In the face of an ordinary mage like Hua Ling, he can easily swallow his blood from the air, but in the face of the existence of this same level, he has to use some real skills.

  Moreover, this requires the partridge whistle not to resist.

  Otherwise, even if the mana runs and suppresses the whole body, he will not be able to succeed.

  But now, the partridge whistle naturally did not resist.

  Likewise, a bloody arrow was shot from its wrist and sank into Nintendo's mouth.


  Only then did Hua Ling know the true identity of Nintendo, she was so frightened that Hua Rong's face changed color, and she stepped back again and again, almost sitting on the ground.

  After all, senior brother once said that the zombies that can appear in the daytime are the peerless murderers that roam the world.

  They have been wandering through the ancient tombs for so many years, but they have never encountered such a terrifying existence.

  But I didn't expect that today, here, I ran into it.

  Moreover, he also sucked the blood of himself and his brother.

  "Don't be afraid, he won't hurt you."

  Lin Feng's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he pulled the upcoming Hua Ling up.


  There was still a look of horror on Hua Ling's face.

  At the same time, his face flushed, and he pulled his hand away.

  "Hua Ling, it's okay."

  The partridge whistle on the side quickly greeted.

  Hua Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

  At this time, Nintendo also tasted the blood of the two, and turned to look at Lin Feng: "Master, there is a delicious curse in the blood of these two.

  The power of this curse is really delicious.

  If I drain the blood of these two people, I can definitely hit the late stage of jumping.

  It is not even necessary to directly break into the flying stiffness. "

  In Nintendo's eyes, there was a trace of blood, but he had already moved to kill.

  As Zong, he has used humans as food.

  Therefore, in the face of food that can make him stronger quickly, it is normal for him to have a surging killing intent in his heart.

  "I'm useful to them, but I can't let you move." Lin Feng shook his head, dispelling Nintendo's thoughts: "Is there any way you can, not to devour their blood, but simply devour the power of the curse in their bodies."

  Nintendo is a different species among zombies, and Lin Feng has great expectations for him.

  After all, he was deceived by the hormones made from the essence of vampires and mummies.

  He has the essence of the three dark races of zombies, vampires and mummies, and his means and potential cannot be fathomed.

  "Only suck the power of the curse?"

  Nintendo frowned.

  After a long time, he nodded: "I can try, but they have to give up their resistance completely."

  "Okay, let me explain to them."

  Lin Feng was overjoyed.

  He wanted to accept Partridge Whistle because he had a good impression of them.

  Furthermore, he was very interested in the curse on the Zagramar clan.

  At the same time, he was also interested in the Zong Chenzhu, because according to legend, the Zong Chenzhu was the gall of the phoenix transformed by the mother earth.

  Such treasures, if given the chance, naturally have to be held in their own hands.

  Immediately, he looked at the partridge whistle and pointed to the slate beside him: "You sit on the ground, relax, don't resist, I will let him try to see if he can suck the power of the curse out of your body."

  "Suck out the power of the curse?"

  The partridge whistle's eyes lit up.

  A heart beating wildly.

  "Well, you must know that zombies not only suck blood, but also eat qi, and this qi is all kinds of yin and evil qi.

  The power of this curse, in the final analysis, also belongs to the evil spirit.

  It's up to you to decide whether to let him try it or not. ".

Chapter 175

  "I'm willing to try, and ask Mr. to take action."

  Partridge Whistle nodded, looking at Nintendo with eager eyes.

  Zombies are the most evil things, the existence of great evil.

  And the curse on the Zagrama family is also the most evil and fierce existence.

  This curse cannot be dealt with by a Celestial Master who is proficient in curses, but what about the equally wicked and ferocious zombies?

  The Zagrama Clan has tried the impossible method, but this method has never been tried.

  Because this zombie is inhuman.

  If it really falls into the hands of a zombie, it will only drain your blood. How can it only suck the power of the curse and not suck blood?

  However, the existence of this suspected zombie king is different.

  He is wise.

  Moreover, there is this senior watching from the side.

  Immediately, he sat cross-legged on the ground.

  Aside, Hua Ling was silent.

  But I know that at this time, it is useless to talk too much, just look at what the senior brother does.

  "bring it on!"

  The partridge whistle restrained his mana and closed his eyes.


  Lin Feng nodded to Nintendo.


  Nintendo's four sturdy fangs stick out, black energy surges from his body, blood glows in his eyes, but in an instant, the firepower is full.


  The gloomy wind whistled.

  The sun is still falling.

  However, the yard was icy cold, and there was no warmth at all.

  Hua Ling shivered and folded her arms in front of her chest, but she felt a little cold.

  Eagle head also shuddered, and he was even more in awe of Nintendo in his heart.

  In my heart, the big guy in the master's hands is probably stronger than the eldest sister.

  Ah Li drilled hard into Yue Qiluo's arms.

  This is the inferior, the instinctive fear of the superior.

  "He's stronger than me."

  Yue Qiluo hugged Ali tightly, and the sense of crisis in her heart was even greater.

  At the same time, there is also a strong will to win.


  For the first time, Nintendo behaved like a normal zombie, with a straight body, toes on the ground, the whole body tilted, the head came to the top of the partridge whistle, and then suddenly opened his mouth and sucked.


  The partridge whistle groaned, and his body shook, but he noticed that an extremely strong swallowing force was acting on his body.

  The mana hidden in the body instinctively needs to automatically protect the body.

  But the partridge whistle forcibly suppressed it and prevented it from moving.

  Whoosh whoosh—

  One after another mysterious power invisible to the naked eye was pulled out by the devouring power and fell into Nintendo's mouth.

  A look of enjoyment appeared on Nintendo's face.

  "Drain him, drain her..."

  A crazy idea came to Nintendo's mind.

  That is the craziest magic in the body as a zombie.

  Sadly, Nintendo is no ordinary zombie.

  He himself is quite sensible.

  He was also controlled by Lin Feng's corpse refining technique.

  Know what to do and what not to dare.

  What Lin Feng does not allow to move must not be moved there.

  "It really sucks."

  On the side, no one else noticed anything unusual.

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