At the same time, he sensed a sense of danger in Ren Weiyong, but it was even stronger than what he sensed in Nintendo.

  In other words, this guy is even more fierce than the big guy who just devoured the power of the curse on his body.

  "Wait, why is this big guy's figure so familiar?"

  The partridge whistle suddenly moved in his heart, thinking of the two figures hidden in the sky last night.

  One of them is the boss of Nintendo.

  Then this other person, is it this big guy?

  The big guy is suspected to be the zombie king, but now looking at his battle with this big centipede, he is not as terrifying as the zombie king.

  Even, it is not as good as the flying zombie in the legend.

  For a time, the partridge whistle was a little confused.

  But it was completely impossible to judge Ren Weiyong's strength.

  Hua Ling was holding Yue Qiluo's little hand tightly, so nervous.

  "Xiao Hualing, don't be afraid, Mrs. Ren is very cute."

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  Yue Qiluo patted Hua Ling's head to reassure her.

  "Well, let's end the battle, don't break it, you have to live, this guy, it's good to see the door."

  Lin Feng explained.

  His eyes were vicious, but he could see at a glance that in a short period of time, Nintendo and the royal family zombies should not be able to do anything about this six-winged flying centipede.

  Of course, it should be impossible for these six-winged flying centipedes to take down Nintendo and Royal Zombies.

  For an existence like him, such a battle is no longer able to arouse any interest in him.

  At this moment, the huge underground palace is waiting for him to explore, and naturally he does not want to waste time here.


  Ren Weiyong nodded, his body moved, turned into a black light, and rushed towards the six-winged centipede.


...... 0

  Dark corpse aura gushed out from his body.

  The breath that belongs to the flying stiffness permeates the air, overwhelming the audience.

  In the arena, all the creatures except Lin Feng felt a tightness in their hearts, as if they were being stared at by some terrifying existence.

  Just above the cave, the golden silkworm Gu that was posing as the sun radiating bright light was dimmed for a moment.

  This is the power of flying stiff.

  Flying stiff, no grass grows.

  This sentence is not blown out, but typed out.

  However, because Ren Weiyong was not targeting the Golden Silkworm Gu.

  Moreover, the adaptability of these golden silkworm Gus is indeed terrifyingly strong.

  But in the blink of an eye, he got used to the pressure and started to shine again.

  And in front of it, the six-winged flying centipede, shrouded by the might of Don Renwei, froze and looked over with fearful eyes.

  The Nintendo and Royal Zombies on the side also stopped their movements.

  But he knew that if Ren Weiyong took action, he would have nothing to do with him.


  The six-winged centipede sensed the crisis, and there was blood surging on his body.

  As the blood light flashed away, inside its pitch-black body, there was a faint golden light looming.

  With the flash of the golden light, the six-winged centipede had an aura of superiority, but it was able to ignore the pressure from Ren Weiyong.

  In its eyes, a fierce light flashed, and it no longer attacked Nintendo and the royal family zombies, but practiced together, directly pounced on the rushing Fei Zong Ren Weiyong.begging.

Chapter 181

  "Dragon Qi?"

  Lin Feng's eyes glared at the boss all of a sudden, but he discovered that this dark centipede actually had the blood of a real dragon hidden in its body.

  On weekdays, the bloodline of this true dragon is hidden and invisible.

  But now, under the oppression of Ren Wei's courage, he sensed the crisis of life and death, but it was inspired.

  In an instant, the imposing manner of the six-winged flying centipede was several times tyrannical, breaking through the shackles directly and reaching the level of a demon general.

  Of course, this is only temporary and belongs to potential stimulation.

  Once the potential this unleashed wears off, it's knocked back into shape.

  And even fall into weakness.

  However, no matter what, the six-winged flying centipede temporarily possessed the strength of a demon general in this short period of time.

  Aware of the powerful pressure that suddenly came from the six-winged flying centipede, the expressions of the Nintendo and the royal zombies behind it changed greatly.

  But I know that just now, the two of them are not strong enough to really force the potential of this six-winged flying centipede.

  Otherwise, if the six-winged flying centipede just suddenly broke out in strength, the two of them would definitely have bad luck.

  "Get stronger?"

  Ren Weiyong, who had been careless at first, also changed his face slightly at this moment.

  Just now, when he saw that the six-winged flying centipede's strength was not at the level of a demon general, he did not do his best.

  Now, the six-winged flying centipede suddenly burst out. He wanted to go all out, but it was too late.


  The six-winged flying centipede, whose strength has skyrocketed, collided directly.

  The long feet surging like a horse-chopping knife, the light of the knife is vertical and horizontal.

  The two fists were incomparable to the four hands, and Ren Weiyong was not low on the steel, so he flew out directly.

  And the six-winged flying centipede did not pursue, but showed a fierce light, and came straight to Lin Feng and the others.

  Of course, this is not to capture the thief first to capture the king.

  Instead, they wanted to escape from the exit behind Lin Feng and the others.

  The family knows their own affairs.

  The wisdom of this six-winged flying centipede is not low, but they know that the strength that they burst out cannot last for a long time, and they must leave quickly.

  "not good--"

  The moment Ren Weiyong was cut off, his eyes became blood red.

  Carelessly lost Jingzhou.

  Suddenly, the boat overturned in the gutter.

  This made him angry and annoyed, but there was nothing he could do.

  One step at a time, one step at a time, he lost the opportunity and was destined to be unable to stop the six-winged flying centipede.

  "So fierce?"

  "Fierce than the boss?"

  Blood gleamed in the eyes of the royal zombies and Nintendo, but they didn't expect that Ren Weiyong was not the opponent of this six-winged flying centipede.

  "Can't even stop flying?"

  Yue Qiluo swallowed her saliva, pulled Hua Ling up, took a step back, and shrank behind Lin Feng.

  At a critical time, it is still the security behind Brother Feng.

  "Flying stiff, it was knocked flying, this centipede demon general is too fierce."

  The partridge whistle is also swallowing saliva, the mana in the body is surging, and he is ready to save himself at any time.

  "It's not a shame that it's the sacred beast that protects the mountain that the owner likes. It's too fierce."

  The eagle's face was full of enthusiasm.

  Miao people fear poisonous insects, but also worship poisonous insects.

  This powerful six-winged centipede is worthy of his worship.

  Moreover, in his eyes, this six-winged flying centipede is not an outsider.

  Because Lin Feng had just appointed him, he wanted to use these six-winged flying centipedes to see the door.

  "Good guy, I don't want to need me to do it myself."

  Lin Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

  From beginning to end, he never thought of doing it himself.

  However, the development of things was beyond his expectations.

  However, it was not beyond his control.

  An ordinary half-step demon general-level six-winged flying centipede is only assigned to him as a gatekeeper, and even without his personal action, he will be surrendered.

  But now, the six-winged flying centipede, which showed its great potential, was already qualified to let Lin Feng officially do it.

  "Well, just use you to try my full-level witchcraft."

  When Lin Feng thought about it, there was a clattering sound all around.

  He stretched out his left hand and suddenly grabbed the six-winged centipede.

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