"It's not easy to take... enjoy? What is it?"

  Lin Feng was a little confused, but he still motioned for Bai Yuan to lead the way.

  roar roar-

  Bai Yuan roared, and led Lin Feng into the depths of the jungle, before a big tree.


  It climbed directly onto the trunk, and then folded it hard. Suddenly, the upper section of a century-old tree was broken and fell down.

  The ground shook twice.

  The monkeys that followed were jumping up and down in fright.

  With the fall of the big tree, a strong aroma of wine came out.

  Even if Lin Feng was only present, he could smell the strong aroma of wine.

  On the side of Ah Li, the wild raccoon was even more unbearable, and his saliva was drooling.

  But it is the instinct of the body that tells them that this wine is a good thing, and drinking it is good for the body.

  Around, those monkeys and monkeys also became restless, looking at the broken trunk with eager eyes.

  Only Ren Weiyong and Nintendo felt nothing.

  After turning into zombies, the only thing that can move them is the hot blood.


  Bai Yuan looked at Lin Feng with respect.

  "Brother Feng, this big man's good thing is this tree hole wine."

  Ah Li translated to White Ape.

  "Monkey wine... I don't know what good things are added in it, but it is beneficial to the soul."

  Lin Feng moved in his heart and floated over.

  I saw that the tree hole was filled with green transparent liquid, what was it that was not wine?

  "Very well, I accepted this gift."

  Smelling the aroma of the wine, Lin Feng nodded in satisfaction.

  Monkey wine is rare.

  And this tree hole wine can be regarded as a treasure by this white ape to present to himself, and it is obviously a treasure among monkey wines.

  "Tell them, let them find some wild gourds in the mountains, and I will pack the wine away."


  A group of monkeys scattered and went to ask Lin Feng to find the utensils for the wine.

  "Ali, you ask, is this wine only this tree hole, or is there more?"

  "This wine, they make every year.

  But the wine in this tree hole, when it was brewed, was added with a different fruit that only bears fruit once every few decades.

  Therefore, this tree hole wine, the best, can help cultivation.

  Other tree holes will not work. "

  "Yes, but I am greedy. How could there be more of such a good thing."

  Lin Feng nodded, but his heart moved, even if it was ordinary monkey wine, it was a rare treasure in the outside world.

  In the future, with this group of monkeys under his command, there will be no shortage of wine in his mansion.

  The monkeys knew this mountain forest like the back of the hand, and soon, monkeys came back one after another.

  There are not many wild gourds in the mountains, but there are also more than twenty.

  Lin Feng cleaned up the gourds with his own hands, poured the wine into the gourds and sealed them.

  Knowing that the last drop went into the gourd, no more, no less, just a full twenty gourds.

  This made Lin Feng in a good mood. There are indeed many treasures in this bottle of wine. Just these wines, this wave, will not be a loss.


  Just when Lin Feng was about to turn around with the wine, suddenly another monkey returned to the team.

  However, it was two monkeys who stumbled over an injured monkey and rushed to the white ape to cry.

  "Ask what happened?"

  Lin Feng looked at Ali.

  "They saw three people on the top of the mountain over there. They also carried gourds on their bodies. They went to get them. Then they were found and beaten by those three people."

  Ali translated.

  "three people?"

  Lin Feng's eyes lit up: "Could it be that the partridge is whistling them?"

  PS: Chapter 6, make up tomorrow! .

Chapter 168

  In this wilderness, apart from the herb collectors in Miaojiang, where are there any outsiders?

  And even the herb collectors wouldn't dare to stay around Pingshan at night.

  Moreover, it is still three people together.

  This made Lin Feng have to wonder if the plot of Angry Qing Xiangxi had begun.


  On the side, the white ape was furious.

  It was in the bottle mountain generation, occupying the mountain as the king, except for the long-winged centipede at the bottom of the mountain, it was not afraid of anyone.

  The surrounding wild creatures also know its fierceness, so basically it will not embarrass its monkey monkeys.

  But now, its monkey monkey grandson has been beaten, which is worth it.

  If it was before, it would have already rushed forward, and the monkey would take revenge, and it would never be overnight.

  But now, there is a boss on it, instead of acting recklessly, it turned its attention to Lin Feng.

  "Brother Feng, the little monkey was beaten, and the big man wants to take revenge."

  Ali translated.

  "Well, let's go have a look."

  Lin Feng nodded, the demon under him was bullied, and he was bullied when he was doing things for himself.

  If this doesn't help him find his way back, then the team won't be able to take him.

  Moreover, he also wanted to confirm whether those three people were the partridge whistle in the plot.

  If it is them, it means that Chen Yulou and his party are also rushing here.

  The four sects of tomb robbery are touching gold, making hills, and moving mountains.After Xieling, the two factions gathered together.

  Lin Feng has a lot of interest in these two factions. If it is suitable, it is not impossible to bring them under his command.

  After obtaining Lin Feng's approval, the monkeys immediately headed for the place where the incident happened.


  Under a small mountain on the edge of Bottle Mountain, Partridge Whistle's face was a little ugly.

  There are many wild monkeys in the mountains, and the wild monkeys become fine, and they often steal the property of the people in the mountains.

  This kind of thing, Partridge Whistle has only heard people say before, he has been in the mountains and forests for decades, but he did not expect that he would actually encounter it today.

  Of the three monkeys, one has become a climate and a monster, and the other two are also full of spirituality.

  They took a fancy to the gourd that they and others used to store water and wanted to steal it.

  However, he is a dignified master, and this junior brother and junior sister are also masters, and their strength is not weak.

  In addition, walking in the mountains and forests all year round, how can you not be vigilant.

  So, without the slightest accident, the three monkeys were discovered by them as soon as they approached.

  The partridge whistle didn't want to cause trouble, he just wanted to drive the three monkeys away.

  However, he didn't want his younger brother, the old foreigner, to take no serious action, so he kicked Kuixing directly and injured the monkey who had become a monster.

  Moreover, looking at the appearance, it was not lightly injured.

  The three monkeys were beaten away, and the partridge whistle had a dangling heart, but he was always worried.

  It was as if there was a dark cloud looming over him, making him upset.

  "No, I can't stay here, old foreigner, Hua Ling, hurry up, pack up, let's change place~々."

  The depression in his heart was getting heavier and heavier, and the partridge whistle suddenly realized that there must be danger approaching, so he was alert.

  "Senior brother, it's fine here, why can't you stay here?

  And in the middle of the night, where can we go? "

  Leaning against the trunk of a big tree, a confused old foreigner shouted.

  He was sleeping soundly just now, when suddenly a monkey came out. Although he kicked the monkey away with one kick, the wake-up gas that was awakened has not disappeared.

  "The situation is not right. The monkeys in this forest are usually in groups. We have just injured one, and there may be a group of monkeys to take revenge soon."

  Partridge whistle frowned, it was late in the middle of the night, they tossed for a day during the day, and now they have just rested for a long time, and he did not want to toss.

  However, in this mountain forest, if you are not alert, how can you live until now.

  "Hey, senior brother said it's not safe, get up and move."

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