Immediately, Hua Ling took out the medicine for repelling insects and beasts from his arms, sprinkled it around, and then fiddled with some poison and put it on the rope.

  In this way, if the poisonous beast approaches, the rope will generally not be damaged.

  And these barren mountains are basically uninhabited, so as long as the luck is not particularly bad, it will not capsize in the gutter.

  At this time, Nintendo followed Lin Feng's instructions and went to find Ren Weiyong and the Royal Zombies.

  Then, look for a safe road in the forest that can avoid the sun, and bring these two deadlocks to Lin Feng's side.

  This is Lin Feng's whim and a task arranged for Nintendo.

  It is also a kind of exercise for his intelligence.

  Lin Feng and Yue Qiluo floated down and came to this underground palace that no one had set foot on for hundreds of years.

  "Unexpectedly, there will be such a large palace under this cliff."

  Yue Qiluo's eyes lit up, but she was quite satisfied with this place.

  After all, Lin Feng made up his mind to turn this place into a palace.

  And she also made up her mind to occupy a place here.

  Well, the more beautiful this place is, the better.

  "This is just the tip of the iceberg."

  Lin Feng glanced around and was quite satisfied.

  In the deep mountains and valleys, such a palace, this is the ideal place to practice.

  "There's a big hole over there, like, something big got out of it."

  Yue Qiluo's eyes were vicious, and she found some clues in the blink of an eye.

  "Guess what's wreaking havoc?"

  Lin Feng nodded, but he wanted to test Yue Qiluo.

  "Big snake?" Yue Qiluo frowned.

  The traces around the hole were obviously made by a long creature.

  And the long-shaped creature, the most common, is naturally the long snake.

  "Probably so, we'll find out later."

  Lin Feng smiled, but did not talk to Yue Qiluo about the six-foot flying centipede.

  Sometimes, it is necessary to keep some mystery.


  Yue Qiluo did not speak, but stepped forward to study it carefully.

  At this moment, Lin Feng looked up to the sky.

  In the sky, a black shadow is falling rapidly.

  From time to time, black insect whips flew out of his hands, clinging to the surrounding walls, reducing the speed of his fall.

  Keep his fall within a controllable range...  

  "This person, sometimes you have to force it, otherwise, this potential will not be stimulated."

  Lin Feng looked at the eagle head who had obviously entered the room with the insect whip technique, and nodded in satisfaction.

  This eagle head, at first, can't use the insect whip technique.

  In other words, it only took a month or two for him to contact the insect whip technique.

  But now, as a mage, he can descend calmly in this deep valley with the technique of insect whip.

  This is naturally the effect of the potential of the body being stimulated under the fear of life and death.

  After this time, no accident, in less than half a month, there will be another archmage in this Miao Village.

  At this moment, feeling the cool wind whistling around him, Eagle Head was also very excited.

  The reason why he dared to jump directly down was because he practiced the secret technique of insect whip, and secondly, knowing that Lin Feng was below, it was absolutely impossible to see him fall to his death.

  So, as soon as he dared, he came down.

  This way, he used the insect whip technique to reduce the speed. At first, he was still very rusty.

  However, after entering the state, he felt that everything was so natural.

  It seems that he has entered a wonderful state, and his mana is running at will.

  The cliffs of hundreds of meters do not seem to be so scary.


  The worm whip flew out again and rested on a piece of bluestone. The eagle head suddenly exerted force, and the falling trend was completely stopped. He let go and fell on the eaves of the underground palace.


  "Yes, after you go back, you can learn a few more secret techniques. This is very important for the future of the archmage."

  Lin Feng nodded and gave some pointers.

  Generally speaking, the way of the archmage before, pays attention to specialization.

  As for the future path of the Grand Master, it is necessary to be erudite, learn from the strengths of other families, and choose a path that is more suitable for him.

  Of course, this is relative to ordinary people.


  Seeing Lin Feng instructing him on his own practice, Eagle Head burst into tears.

  The master is showing himself the way after the archmage.

  Does that mean that you feel right?

  It won't be long before he can break through the current state and become an archmage.


  "Senior brother, what a big Ganoderma lucidum."

  The partridge whistle and Hua Ling descended the rope. When they were about to reach the bottom of the valley, Hua Ling's eyes suddenly lit up and stopped.

  She is proficient in medicine, and naturally likes big medicines such as Ganoderma lucidum.

  Such good things are especially precious to those who walk in the mountains and forests.

  Sometimes, you can use it to continue your life. .

Chapter 177

  After speaking, she stretched out her hand and prepared to pick off the ganoderma lucidum on the mountain wall in front of her.

  This is the first time she has encountered such a large Lingzhi.

  Going down the cliff this time, just this Ganoderma lucidum, this wave is not a loss.


  Partridge whistle frowned and quickly stopped him.

  "what happened?"

  Hua Ling looked at the partridge whistle suspiciously.

  But I don't understand why Partridge Whistle doesn't let her take this Ganoderma lucidum.

  "You're an expert in medicine, don't you see what's wrong with this Ganoderma lucidum?"

  The partridge whistle looked at Hua Ling with a half-smile.

  In his heart, he sighed, this little junior sister was too well protected by himself and the old foreigner.

  In the past few years, although he has been in the mountains and forests, his experience is still not very rich.

  And, lacking the reverence that things deserve.

  You know, such a big Ganoderma lucidum is already considered a treasure.

  Although all the treasures in this wilderness can be regarded as unowned.

  However, if it is a good thing, it must also be guarded by spirit insects and beasts, otherwise it will not be preserved.

  And if there is no biological protection, it must have a life-saving skill.

  So, no matter what, this Ganoderma lucidum is not so easy to get.

24 "Wrong?"

  Hua Ling frowned, and then looked at it carefully.

  She is proficient in pharmacology, has a lot of knowledge, and is not inexperienced, and soon found the problem.

  "Senior brother, the color of this Ganoderma lucidum is not much. I'm afraid it was not penetrated by the poisonous gas and turned into a poison."

  As soon as these words came out, she was shocked, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

  If it wasn't for the senior brother to stop him just now, he would havetily picked this ganoderma lucidum, fearing that something would really go wrong.

  "It's not stupid. Be careful in the future. The more you look at something that is not dangerous, the more dangerous it is.

  Let's go, I don't want to leave the bottom of the valley. Seniors and the others are probably still waiting for us. "

  Partridge Whistle looked down.

  However, the underground palace below is already vaguely visible.

  Immediately, the two stopped talking and concentrated on falling.

  At this time, on the edge of the cliff in the distance, Nintendo went in and out several times, and finally found a way into the valley for Ren Weiyong and the royal zombies.

  Submerged into the darkness of the canyon, the speed of the three stiffs was also much faster.

  However, this time, Nintendo and Ren Weiyong did not abandon the royal family zombies first.

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