"Well, I also believe in myself."

  The partridge whistle nodded, the flames beating in his eyes.

  On the other side, in the main tomb of the Yuan Dynasty general, the royal zombies and Nintendo, who had almost digested all the corpse in their bodies, suddenly opened their eyes at this moment.

  "It's Miss Yue."

  "Miss Yue broke through."

  Blood glowed in the eyes of the two stiffs, and a tyrannical aura emanated from their bodies.

  This momentum has also reached the late stage of jumping.

  However, it was the accumulation of hundreds of years of Yuan Dynasty generals that directly caused their cultivation base to skyrocket, allowing them to save decades of hard work.

  "I'm going to try it too."

  Nintendo was full of blood and growled in a low voice.


  Four sharp fangs protruded from its mouth.

  The momentum on his body is also climbing upwards.

  "How could I be left behind by you?"

  Not to be outdone, the royal zombies roared, manipulating the corpse aura in their bodies and attacking towards a higher realm.

  "What happened to the two big men inside?"

  The eagle head, who had suddenly felt cold, felt that the surroundings were even colder.


  When Nintendo and the Royal Zombies moved, Lin Feng naturally noticed it instantly.

  "These two guys, do you want to join in the fun?

  This bottle mountain is really my blessed land. ".

Chapter 198

  Lin Feng, who was helping Yue Qiluo, raised his mouth slightly, obviously very satisfied with the performance of Nintendo and Royal Zombies.

  At the same time, I also feel that I underestimate their potential.

  Originally, he thought that it would be very good for these two guys to be able to digest the corpse energy from the Yuan Dynasty general in one day.

  But he didn't expect that the royal zombies and Nintendo gave him a surprise, they had completely digested the corpse aura in just a few hours.

  Otherwise, they would not have the energy to attack the realm.

  "Alright, it just so happens that there are a lot of dragon grievances in Dragon Ball.

  The power of the dragon veins is a panacea and a great tonic for human cultivators.

  And that dragon resentment, for zombies and ghosts, is nothing like a panacea, a great tonic.

  Xiaoyu has not yet reached the perfection of the realm of ghosts, and there is no possibility of stepping into the level of ghost generals for the time being.

  Then this dragon resentment, it is better to use it on Nintendo and royal zombies.

  The black clouds are pressing down on the city and the city is about to be destroyed, and the mountains and rains are about to come and the wind will fill the building. At this time, it is better to improve the strength as much as possible.

  However, the most urgent task is to push Qiluo to the top. "

  Lin Feng thought about it, and sent it to Yue Qiluo's body, the massive amount of energy remained unchanged.

  At the same time, he also runs the Spirit Devouring Secret Technique to devour the surrounding heaven and earth vitality to supplement his own consumption.


  Yue Qiluo is like a piece of land that has been dry for an unknown period of time, continuously receiving irrigation from the forest wind.

  Soon, the aura on her body increased a lot, even breaking through the early stage of the geology division, breaking into the middle stage of the geology division, and surpassing Lin Feng in terms of realm.

  However, because of refining Lin Feng's essence, she also relies more on Lin Feng, which is equivalent to handing her lifeline into Lin Feng's hands.

  "She actually walked in front of me. It seems that her hundreds of years have not been in vain."

  Lin Feng raised his brows, but he didn't care.

  The intuition in the dark, let him know that now, he must improve his strength as soon as possible.

  Yue Qiluo is his person, the stronger she is, the happier Lin Feng will naturally be.

  After all, it's hard to find a girl like Lao Yue who can do something for her...

  He has an intuition that if he continues to instill his essence, Lao Yue's strength will continue to grow stronger.

  However, without waiting for him to act, Yue Qiluo still stopped absorbing the essence in his body.

  I saw a flash of light on his body, and the whole person slowly fell to the ground.

  "Congratulations, you finally got what you wanted~々."

  Lin Feng grinned, although Yue Qiluo didn't continue to become stronger according to what he had just thought, but he didn't feel anything wrong.

  Cultivators must have their own ideas.

  He believed that Yue Qiluo's own thoughts were more conducive to future practice than his thoughts.

  In fact, just as Lin Feng thought, if he continued to devour his essence, Yue Qiluo could continue to become stronger.

  Instead of breaking into the late stage of the Geomaster, there should be no problem in climbing to the mid-term Great Perfection of the Geomaster.

  After all, she is a genius of cultivation, otherwise she would not have created the three major sorceries and established her own door.

  For the hundreds of years she was trapped at the level of the archmage, although she was still in the same place because of her physical body.

  However, her understanding of cultivation and her perception of cultivation are accumulating all the time.

  With these insights as the foundation, and at the same time, there is the mysterious soul, after solving the shackles of the fit between the physical body and the soul, the cultivation base has improved by leaps and bounds, which is naturally normal.

  However, Yue Qiluo naturally knows the truth that haste is not enough.

  If the cultivation base skyrockets too much, it will cause the foundation to be unstable.

  So, just now, she chose restraint.

  "From now on, I'll be yours."

  Yue Qiluo stared at Lin Feng without saying anything of thanks.

  Many times, there are not many words, just one sentence is enough.


  Lin Feng's mouth twitched.

  So direct, he almost didn't react.

  This old man is really evil.

  However, I like it.

  "Nintendo and the Royal Zombies are also rushing through the level. Do you want to help them with Dragon Resentment?"

  Seeing that Lin Feng was speechless for a while, Yue Qiluo pursed her lips and smiled and changed the subject.

  After refining the Earth Dragon Ball and in charge of the formation here, she can naturally perceive the movement of the double stiffness in the formation.

  "What do you think?"

  Lin Feng gave Yue Qiluo a meaningful look.

  This guy has a lot of heart.

  "Marry a chicken and follow a chicken, marry a dog and follow a dog. You are the master of this family."

  Yue Qiluo did not accept the move.

  Above, Dong Xiaoyu had already cast a longing look upon hearing the conversation between the two.

  Dragon Resentment, for her, is also a great supplement, which can save her a lot of time.

  However, it also depends on whether Lin Feng is willing to reward her or not.

  "Have you not even passed the door yet, so you pretend to be the hostess?"

  Lin Feng was speechless, but he knew that Yue Qiluo was talking to Dong Xiaoyu.

  At the same time, he is also testing Dong Xiaoyu's position in his heart.

  "I just need to use it on the blade, I have a big enemy coming, and I must improve my strength as soon as possible.

  Xiaoyu has no hope of breaking through to the ghost general for the time being, so the dragon resentment in the dragon ball here is used on Nintendo and the royal zombies. "

  Lin Feng explained it to Yue Qiluo, and then looked up at Dong Xiaoyu: "¨~You are the first to follow me, so of course I will not treat you badly. After this matter, I will find a way to help you practice."


  Dong Xiaoyu originally had some small loss in his heart, but seeing Lin Feng specifically explaining it to himself, the trace of loss in his heart dissipated immediately.

  To have such a master is a blessing that she does not know how many lifetimes she will get.

  Thunder, rain and dew are all Jun En, all she needs to do is accept it.

  And Yue Qiluo, who was on the side, had already exploded at this moment: "The enemy is coming? Who?"

  "I don't know, it's just that there is such vigilance in the dark."

  Lin Feng shook his head. Since his debut, not many people have been offended, but not many.

  He really didn't know where the crisis in the dark came from.

  "It's okay, I'll help you.

  No matter who wants to move you, (Li Li's) has to step on my corpse. "

  Yue Qiluo stepped forward, patted Lin Feng on the shoulder, and looked like a big sister.


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