As a zombie, you are not afraid of poison.

  Coupled with the realm of this big centipede, it is one step worse than himself.

  Of course he didn't pay any attention to it.

  At the same time, he restrained his breath, otherwise the six-winged flying centipede would discover his power.

  But he has already made up his mind to let the six-winged flying centipede play with these two little brothers.


  Aware that Nintendo and the Royal Zombies are not weak and hostile, the six-winged flying centipede is angry.

  In this underground palace, it is powerful and has a large number of younger brothers, and it is a well-deserved king.

  Whether in this underground palace, or occasionally outside the underground palace, few creatures dare to show hostility to it.

  "Eat it and we should be stronger."

  Nintendo and the Royal Zombies looked at each other, seeing the crazy killing intent in each other's eyes.



  The double-rigged body moved, went up and down, and jumped directly.

  The bronze light surging on the body of the royal zombie, but as soon as he shot, he tried his best to use the power of self-generated bronze armor.

  The bronze armor makes its body hard, comparable to gold and iron.

  The six-winged flying centipede's centipede foot, which is comparable to a saber-cutting sword, fell on it, and the flames splashed, but it could only repel it, not break its defense.

  And Nintendo, with its weird speed, kept dropping its iron fist on the six-winged centipede.

  However, the defense of the six-winged flying centipede is not weak, and it can even be said that it is not weaker than the royal zombie.

  Nintendo's attack fell on it, and it did not cause any substantial damage to it.

  For a time, Shuang Zong and the six-winged flying centipede came and went, entangled together, and no one could do anything about it.

  On the side, Ren Weiyong watched all this quietly, but he didn't plan to do anything, but came to the passage on the side.

  With the induction between him and Lin Feng, he can conclude that Lin Feng and the others will come out from here.

  The roars of six-winged flying centipedes, Nintendo and royal zombies resounded throughout this space, and at the same time, they were also spreading outwards.

  Although the outside of Pingshan is basically inaudible due to the soil and stone walls, it is clearly audible in many places in the Pingshan.

  Lin Feng and his party, who were approaching here, were clearly aware of the movement here.

  "This movement is a little big."

  Lin Feng frowned, but he was afraid that they would destroy the antiquities in the cave when they fought.

  This underground palace has been regarded as private property by him. From his point of view, it is naturally better not to destroy it too much.

  After all, even if it is damaged, it can be repaired later.

  But the repaired, where is the original taste good.

  "What a big move, is Nintendo and the others fighting with the existence in this underground palace?"

  Yue Qiluo frowned slightly.

  From the sound, she could hear the voices of Nintendo and the Royal Zombies.

  Although she is not afraid of these two, she also has self-knowledge, knowing that her own strength is immortal, even if this skin is destroyed, she can wait for the opportunity to be reborn.

  In terms of combat power, he is not as good as these two.

  And now, in this underground palace, there are actually beings who can fight with these two.

  If she hadn't followed Lin Feng, she would never have come to such a dangerous place.

  "It's that gentleman and the other two unknown beings."

  The partridge whistle is good at ventriloquism, and is naturally very sensitive to sound, and from the faint roar, I can hear the voice of Nintendo.

  At the same time, it also judged the danger of the battle.

  Just from the sound, it can be seen that he is afraid that he will not be able to defeat any of the three fighting.

  As for Hua Ling, she is ignorant and ignorant. Although she has fear in her heart, she does not know what she is afraid of when she follows behind the big guys.

  The group of people was faster and quickly passed through the rushing palace.

  There is a golden silkworm Gu leading the way. In these palaces, some hidden poisons will be dealt with directly before they encounter them.

  At the same time, the golden light emitted by the Golden Silkworm Gu also dispelled the darkness and illuminated their way forward.

  Soon, they could smell a faint fishy smell in the air.

  Immediately afterwards, they rushed out of the passage.

  In front of you, suddenly bright.

  But in the middle of the mountain, there is a majestic palace.

  On the square in front of the palace, two dark shadows were colliding with a behemoth. .

Chapter 180

  From time to time, firelight appeared on their bodies, sketching the taste of iron and blood.

  Whoosh whoosh—

  A group of golden silkworm Gu flew up to the top of the mountain wall and gathered together, exuding golden light, dispelling the darkness below.

  Below, the figure of the six-winged flying centipede is revealed.

  "Good guy!"

  Lin Feng's eyes lit up.

  Under the golden light of the golden silkworm Gu, the six-winged flying centipede's dark body reflected the luster of metal, and it looked shocking-.

  Such a big guy, let's not talk about the combat strength, if it is used to visit the door, at least in appearance, he can already get [-] points.

  "It's a big centipede. The hole where we came in, the traces around it, it's this guy who made it."

  Yue Qiluo took a deep breath.

  This big centipede is filled with suffocating energy, and its coercion has already crossed the level of a big demon, and half of its feet have stepped into the range of the demon general.

  If they met alone, Yue Qiluo felt that there was no other way except running away.

  This made her little heart tighten even more, but she was very dissatisfied with her own strength.

  At the peak of the archmage, she has been unable to step into the master level. Her strength is worthy of being a master in this world, but she cannot be called a strong one.

  In the past, in the realm of Qingyunguan, she could be king and hegemony.

  That's because she was born in Qingyunguan, and she knows the Taoism of Qingyunguan very well. At the same time, there are only two or three cats in Qingyunguan. Therefore, she can make a great name there and make many people talk about it. .

  But now, she came to the outside world with Lin Feng.

  The more you know, the more you feel your weakness.

  "What a big centipede, if I didn't meet the senior this time, but the old foreigner and I came down alone, I'm afraid it would be dangerous.

  No, it's not certain whether they can pass the level of those poisonous centipedes in front of them. "

  A complex color flashed in the eyes of the partridge whistle, in which, there was also a sense of happiness.

  Follow the boss and do it well.

  If he encounters such an existence alone, he must first consider running away.

  But now, he is not worried at all.

  Because, in the front, the two subordinates of this senior should be able to handle this matter.

  "Sister, this centipede is so big."

  Hua Ling was held by Yue Qiluo, but her palms were still sweating.

  Such a big centipede, she never dared to think about it before.

  If this centipede is used as medicine...

  Wait, this centipede is used as medicine, who dares to eat it?

  "Is this the legendary centipede king?"

  Eagle Head couldn't help swallowing his saliva. If such a powerful poison could be used for himself.

  Uh, this kind of thing, it is estimated that the master can do it.

  Others, if they don't reach the Archmage, are afraid that they are not enough for this big centipede to jam its teeth.

  And even if it is an archmage, it is not necessarily an opponent of this big centipede.

  After all, the two adults were besieged for a while, but they didn't seem to be able to take them down.


  Just when everyone was shocked by the fierceness of the six-winged flying centipede, Ren Weiyong's voice suddenly sounded aside.

  Lin Feng and Yue Qiluo had already discovered that Ren Weiyong was waiting here, but they didn't think there was anything.

  Yingtou, Ali is no stranger to Ren Weiyong, although he was surprised, he was fine.

  Partridge whistle and Hua Ling, but at this moment, suddenly jumped up.

  "I didn't even realize that there are people beside this... No, it's zombies hiding."

  The partridge whistle looked at Ren Weiyong, who was beside him, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

  This big guy has no breath at all, and he doesn't look like a living person at all.

  And, it's not really alive.

  Because the partridge whistle sensed a faint corpse aura from his body.

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