted.

  "I want to break through and become stronger. You have said before that you will help me."

  Yue Qiluo's eyes were full of desire.

  Before, she saw no hope.

  So, don't think about it at all.

  Now, Lin Feng's breakthrough has given her hope.

  "I always remember this."

  Of course, I will not forget the pie I painted myself.

  "However, you also know that the secret technique you created yourself really wants to be fully integrated with the body, unless you are really reincarnated. In this case, the new body will naturally fit with the soul.

  However, in this case, you may encounter the mystery in the womb. Whether you can overcome the mystery in the womb and retain the memory is really hard to say.

  If your undead soul art can't resist the mystery in the womb, then you are considered dead.

  So, this method, you will definitely not consider it.

  Then, another way is to find treasures that can purify your soul and flesh and make them fit.

  Such treasures can be encountered but not sought after, so if you are busy, I will definitely help. If there is such a treasure, I will definitely go for it for you.

  However, such treasures can be encountered but not sought after..."

  Lin Feng spread his hands, and now he really can't help Yue Qiluo.

  "However, I don't want to be left behind by you, you are getting stronger and stronger, but I am still standing still, this feeling..."

  Yue Qiluo had tears in her eyes, so pitiful.


  "When I get things done here, I'll take you to Maoshan to see if my seniors can do anything. If they don't, I'll take you to visit Longhu Mountain and Kunlun...

  In this world, with so many famous holy places, there will always be a way. "

  Lin Feng's heart moved, and he drew another big cake for Yue Qiluo.

  PS: I'm back! .

Chapter 163


  Yue Qiluo was speechless.

  But he also knew that Lin Feng was telling the truth.

  If the drawbacks of the undead soul art were so easy to solve, then it would be strange.

  After all, that was the source of her immortality.

  The soul is immortal and immortal, even a celestial master can't do it, but she can do it with a mere archmage. The secret of yours is definitely not something that can be broken by a celestial master or even a celestial master.


  Stayed up all night, rested a little in the morning, and in the afternoon, Lin Feng asked Wang Po to arrange for someone to take him to Pingshan.

  Just returned to the ancestral temple, and the power is beginning to grasp. There are many things that Wang Po needs to handle in person, so she doesn't have time to take Lin Feng in person.

  However, he also arranged for the eagle head, who was familiar with Pingshan, to accompany Lin Feng.

  As the sun sets in the west, among the quiet mountain roads, the chirping of insects and birds can be heard endlessly.

  Lin Feng walked with Yue Qiluo and Eagle Head in it.

  And Ali, who had not seen him for a long time, also returned to Lin Feng's arms.

  This guy, who has gotten used to being wild recently, just slipped out and disappeared for a few days.

  Fortunately, she also has a secret technique and can perceive Lin Feng's position. Otherwise, like Lin Feng, who is running around and wandering around, this guy will sooner or later find someone he can't find.

  There was nothing to say all the way, and as we walked, the sky slowly darkened.

  "Yingtou, how far is it to Pingshan?"

  Yue Qiluo looked at the sky and couldn't help frowning a little.

  But I don't really want to travel at night.

  After sleeping for hundreds of years, after this period of tossing, she was suddenly unwilling to live this black-and-white life.

  Instead, imagine working like ordinary people, working at sunrise and resting at sunset.

  "Miss Yue, cross this mountain and you will see Pingshan in front of you."

  Eagle head lowered his eyebrows and pleasing his eyes, there was no way, the two around him were big bosses.

  "What's the hurry, don't you just like to stay up all night with paper-cutters?"

  Lin Feng couldn't stand it any longer.

  "Can this rush at night be compared to the paper-cutters?"


  "Jingle Bell--"

  "Yin people go on the road, Yang people avoid~々!"


  Lin Feng was chatting with Lao Yue while stroking Ah Li when suddenly a familiar shouting sound came from the dense forest in front of him.

  "Cut the corpse!"

  Lin Feng's heart moved, but he didn't expect that he would meet a fellow student here.

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