Lin Feng once checked that the corpse drive in Laoxiongling was also opened by Maoshan.

  In other words, the people walking here should also be the corpse hunters from Maoshan.

  "Master, it's a corpse driver from Maoshan passing by."

  Eagle Head also heard the movement and quickly looked at Lin Feng.

  He knew that Lin Feng and Mao Shan had a close relationship.

  "Carry out the corpse?"

  Aside, Yue Qiluo suddenly came to the spirit.

  Qingyunguan does not have the craft of chasing corpses.

  Therefore, all along, she has only heard about the corpse, but has never really seen it.

  "No, it is taboo to be seen by ordinary people when driving corpses, that is to fear that ordinary people will be frightened, and at the same time, they will also be afraid that ordinary people will bump into the walking corpse in a panic, and let the walking corpse absorb the yang energy of the living. Practitioners do not have to be taboo.

  Moreover, I have a very close relationship with Maoshan, I may not be sure, this is an acquaintance. "

  Lin Feng shook his head, and at the same time, Fu Er muttered a few words in Ah Li's ear.

  Ah Li suddenly rushed into the dense forest, but he wanted to report to Ren Weiyong and the others, so that they could restrain their breath and stay away from this ancient road, so as not to disturb the walking corpse.

  The three continued to move forward, and soon they saw a pair of jumping figures on the road ahead.

  They all wore the official uniforms of the former court, with talismans on their heads, their bodies were stiff, their hands stretched out, and they moved forward neatly.

  Next to the marching team, a Taoist priest in apricot-colored Taoist robes, with a soul-inducing lamp hanging on his chest, shaking the Sanqing bell in his hand, looked back and forth from time to time.

  "It's a great person."

  Lin Feng looked at the Taoist priest and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

  There are many disciples of Maoshan, and there are many disciples among the major, second, and third veins, and they do not necessarily know each other.

  And Lin Feng only had a little impression of this Taoist priest.

  It seems that when he went up the mountain, this guy had just left the school and went down the mountain.

  "Why, not an acquaintance?"

  Yue Qiluo looked at Lin Feng, but she was curious about Lin Feng's true identity.

  You are a sorcerer who claims to have a close relationship with Maoshan.

  Am I really that easy to deceive?

  Mao Shan, that's a decent sect that is stronger than Qingyunmen, how could it possibly be involved with you, a guy who practices sorcery.

  "I've seen him, but he doesn't necessarily remember me."

  Lin Feng shook his head, but decided not to say hello. After all, he was someone Maoshan was looking for everywhere.

  After the death of Fang Ming, the elder brother of the second vein, although Mao Shan's attention was attracted by Lin Feng's role as an unwarranted ghost general, he was the source of this matter after all.

  If it wasn't for him, Fang Ming wouldn't go down the mountain, and there wouldn't be any of the things that followed, so Mao Shan must be trying his best to find him.

  At this time, Ma Gu, who was chasing the corpse, also found that there was someone in front of him.

  "The walking corpse passed by but did not avoid it. It must be a mage in the Miao Village."

  Ma Gu glanced at the eagle head in the front, and his heart suddenly moved, but he didn't think much about it.

  They Maoshan and this Laoxiongling Miao Village have always been flooded with water.

  And there is no conflict of interest between them.

  So even if we meet occasionally, there will be no conflict.

  However, when he glanced at Lin Feng and Yue Qiluo behind Ma Gu, Ma Gu's eyes shrank.

  The red-clothed Yue Qiluo made his heart skip a beat, not daring to look directly.

  That's a dangerous intuition.

  This red-clothed woman must be a master with strength far beyond her.

  On the other hand, Lin Feng looked like an ordinary person.

  But the shock he gave Ma Gu was not inferior to that of Yue Qiluo.

  Because Maoshan has already issued a wanted order to find the true biography of this three veins in the territory of western Hunan.

  Ma Gu did not expect that he would meet this master unintentionally.

  According to the rumors, this master doesn't know magic, just an ordinary person.

  However, an ordinary person will appear in Laoxiongling, and there is a woman with unfathomable strength along with the Miao Village Master?

(Wang's) In an instant, Ma Gu knew that another rumor about Lin Feng was probably true.

  That is this Sanmai True Inheritance who has been silent for ten years in the mountains. While descending the mountain, he practiced sorcery, and then soared into the sky.

  Seeing Lin Feng's gaze swept over him, Ma Gu couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

  If he ran into this master himself, would he kill and silence him in order not to reveal his whereabouts?

  Thinking of this, Ma Gu couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

  He is only a mage, but he can't stand the toss.

  "¨~ When I went down the mountain, he had just come down.

  Logically, I didn't recognize him. "

  This thought flashed in his heart, and Ma Gu resisted the panic in his heart and continued on his way.

  When he was wrong with Lin Feng and others, he never continued to look at it.

  He didn't breathe a sigh of relief until he ran against Lin Feng and saw no trace of Lin Feng again.

  At this time, it was slightly cold on his back, and he realized that his back, at some point, had been soaked with sweat. .

Chapter 164

  I'm afraid, even Lin Feng himself doesn't know that his fierceness has reached the point where a classmate in the realm of a mage gets sweaty.

  "Brother Feng, he seems to be afraid of you.

  Could it be that you have a grudge against Mao Shan? "

  Yue Qiluo looked at Lin Feng curiously, but did not know why the disciple of Maoshan just now was afraid of Lin Feng.

  Don't even dare to look at him.

  This is not normal.

  No, this is normal, after all, Maoshan is a famous and decent.

  And Lin Feng is a sorcerer.

  "Well, what do you say?"

  Lin Feng frowned and looked at Yue Qiluo: "If I say that I am the true legend of Maoshan, will you do it?"


  "Maoshan True Inheritance?"

  "Do you know Mao Shanshu?"

  Yue Qiluo smiled.

  A sorcerer said that he was the true legend of Maoshan.

  Is this humiliating yourself, or humiliating Mao Shan?

  "I knew you wouldn't believe it."

  Lin Feng casually knocked on Yue Qiluo's head.

  He also knew that it was hard to believe.

  But, this is indeed the truth.

  "The True Inheritance of Maoshan!"

  On the side, Eagle Head was startled.

  He has experienced the incident with Nintendo, and naturally knows that Lin Feng and Mao Shan have a close relationship.

  But he never thought that Lin Feng would have such an identity.

  However, he could not avoid doubts in his heart.

  Maoshan's true biography of raising ghosts and raising zombies, to be honest, he has never heard of it.

  On the other hand, Ma Gu is still struggling.

  It is suspected that Lin Feng's traces have been found, so he will report to the above.

  After struggling for a long time, he finally took out a paper crane from his arms.

  He whispered a few words in Zhi He's ear, he injected his mana into Zhi He, and suddenly, Zhi He broke through the air and disappeared into the night sky.

  In this matter, I have to report back to the teacher's door and ask the teacher's door to decide.

  In the darkness, Ali could see this scene clearly.

  "Bad man, brother Feng has let you go, and you have to leak the news of brother Feng."

  A stern look flashed in Ah Li's eyes, but he didn't do anything, but turned and left.

  After all, no matter what, this is Lin Feng's classmate.

  Without Lin Feng's order, how could she dare to provoke her.

  Soon, Ah Li caught up with Lin Feng, ran over to his shoulder, and reported what he had just seen.

   "Come on, I'm also a geographer now. In the division, if the great elder who can't be in seclusion doesn't go out in person, I'd like to see who can move me."

  Lin Feng's heart moved, but he didn't care about the leak of his whereabouts at all.

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