Lin Feng was speechless, this guy is really fickle.

  However, he could sense that Lao Yue's truth was sincere.

  If necessary, she will really go out and protect herself to buy.

  Is this the power of love?

  In a trance, Lin Feng felt as sweet as eating honey.

  Soft rice should be delicious.

  Although I have good teeth, it seems to be good to eat occasionally.

  However, this is not the time to be with Lao Yue, because there is still business to do.

  Immediately, he put his arms around Yue Qiluo's waist: "Let's go and see them in heaven."

  Immediately, the two jumped onto the seam and jumped onto the back of the six-winged flying centipede.


  And at this moment, at the other end of the underground palace, the rush of Nintendo and the Royal Zombies also came to a critical time. .

Chapter 199

  In the main tomb of the great general of the Yuan Dynasty, the corpse qi rolled in the darkness.

  In the darkness, there were two pairs of blood-red eyes with blood-rays emitting beams of light, making the darkness even more eerie and terrifying.

  The coercion that was at the peak of the jumping stiffness radiated from it, and spread outward through the stone gate that blocked the tomb gate.

  At the door, Eagle Head trembled, instinctively wanting to stay away from the moment.

  However, reason is restraining instinct, and Lin Feng asked him to stay here. Unless he died, he would never take a step back.

  There is pressure to have motivation, which is also a kind of practice.

  Such a firm belief has also helped him in his practice, making him get closer and closer to the realm of the archmage.

  However, because of the background, it is impossible for him to break through with the help of pressure.

  Even, insisting on it forcibly may even damage the foundation.

  However, his luck was good. Just when his body was swaying and he was about to be unable to hold on, the six-winged flying centipede came quickly.

  Lin Feng and Yue Qiluo were standing on the head of the six-winged flying centipede.


  Seeing Lin Feng's figure, there was a hint of lightness on Yingtou's face, and then his body shook, and he quickly turned around.

  "Not bad!"

  Lin Feng nodded, waved his hand, and a mana swept out, rolling up the body of Eagle Head and letting him float into a secret room not far from here.

  Then, the mana returned to its original origin, turned into pure essence, and submerged into the body of the eagle head.

  The operation of the mana instinct in the eagle head devoured this essence and constantly strengthened himself.

  This is Lin Feng's reward to him.

  A mere mage, facing the coercion of the two giant jumps, was able to not retreat.

  The loyalty of this eagle head to him can be imagined.

  Although such subordinates are weaker, they still have the stance of cultivation.

  After all, even though he is now despised by the Archmage.

  But this Miao village in Laoxiongling is not too small, Wang Po is alone, and it is difficult to support it alone, and more powerful helpers are needed.


  The six-winged flying centipede stopped in front of the tomb gate, crawling on the ground, with solemn eyes.

  It has played against Nintendo and Royal Zombies, and naturally knows the strength of Nintendo and Royal Zombies.

  However, that was a few hours ago.

  A few hours ago, it didn't pay attention to Nintendo and Royal Zombies because of its hole cards.

  However, now Nintendo and Royal Zombies already have the capital to face them squarely.

  Because their aura, in just a few hours, has become fierce by at least [-]%. Basically, it can be said that they have reached the ceiling of the jumping state.

  On the Internet, that is the fish leaping from the dragon gate, soaring into the sky.

  This step is not good.

  But the six-winged centipede knew that they were likely to be able to step out.

  Because they have an unfathomable master.

  Sometimes, choice is more important than hard work.

  In this step, if the two zombies are allowed to step out with their own efforts, I don't know how many years it will take.

  However, because they followed the right person, they only spent a few hours.

  Thinking of this, the six-winged centipede's solemn eyes filled with hope.

  Perhaps, after serving the master well, it will not be a problem to turn into a dragon in the future.

  "What a strong corpse aura, these two guys have good potential, especially Nintendo. If I don't make a breakthrough, I'm not necessarily his current opponent."

  Yue Qiluo waved her hand, and the closed door of the tomb suddenly opened.

  The dark corpse aura rushed out of it, transformed into a strange shape, and spread out to the outside.

  "Heaven's potential is indeed the greatest of the three zombies, and secondly, Ren Weiyong, they all have the potential of corpse kings, and even have the hope of hitting the realm of the legendary Flying Yaksha.

  The Royal Zombie is a bit worse, but with my help, it will not be a problem to become a Corpse King in the future. "

  Lin Feng was not at all moved by the dark corpse aura in front of him, and walked inside.

  Yue Qiluo, Ren Weiyong, and Dong Xiaoyu quickly followed.

  The six-winged flying centipede looked at the relatively narrow hole compared to its own body, and did not go up to join in the fun.

  Little Ali did not follow, but because the momentum of Nintendo and the royal zombies was too strong, she didn't want to go in and be oppressed.

  "They are lucky."

  Yue Qiluo laughed.

  The world is never short of geniuses.

  The world is so big that there are many potential people, ghosts, demons, and Morocco.

  However, how many can grow up in the end?

  Ren Weiyong, the origin of Nintendo and the Royal Zombies, Lin Feng told Yue Qiluo when he had nothing to do.

  If they hadn't followed Lin Feng, they would have been beaten to death long ago, so how could they be today.

  "I make them, and they will make me!"


  The two talked as they walked, and soon practiced in front of Nintendo and the Royal Zombies.

  At this time, Nintendo was still thinking about a higher impact, but the royal zombies have already shown a decline.

  This is the underlying difference.

  Don't look at the secret method of the royal zombie's practice of rigid cultivation, and the bronze armor is added. Among the zombies of the same realm, it is definitely a first-class powerhouse.

  But in the face of the invincible aliens like Nintendo, it's still not enough to watch.

  This is not only manifested in terms of combat power, but also in terms of potential.

  At this moment, after the royal zombies tried to hit the fly, they soon felt that their strength was not enough. If there was no external force to intervene, this breakthrough would definitely fail.

  However, failure is also an accumulation.

  This will also be of great benefit to his future practice.

  However, he was lucky to have a master like Lin Feng.

  "Breaking through, we have to do it all in one go, Qiluo, let's take action together and help the royal zombies."

  Lin Feng felt the current state of the royal zombie through the corpse control technique, but he made a decisive decision to make it a success.

  "Okay, I'll let go of the restriction, and the dragon resentment of the dragon ball here is free for you to use."

  Yue Qiluo nodded, and reached out to wipe the Earth Spirit Bead in front of her.

  Immediately, a dim light flashed on the ground dragon ball, and among them, a gray dragon shadow wandered.


  Lin Feng waved his hand, and suddenly a suction force was generated out of thin air, and the gray gas rushed out from the dragon ball there, turned into small snakes, and drilled into the body of the royal zombie.

  "The master is helping me!"

  The royal zombie, who completely sank his mind into his body and rushed into the realm with all his heart, felt the familiar aura, and suddenly moved in his heart, running the secret method, refining the resentment of the dragon veins that had penetrated into the body.

  Cooking oil with fire, the imperial zombie's momentum that had begun to languish once again soared, climbing to the highest peak it had ever reached, and at the same time, charging towards a higher place. .

Chapter 200

  This climb was immediately overwhelming, and in an instant, it broke through the bottleneck from jumping to flying.


  At the moment of breaking through the bottleneck, the imposing manner of the royal zombie directly soared several times, and an imposing manner that belonged to flying stiffness radiated from his body.

  The entire main tomb was shrouded in the pressure of flying stiff.

  Lin Feng, Yue Qiluo, and Ren Weiyong all exist at this level. For them, the coercion of the royal zombies is like a spring breeze.

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