As for the wolf king, there is no prototype in the plot.

  But it doesn't exist in the plot, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist in reality. "

  Lin Feng analyzed it, but he had already let the wild raccoon lead the way to find the monkey king and the wolf king.

  Since he decided to renovate this bottle mountain as his mansion, he naturally had to take all the unstable factors around him into his own hands.

  In the plot, the white ape and the six-footed centipede can easily clean up the partridge whistle and Chen Yulou. Obviously, these two guys should be big demons.

  Lin Feng's body has not yet appeared, but the yin and spirit are traveling, but he is not sure that he will be able to outperform the big demon.

  Immediately, he cast a secret technique and summoned Ren Weiyong, Nintendo, and Imperial Zombies who were also in the jungle to come over as thugs.

  "Master is calling us."

  In the depths of the jungle, Ren Weiyong and the royal zombies who were swallowing the moonlight suddenly turned around and looked in the direction of Lin Feng Yinshen.

  On the side, Nintendo, who was enjoying the music, also closed the pocket watch with a snap.



  Ren Weiyong and Nintendo flew directly into the sky, flying towards the direction of Lin Feng Yinshen.


  The royal zombie was dumbfounded.

  You all can fly, so I have to jump.


  The wild raccoon knows this mountain forest like the back of the hand.

  The group of monkeys on the bottle mountain also has a fixed site.

  So the wild raccoon took Lin Feng straight to here, and almost every time he took a wrong road, he found the monkey group directly.


  Aware of the arrival of Ye Tanzi and Ahri, the monkey group, who had always been used to being domineering, was not afraid and immediately surrounded them.

  Looking around, there are hundreds of monkeys in this group of monkeys, and many of them have bright rays of light in their eyes and are full of spirituality, but there are many monkeys who have become ghosts...

  In other words, he has already stepped into the threshold of cultivation, and if he goes one step further, he will be a little monster like Ali.

  They rely on the number of people and power, and at the same time there is a big backer behind them, so they are naturally not afraid of Ahri and wild raccoon.


  Seeing that a group of monkeys whose strength was not as good as him were not retreating but advancing, surrounded himself and Ah Li in the middle, with a posture of taking the initiative to attack, the wild raccoon was angry.

  Its hair exploded all over its body, and black demonic energy poured out from its body, but it entered a state of battle instantly, to make this group of monkeys look good.

  Feeling the ferocious aura on the wild raccoon, the monkeys had a look of fear on their faces, and began to flinch.


  At this moment, deep in the forest, a long, long howl came.

  The group of monkeys, who had just been counseled a little, became manic again, jumping up and down one by one, excited.

  "So fierce, it should be the monkey king here."

  Ah Li's body trembled slightly, but he instinctively felt the fear from the roar that came from the depths of the jungle.

  The wild raccoon no longer had the fierceness just now, and backed away a little timidly, and wisely ran behind Ah Li.

  "Sure enough, it's a big monster."

  Lin Feng narrowed his eyes.

  Yu Xiaozhu is a big monster.

  However, because of his many years in the world, Yu Xiaozhu has more humanity and less wildness.

  And this Monkey King, who has not yet appeared, just by listening to the whistling sound, he knows that he is wild and untamed, and that he is a lawless master.

  Soon, there was movement in the jungle, and a huge white ape rushed out of it and landed in front of the monkey group.

  squeak squeak-

  Seeing their king arrive, a group of monkeys were full of joy, pointing at wild raccoon and Ahri and yelling non-stop.

  It looked like a child who was bullied outside complaining to his parents.

  However, the white ape ignored them, and did not pay attention to Ahri and wild raccoon.

  Instead, his eyes fell on Ari's side.

  "To be able to find me, this guy, the power of the soul is not weak..."

  Lin Feng's heart moved, revealing his figure.


  Bai Ape's face was full of fear, and he kept talking. .

Chapter 167

  "Brother Feng, he's asking our intentions."

  Ah Li jumped on Lin Feng's shoulders, which gave him a sense of security.

  "Tell it, surrender, or die!"

  Language barrier, Lin Feng is too lazy to say more.

  This white ape, from the perspective of breath, is definitely more fierce than Yu Xiaozhu.

  The flesh is no longer there. Just looking at the Yin God, Lin Feng is really not sure to take it down.

  However, if everything needs to be solved by himself, isn't it a waste of time for him?


  Ah Li conveyed Lin Feng's meaning, and the white ape was instantly angry.

  It occupies the mountain as the king, vertically and horizontally, and is free and easy, how can it tolerate another boss on its head.

  Just now, the reason why it didn't act immediately was because the breath on Lin Feng's body gave him a sense of danger.

  Therefore, he suppressed the restlessness in his heart and asked his purpose.

  If the other party is not malicious, it does not want to provoke a strong enemy for no reason.

  But now, the other party is clearly coming for it, which is completely unbearable.

  Immediately, it punched its chest and roared up to the sky, wanting to give Lin Feng some color.

  But in an instant, its roar 24 weakened.

  Because there were two figures in the sky.

  They all exude an extremely dangerous aura, making Bai Ape feel frightened.



  Ren Weiyong and Nintendo fell on the side of Lin Feng.

  On Ren Weiyong, the aura of flying stiffness permeated the audience.

  Ah Li was lying on Lin Feng's shoulder, nothing happened.

  The wild raccoon stood at Lin Feng's feet and was not affected.

  However, the white ape had a look of fear on his face.

  And the group of monkeys behind him were even more unbearable, their bodies were stiff, and many of them even fell directly from the tree, and their heads were broken.


  Ah Li jumped on Ren Weiyong's shoulders with radiant brows, and shouted with his arms on his hips.


  The white ape knelt directly on the ground.

  The weak eat the strong.

  The white ape that traverses the mountains and forests knows how to judge the situation better than anyone else.

  Ren Weiyong's strength made him unable to resist at all in his heart.

  In the face of a big guy with such a powerful existence, how could it not kneel.

  As the white ape knelt like this, behind it, the monkeys and grandchildren who fell to the ground also knelt down.

  The monkey monkeys who were still holding the branches on the tree also jumped from the tree one by one and knelt down.

  Immediately, the ground was densely packed with monkeys kneeling.

  "Brother Feng, it admits to cowardice and says that it has something good for you."

  Ah Li jumped back to Lin Feng's shoulder to take credit.

  "Good stuff? Let him fetch it for me to see."

  Lin Feng raised his brows. This white ape has been dominating the mountains for many years, and he should have a lot of good things in his hands.

  However, he did not report much hope, after all, the levels are different.

  This white ape is just a big monster.

  If Lin Feng takes anything casually, he is afraid that it will be regarded as a treasure.

  And the treasure in its eyes, Lin Feng may not be able to see it.

  This is the gap between levels.

  "It's not easy to get it, so please go and enjoy it in person."

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