In the darkness behind, the black-robed old man looked at Liu Yongchuan's disappearing figure without a heartbeat.

  "On a whim, is this the era of my corpse-hunting faction coming?"

  The black-robed old man moved in his heart, but instinctively speculated in a good direction.


  Bottle Mountain.

  in the underground palace.

  Yue Qiluo's body is clear and generous, setting it off to be extremely holy.

  In her body, the endless power of dragon veins spilled out, scattered between heaven and earth.

  The spiritual energy of the entire bottle mountain is gradually increasing.

  Because of the existence of the Earth Dragon Ball, the power of these scattered dragon veins will not spread out indefinitely.

  Instead, it will be centered on the Earth Dragon Ball, which has always existed near this bottle mountain.

  That is to say, although the power of the dragon veins that Yue Qiluo used to refine the sound of the flesh has been consumed, it has not disappeared, nor was it wasted. Instead, this bottle mountain has been transformed into a side that is not inferior to the small sects of Qingyunguan. Paradise.

  And just when the power of the dragon veins was about to run out, Yue Qiluo, who had been keeping his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

  At this moment, her eyes are dark and deep, and it seems that there is a galaxy flowing in them.

  "The unity of spirit and flesh is a wonderful feeling.

  Using the power of dragon veins to purify the flesh is really effective.

  I can feel that my body and my soul are in perfect harmony.

  And my body has also recovered to the state of being sixteen or seventeen years old.

  The realm of earth masters, now, for me, it is no longer the moon in the well, the flowers in the water, but the realm that can be touched easily. "

  Yue Qiluo's heart was full of joy, she looked down at Lin Feng, and when she saw Lin Feng was looking at her with a smile, her thoughts became more and more accessible.

  "I want to catch up in the footsteps of brother Feng, so, just now, let's break through."

  Yue Qiluo moved in her heart and closed her eyes again. .

Chapter 197


  The aura that was at the peak of the archmage radiated from Yue Qiluo's body.

  "very good!"

  Lin Feng has been paying attention to the movements of Yue Qiluo's body, and naturally he has also noticed that his soul and body have completely matched.

  From then on, the obstacles that prevented him from entering the earth division also disappeared.

  At this moment, it is time to strike while the iron is hot, to climb higher mountains in one go.

  "The secret art of swallowing spirit, swallow it for me!"

  Yue Qiluo ran her own secret technique and madly devoured the only remaining dragon veins in the dragon balls.

  It is at the peak of the archmage itself, and the foundation has been polished and complete, plus the uniqueness of the soul, it is even more powerful than the yin god of the earth master.

  The bottleneck from the archmage to the earth master, in front of him, simply no longer exists.

  In an instant, the aura on Yue Qiluo's body broke through the limit of an archmage, reaching the level of a geoman's talent.

  However, in this way, the only remaining dragon vein power in the Earth Spirit Orb was also consumed by it.

  "You have accumulated hundreds of years, but it is time to rush forward and rush forward."

  Lin Feng was concerned, the essence in the body 24 permeated out of the body and disappeared into Yue Qiluo's body.

  But it is reversing the secret art of swallowing spirits, to help Yue Qiluo.

  At the same time, he also wants to use this to test out Yue Qiluo's limit and see what his potential is.


  Yue Qiluo has fallen into a state of epiphany at this moment, but she doesn't care where the essence comes from, just swallow it.

  I saw her body, black light flowing, but it was a cultivation base, and it was getting stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  "George... The master treats her so well..."

  Above the cracks in the ground, Dong Xiaoyu looked at Yue Qiluo who was floating in the air below, feeling the aura from her body, and her eyes were full of envy.

  Under the earth division are all ants.

  Don't look at her as a red-clothed ghost, fierce and powerful, but she can only be fierce in the realm of the great master.

  If you really want to bump into an existence that is in a realm higher than yourself, it is just a bigger ant, and you can press it to death.

  However, although she was envious, there was no resentment towards Lin Feng in her heart.

  Do not fight or rob, this is her principle of doing things around Lin Feng.

  She believed that as long as she was good at herself, the master would definitely not treat her badly.

  "Oh my God, Sister Yue has broken through." Ahri, who was stunned to death by the dragon on the ground dragon ball, had already woken up.

  At this moment, seeing the change below, I couldn't help but smack my tongue.

  You must know that the strongest in the family she was born into was just a demon general.

  In other words, it exists on the same level as a geographer.

  "Xiaoyu, you have to work hard."

  After being shocked, she immediately turned her attention to Dong Xiaoyu.

  She has practiced for more than two hundred years, and in front of Yue Qiluo, she can only be called small.

  But in front of Dong Xiaoyu, he was able to get big.

  Therefore, she has always been like Lin Feng, Xiaoyu Xiaoyu screaming.


  Dong Xiaoyu nodded and said nothing.

  However, his fists were clenched tightly.


  "The power of dragon veins... a gift from the master..."

  The six-winged centipede's eyes swirled around the Earth Dragon Ball and Lin Feng in Yue Qiluo's hands.

  The power of the dragon veins that spilled out just now made it extremely jealous.

  Because so much power of the dragon veins is enough to restore it to its peak, and even stimulate the true dragon blood in the body to take it to a higher level.

  It is a pity that it also knows that it is impossible to receive such treatment when it has just taken refuge with the new master.

  However, as long as you do your best, these things can be won in the future.

  Immediately, its mind became agile, thinking about how to please Lin Feng.

  "Miss Yue is getting more and more fierce... I need to become stronger..."

  Ren Weiyong was flying stiff. In the past, Yue Qiluo was no threat to him at all.

  If it is an opponent, he is sure that one move will defeat the enemy and destroy his physical body.

  But now, Yue Qiluo made him feel threatened.

  This gave him a sense of urgency.

  In the past, under the master, he was the strongest.

  Now, someone has followed suit.

  If you don't work hard, your status as the number one thug may soon be lost.

  Because of the continuous upward breakthrough, Yue Qiluo did not conceal his momentum at all.

  Although because of the depths of the earth, her aura did not rise to the sky and oppressed all directions, but it inevitably spread to all around.

  "Senior brother, why do I suddenly feel so cold."

  The Hua Ling in the distance suddenly shuddered, tightening his clothes and looking at the partridge whistle.

  "It's Miss Yue next to Senior. She broke through...and became a geographer..."

  Hua Ling didn't find the problem, but the partridge whistle, an archmage, knew the reason at once.

  Because the momentum from this distance is very familiar.

  "Geomaster...I don't know if there is still a chance in my life."

  Partridge whistle's face was full of bitterness.

  From the mountain lineage, the Zagrama family, once the strongest, was the Celestial Master.

  However, with the passage of time, the strongest slowly became a geographer.

  But now, moving the mountains, only two or three cats are left, and the strongest is only the Archmage.

  He had seen the difficulties between the Archmage and the Earth Master in the ancient books of the clan.

  Before, he didn't know if he would be able to break through in his lifetime.

  And now, he knew that he had a chance.

  Because of Lin Feng's appearance, he regained the most precious time.

  If yes, it's just a chance.

  In this world, there is no one under the Earth Master who dares to say that he will definitely be able to cultivate into a Earth Master.

  "Senior brother, I believe in you, you can definitely do it."

  Hua Ling looked at the partridge whistle with hope.

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