At this moment, he is no longer the archmage who did not have much self-protection power in the face of Maoshan.

  Strength gave him confidence.

  At the same time, it also gave him the capital to play with Maoshan.

  He believed that even if he returned to Maoshan now, the teachers would not do anything to him.

  After all, a geographer with unlimited potential, even a Taoist holy place like Longhu Mountain Zhengyi and Taoist Ancestral Court Kunlun, would not give up easily, not to mention Maoshan, which has always been beaten by those holy places.

  After climbing a high mountain, the eyes of the three of them suddenly opened up.

  A big mountain stands in front of me, looking from a distance, it looks like a broken bottle.

  Above the mountainside, clouds and mist are shrouded in mist, clearly visible in the bright moonlight.

  Among the clouds and mists, there was a poisonous miasma, and under the moonlight, it exuded colorful colors.

  "A good dragon vein!"

  Yue Qiluo's eyes lit up, she was a virtuous practitioner, and her attainments in feng shui were not high, but she had never eaten pork, and she had never seen a pig run.

  As an archmage, she is somewhat knowledgeable.

  "It is said that five hundred years ago, when the devil in your Miao Village was still there, this Pingshan Mountain was the back garden of your Miao Village."

  Lin Feng looked at Eagle Head and asked.

  "Well, that's what the old people said." Yingtou nodded and said everything he knew: "It is said that before that, Zhaizi cooperated with the emperor outside, and in this bottle mountain, there is an alchemy hall or something. , but later, the Yuan people called over, and this bottle of mountain fell into the hands of the Yuan people.

  Later, it seems that I heard that the general of the Yuan people who came over was finally buried inside.

  However, since the calamity of the Yuan people, there have been many poisonous insects in this bottle mountain. Gradually, unless we need poisonous insects to practice, our people rarely come here.

  After all, there are too many poisonous insects. If you are not careful, you may capsize in the sewer.

  Later, there were a lot of monsters in the surrounding wild monkeys, and even fewer people came here. "

  "The emperor's alchemy site...the tomb of the great generals of the Yuan Dynasty...this Pingshan Mountain will definitely improve my strength.

  Moreover, maybe I can clean it up and use it as a cave. "

  Lin Feng's eyes became hot.

  "Dongfu? I want it too. You destroyed my cave, you have to accompany me."

  Yue Qiluo's eyes lit up, but she knew that Lin Feng's eyes were not low.


  "I want everything, do you want me?"

  Lin Feng was speechless.

  "Yes, from now on, you are mine."

  Yue Qiluo jumped on Lin Feng at once.

  "You go away from me—"

  Ali on Lin Feng's shoulder quit, and grinned at Yue Qiluo.

  "Okay, don't make trouble, it's getting late, let's go to the Yizhuang below tonight to have a rest, and we'll go to Pingshan tomorrow."

  Lin Feng held Lao Yue in his left hand and Ah Li in his right hand, rushing down the mountain.

  Behind him, Eagle Head was a little embarrassed.

  But it feels like his head is a little bright.

  It's just that he clearly has long hair, not bald.


  "Let's rest first. According to this map, tomorrow morning, we should be able to get to the stockade closest to us. When that time comes, we'll explore the stockade to see if we can find the news of the Yuan tomb."

  In the forest, Chen Yulou, who had only climbed two mountains after rushing for a day, instructed.

  Heshan Road is too tiring.

  He has been used to being rich and noble for the past two years. If he hadn't had the magic power and martial arts, he might not have been able to persevere.

  "Yes, rest first!"

  Luo Laowei on the side was also exhausted.


  "That's Pingshan!"

  In the other direction, the partridge whistle held a map in his hand, looking at the mountain in the distance shrouded in gorgeous clouds, his face couldn't help showing a hint of joy.

  According to the news from the previous tomb, the Zong Chenzhu that their family has been searching for for hundreds of years is very likely in this bottle mountain.

  If you can find it and come into contact with the curse on your body, you and your younger brother and younger sister will no longer have to run around in the mountains and mountains all year round in the future.

  "Senior brother, the location here is good, or it will be here tonight for one night."

  "Okay, take a night's rest and refresh your spirits. Tomorrow, we will go into the mountains.".

Chapter 165

  Down the mountain, there is a narrow path.

  At the end of the path, there is that quiet abnormality.

  It was dark in the dead of night, and the deserted Yizhuang was dark.

  "Come on, let's stay here for one night today."

  In order to take Yue Qiluo, Lin Feng pushed the door and entered.

  Among them, the densely packed coffins may feel scary to ordinary people, but Lin Feng feels more cordial.

  The three passed through the morgue where the coffins were kept, continued on, and soon reached the living room.

  On the other side of the living room, there are also cobwebs, which obviously have not been taken care of for a long time.

  And Na Magu was only temporarily parked for one night, and he left after picking up the corpse.

  "It's a little messy!"

  Yue Qiluo frowned.

  Although she has no cleanliness, she is also-a particular person.

  "It's good if you can afford it-, you're also very particular about it."

  Lin Feng was speechless, waved his hand, and a dense number of paper figurines rushed into several rooms here.

  Whoosh whoosh—

  There was a strong wind in the house, smoke and dust were everywhere, and the cobweb dust was quickly cleaned up.

  "Use a paper man to clean the room."

  Yue Qiluo's face was a little ugly, as if she had been insulted.

  However, thinking that if it wasn't for the paper figurine, I was afraid that she and others would have to do it herself, and a smile appeared on her face.

  "Yes, it is convenient to have paper people."

  "Eagle Head, you can choose any room."

  Lin Feng left a sentence and walked straight into the main house.

  Yue Qiluo felt that she was keeping up, but saw that Lin Feng felt out San Gengxiang from nowhere and came to the corner of the room.

  In the darkness, a shadow stood in the corner.

  "How can there be a corpse?"

  Yue Qiluo frowned.

  The corpse was dressed in a black robe, with dry skin and a face similar to that of a mouse. At first glance, it was a bit terrifying.

  "It should be the caretaker of this Yizhuang. Not long after he died, he had to stand for a while before he could enter the coffin."

  Lin Feng lit the incense and placed it on the incense altar at the foot of the female corpse.

  This righteous village is the righteous village of Maoshan.

  This Wu clan guarded the village for Maoshan, and then died here, but he was qualified to receive her a stick of incense.

  Seeing Lin Feng's serious expression, Yue Qiluo didn't dare to say more. After Lin Feng finished the incense, she dared to ask cautiously, "Brother Feng, are you really from Maoshan?"

  From the corpse chaser who just left, the Yizhuang here, and Lin Feng's attitude towards the guard just now, Yue Qiluo couldn't help but think of Lin Feng's identity.

  "Like a fake replacement!"

  Lin Feng turned around, found a chair and lay down.

  "Then your sorcery?"

  "Sometimes, the more you know, the faster you die." Lin Feng was reluctant to talk to Yue Qiluo, and pointed to the bed beside him: "Sleep, otherwise, don't sleep."


  Seeing that Lin Feng was reluctant to say more, Yue Qiluo did not insist.

  "Hey, this bed is very big, isn't your chair too small?"

  In the darkness, Yue Qiluo's voice sounded again.


  Lin Feng was speechless, but his body was very honest, and he silently leaned forward.

  "Half of one person, not allowed to cross the border."

  Yue Qiluo's heart beat faster, and she was so nervous.

  But it is a feeling of introducing a wolf into the room.

  However, there was no movement beside him.

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