Aside, Lin Jiu was numb.

  He has been cultivating for decades, and now he is only an archmage.

  However, Lin Feng was about to have a ghostly subordinate soon.

  Moreover, it is not an ordinary ghost, but a red-clothed ghost that is more fierce than ordinary ghosts.

  This is really human-to-human, and maddening.


  Finally, Dong Xiaoyu's eyes turned bloody.

  The white robe was completely blood red, as if it had just been fished out of fresh blood, and the blood was dripping.

  Her figure slowly floated up, and blood-colored ghosts came in and out of her body.

  An aura that belonged to a serious ghost emanated from Dong Xiaoyu's body.

  Although not as fierce as the guy who was neither male nor female wearing embroidered shoes just now.

  But not far.


  At the same time, Lin Feng's body was also undergoing earth-shaking changes. .

Chapter 27

  Originally, the mana in his body was like a flowing stream.

  At this moment, the babbling stream turned into a rushing river.

  In an instant, Lin Feng's aura soared, directly breaking through the bottleneck of the mage and reaching the level of the great mage.

  "The gap between the mage and the archmage is really obvious." Feeling the power in his body that was several times stronger than before, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a little fortunate: "Fortunately, I am practicing ghost shepherding, and I am directly at full level, so I can drive the subdued. Ghost Soldier, otherwise, change to another mage, run into the archmage, and want to kill him, it would be good if he could escape his life."

  "This... This woman's breakthrough, even with Feng Xiaozi also followed... This ghost shepherding technique is really, really evil..."

  Aside, Lin Jiu was stunned.

  The first person in Maoshan's younger generation, Shi Shaojian, was two years younger than Lin Feng. Half a year ago, he broke through and became a mage, known as a peerless genius.

  Shi Jian has even said that within ten years, Shi Shaojian will definitely become an archmage.

  It is said that he will become a master of earth in the future, the seed of a master of heaven.

  Now, what is Lin Feng, who is two years older than Shi Shaojian, but has become an archmage in just over half a month of cultivation?

  A peerless genius among peerless geniuses?

  Such a speed of cultivation is unheard of.

  Even sorcery, it is impossible to cultivate so fast.

  Lin Jiu's three views were broken.

  He didn't know whether all of this was good or bad for Lin Feng.

  At this rate, what he thought two days ago, within ten years, Maoshan will definitely have another Celestial Master, I am afraid it will be yellow.

  For ten years of shit, if Lin Feng can really maintain this speed, he will be able to stand on top of the world for at most two years.

  In two years, I have walked the road that no one else can walk in a lifetime.

  No, the road he has traveled in the past two weeks may not be complete for many people in a lifetime.


  Dong Xiaoyu restrained her momentum, changed the girl in white, and landed in front of Lin Feng.

  "Well done, I will reward you well when I go back."

  Lin Feng winked and said something that only they could understand.

  After he finished speaking, he picked up the yellow gourd around his waist: "Accept—"

  Immediately, all the ghost soldiers, including Dong Xiaoyu, returned to the gourd.

  "Senior brother, it's quiet now. You're looking to see if this piece of land is suitable."

  Lin Feng looked at Lin Jiu who was still in shock.

  "it is good."

  Lin Jiu came back to his senses and started to do business.

  At this moment, he has already figured out that there must be a secret in his little junior brother.

  However, it doesn't matter, who has no secrets yet.

  It doesn't matter if he is practicing sorcery or whatever, as long as he doesn't do anything wrong, it doesn't matter.

  However, if Lin Feng really dared to do that kind of thing that hurts and harms the heavens, even if he was already a master of the earth and heaven at that time, Lin Jiu would definitely take care of him.

  Holding a compass, Lin Jiu followed the moonlight and probed carefully.

  Soon, on a piece of bluestone, he found a footprint stuck in the bluestone.

  The footprints were about the same size as the blood-colored embroidered shoes just now.

  "Isn't this footprint made by the former owner of the embroidered shoes?"

  Lin Feng thought of a possibility.

  "It's very possible, but leaving footprints on the bluestone is definitely not possible for ordinary people. Only those martial arts masters who have cultivated dark energy can do it."

  "That is to say, a long time ago, a well-trained martial artist died here, and then left a pair of blood-stained embroidered shoes, and then, five years ago, that guy who was neither male nor female died from Renjiazhen. I escaped here, and with those embroidered shoes, I became a Specter, but because of the embroidered shoes, I was trapped here until I was beaten to death just now."

  Lin Feng used his imagination and analyzed.

  "It should be... it should be like this!"

  Lin Jiu sneered, as if it made sense.

  After solving the doubt, the two continued to look around.

  After examining the surroundings, Lin Jiu was relieved: "Okay, that's it."

  The cemetery has also been found, and everything is basically ready. Now, only the day after tomorrow, the grave will be opened and the coffin will be opened.


  Then the moon was shining, the stars were chasing the moon, and it was midnight again, and the two returned to Renjia Town.

  However, Lin Feng excused that Yizhuang's bed could not sleep well, so he didn't go back, but went straight to Renjia Town and found an inn to stay.

  After all, the promised rewards must be honored.

  And in Yizhuang, to be honest, it is inconvenient.

  If Lin Jiu really wanted to find out that there was something between him and Dong Xiaoyu, wouldn't that make him uncomfortable? .

Chapter 28

  In just half a month, he has already cultivated into an archmage. What happened to Lin Feng is really unbelievable.

  Returning to Yizhuang alone, Lin Jiu thought for a long time, and finally decided to tell Shi Jian about this.

  Maoshan is a sect created by Sanmao Zhenjun.Sanmao Zhenjun, also known as Sanmaojun, is actually not one person, but three people, and they are also three brothers.

  Therefore, there are three patriarchs of Maoshan, and each of them has left a line, and Maoshan, in fact, has three lines.

  Now, in Lin Jiu's lineage, Shi Jian is in charge of Maoshan, so many things must be reported to him, so that he can know.

  So that what happens in the future, Shi Jian can easily deal with it.

  Thinking of this matter, he opened the magic circle and passed the news back.


  Maoshan, Shi Jian has not yet rested.Suddenly, the gossip mirror hanging on the wall shines brightly.

  Shi Jian casually tapped, and Lin Jiu's voice came from inside.

  "Elder Brother, Lin Feng has come to me, something happened to him..."

  "Ghost Shepherd... Archmage..."

  After Shi Jian heard this, his face changed.

  He naturally knew about ghost animal husbandry, because he asked Shi Shaojian to send it to Lin Feng.

  The purpose is naturally to let Lin Feng have one more hole card in the secular world.

  However, the changes in Lin Feng exceeded his expectations.

  The ghost shepherd technique has reached a very high level, and he has become an archmage in just half a month, and he also has a group of ghost soldiers.

  How can this be?

  How did he do that?

  The ghost shepherd, which he had studied, was absolutely impossible to have that great power.

  However, none of this matters.

  The most important thing is that this matter must not be spread out.

  Otherwise, Lin Feng would be in trouble.

  In his line, because he watched Lin Feng grow up, as long as Lin Feng didn't commit some heinous mistakes, he would naturally be able to tolerate him.

  However, what he represents is only a vein of Maoshan.

  And Maoshan, but there are three veins.

  Although the relationship between the three veins is good, the competition is fierce.

  After all, although Maoshan has three veins, there is only one head.

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