Only Lin Feng, there was a flash of fire in his eyes, but he saw a trace of golden power, submerged in Nintendo's body.

  In this way, after a full thirty breaths, Nintendo stopped sucking.

  However, he had already absorbed all the power of the curse that could be absorbed from the partridge whistle.


  Sensing that the devouring power that enveloped his body receded, Partridge Whistle suddenly opened his eyes.

  The suppressed mana surged into the whole body again.

  In an instant, he felt a change in his body.

  However, he felt relaxed, as if the shackles on his body were all gone.

  "I am, the curse is lifted?"

  There was a look of ecstasy on his face.

  Reach out and touch the ghost eye mark on his back.

  The imprint is still there.

  This proves that the curse is still there.

  He immediately took out a knife from his pocket and cut his fingers.

  What dripped down was not half-yellow and half-red blood.

  But pure, dark red blood.

  "The color of the blood has turned back, which means that the power of the curse has been sucked away from me.

  However, the ghost eye mark is still there, that is to say, the curse has not been solved from the root cause.

  Now this method is only a temporary solution. "

  Partridge whistle surprised.

  You know, their family, for thousands of years, has never found a way to curb the power of the curse.

  Now, Nintendo has sucked the power of the curse from him, how can it not make him overjoyed.

  "It seems that if you want to get in touch with the curse on you, either you need to find Zheng Chenzhu.

  Or, wait for Heaven's cultivation to go further, and then continue to try. "

  Lin Feng walked over with a smile.

  "Senior, great kindness, Partridge Whistle will never be forgotten, but, I still have junior brothers and junior sisters..."

  Partridge whistle looked at Lin Feng with eager eyes.

  However, they knew that Lin Feng was the one who was in charge of the house.

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  "Heaven, help her with the power of the curse."

  Things have come to this point, Lin Feng naturally doesn't mind asking Nintendo to do more.

  Moreover, the power of this curse is also good for Nintendo.

  Immediately, Nintendo went to Hualing again.

  Soon, the power of the curse in Hua Ling's body was also sucked away.

  At this point, the curse in the partridge whistle and Hua Ling was temporarily suppressed.

  However, because of the existence of the source of the curse, it will not be long before the power of the curse will fill their bodies again and curse them.

  "Senior's great kindness, our three brothers and sisters have nothing to repay. If the seniors have any use for our three brothers and sisters, we must go through fire and water and do whatever it takes."

  Partridge Shao and Hua Ling knelt in front of Lin Feng.

  This is to give himself, to move mountains, and to leave a retreat for the Zagrama family.

..... 0 0

  Because that Zong Chenzhu is just a legend after all.

  Their family has been searching for thousands of years, and they are almost wiped out when they are found, but they have not been able to find it.

  He is also not sure whether he can find it after spending his whole life.

  And now, Lin Feng here, someone can absorb the power of the curse on them.

  In other words, if there is Lin Feng's help, even if they can't find Zheng Chenzhu, they can continue to survive, no more worrying about the blood turning yellow.

  "Zhong Chenzhu, I want it too.

  Moreover, I also have clues about Zong Chenzhu.

  In the future, maybe I will find it with you, or I need you to help me find it.

  But this matter can be left behind for the time being.

  Now, I have one thing, and that is my palace under Pingshan. It has not been taken care of for a long time, but I need you to help me take care of it. "

  Lin Feng said with a smile.

  Of course, what he was talking about was actually taking a rest.

  The underground palace under the bottle mountain has been destroyed a lot. Lin Feng wants to use it as a dojo, and naturally it needs to be overhauled.

  It is unrealistic to expect those rough people in Miao Village.

  Therefore, Lin Feng thought of Partridge Whistle and Chen Yulou.

  They are all skilled craftsmen, and many of the tools used to rob tombs are made intricately and beautifully.

  This ability can be used to rob tombs, and naturally can also be used to repair houses.

  Of course, let the two leaders of Moshan and Xieling be responsible for helping him repair the house.

  Only Lin Feng could think of this matter.

  "Dare to obey!"

  The partridge bowed his head, his face full of respect.begging.

Chapter 176

  At the top of Bottle Mountain, there is a canyon that divides the mountain into two.

  Lin Feng was patrolling the mountains in the wind last night, and he already knew everything in his heart.

  However, he did not speak, but let the partridge whistle find the entrance.

  Partridge Whistle naturally knew that it was Lin Feng who was testing him.

  Immediately, he used the unique technique of moving mountains and asking for acupoints, and soon, he brought Lin Feng and his party here.

  "Senior, according to my feng shui technique of moving the mountain, this is one of the entrances to the underground palace under the bottle mountain."

  Partridge Whistle looked at the bottomless cliff below, his face did not fluctuate in the slightest, but he was used to such cliffs.

  "Well, let's go down then."

  Lin Feng nodded and jumped down without saying a word.

  Yue Qiluo naturally followed.

  Lin Feng was already a geographer, so he could have volleyed across the sky.

  And Yue Qiluo has paper figurines to help, so the short-distance leap is not a problem.

  Ah Li Wo is in Lin Feng's arms, naturally it is a leisurely stroll.

  But the partridge whistle, the flower spirit and the eagle head suffer.

  The three of you look at me and I look at you, but you know that this must be Lin Feng's test.

  Immediately, the three of them showed their magical powers.

  Partridge whistle and Hua Ling took out their own ropes and began to arrange them.

  The Eagle Head, on the other hand, gritted his teeth and used the unskilled insect whip technique.

  This insect whip technique is incidental to the hemp rope flying technique.

  It is also possible to fly into the sky for a short period of time.

  At this moment, in order to catch up with Lin Feng's pace, although he admits that he has not yet mastered this technique, he still has to use it.


  I saw him throw a black whip into the air at will, and then the whole person jumped down.

  "Senior, there are really talented people around. Senior brother, I have a hunch that if I follow behind senior, I will definitely be able to find Zheng Chenzhu."

  Seeing the eagle head jumping off, and only himself and the partridge whistle left, Hua Ling finally couldn't help it.

  For some reason, Lin Feng always gave him a sense of peace of mind.

  It seems that as long as you stay by his side, all problems and troubles will be solved.

  "This is his powerful aura affecting our spirit, so you will feel that he is omnipotent."

  Partridge whistle patiently explained to Hua Ling: "However, he is really powerful, at least, he is an existence at the level of a Celestial Master.

  There is no need to make fun of us with such existence.

  Therefore, in his hand, there must be some clues about Zhuo Chenzhu.

  Even if we can't find Chen Chenzhu very much with that clue, but following him under his command can keep our clan from being destroyed. "


  As the two talked, they tied the rope to the stone.

  Originally, according to the previous operation method, they had to leave one person on it to watch the ropes to avoid accidents.

  But at this time, Lin Feng was below, he didn't speak, but both of them had to go down.

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