If this news leaked out, it would be very unfavorable for him to compete for the position of headmaster in the future.

  "Block the news and let Lin Feng change his face when he walks outside, and he is not allowed to mention his Maoshan disciple."

  After thinking about it again and again, Shi Jian replied to Lin Jiu.


  However, just after doing all this, Shi Jian's expression changed greatly and he looked out the door.

  Just now, his emotions were agitated, and his mind was full of thoughts, but he didn't even find out that someone had already arrived outside his door.

  And just now, whether it was the message from Lin Jiu or his reply to Lin Jiu, he never thought about avoiding others, and his voice was not small.

  "Senior Brother Shi, it's not good to be too angry, it's easy to hurt your body."

  Outside the door, a steady voice sounded, and the door was pushed open with a creak, but it was the senior brother in another vein of Maoshan, Fang Ming.

  "Fang Ming, what are you doing here with me?"

  Shi Jian's face is very ugly, this guy is not on the right track with him, he is a contender for the position of head.

  "I originally came to discuss something with my senior brother, but I seem to have heard something remarkable."

  Fang Ming walked in with a smile on his face.

  "Did you hear it all?"

  Shi Jian's eyes flickered faintly, staring at Fang Ming.

  That stance, if a word does not agree, blood must be spattered five steps.

  "Haha, Senior Brother Shi, calm down, calm down... I've also watched Boy Feng grow up, can I still harm him... Besides, this is in the mountain gate..."

  Fang Ming smiled, but he was not afraid at all.

  Shi Jian has already stepped into the Earth Master level with half of his feet, and he is still in the late stage of the Archmage, and he is inferior to Shi Jian at the wheel cultivation level.

  However, Shi Jian dared to make a move in the mountain gate?


  Unless he doesn't want Lin Feng's life.

  "Tell me, under what conditions?"

  Shi Jian suppressed the anger in his heart and came to the side of the tea seat. He had an electric light in his hand and rushed into the teapot. He instantly boiled the water in the pot and poured the tea on it.

  "How about Senior Brother Shi give me the position of Sect Leader?"

  Fang Ming sat down with one buttocks, and the lion opened his mouth unceremoniously.

  "You? Are you worthy?"

  Shi Jian sneered.

  The position of the head of the sect belongs to the capable ones. This time, he is the strongest among the disciples of Sanmai and their generation.

  Therefore, that position, he is bound to get.

  "With the matter of Lin Feng, do you still have the face to fight for the position of the head?"

  Fang Ming's face changed slightly, he thought that if he took Shi Jian's handle, Shi Jian would bow his head.

  However, things were a little different from what he had imagined.

  "What's wrong with Lin Feng? I don't understand what you mean?"

  Shi Jian sneered. Just now, after finding out that Fang Ming had heard the secret, he was indeed a little worried.

  However, at this moment, sitting down and taking a sip of tea, he felt relieved again.

  It is not as serious as it is now, as long as Lin Feng is smart and doesn't get caught by others.

  After all, in the eyes of everyone in Maoshan, who did not know that Lin Feng had not entered the school after ten years of hard work, but was just an ordinary person.

  PS: It's very painful to write, I'm nervous....

Chapter 29

  "Shi Jian, what do you mean?" Fang Ming's face became cold: "If this matter gets out, you know the consequences."

  "What's the matter, I don't know. If you have nothing else to do, you can get out now." Shi Jian's eyes flashed coldly, but he had already made up his mind and refused to accept it.

  "Okay, let's see." Fang Ming was so angry that he was trembling. He was also a dignified master. Shi Jian actually let him go, which was definitely humiliating him.

  Immediately, he was furious, got up and left.

  "Lin Feng, if you just go out and talk nonsense, then you will be blamed for not being sympathetic."

  Shi Jian followed and got up and went outside. The electric light flashed in his hand and he waved. A lightning bolt had already landed on a unicorn stone sculpture in the courtyard.


  Shi Jian's favorite unicorn stone sculpture on weekdays exploded in the electric light.

  Such power has surpassed the level of an archmage.


  Fang Ming was sweating coldly on his forehead. He didn't dare to speak out. For fear that Shi Jian would attack him, he wouldn't dare to stay any longer, so he hurriedly ran away.

  Outside, Shi Shaojian heard the movement in the courtyard and ran out quickly.

  "Master, what's wrong?"


  Shi Jian slapped Shi Shaojian directly on the face: "I don't even know if someone came in, how did you check the door?"


  Shi Shaojian was stunned.

  We are here, is there anyone guarding the door?

  Shi Shaojian let out a sigh of relief, and when Shi Jian returned to the room, he immediately sent another letter to Lin Jiu: "Things have changed, and the news has been known to outsiders..."

  Not long after the information was sent, Shi Shaojian entered the door to report that the Taoist boy beside the sect master came and said that the sect master was invited.

  "Very good, Fang Ming, I remember you..."

  Shi Jian sneered, knowing that now, Lin Feng's matter has probably been stabbed to the old head who has already started to ignore it.

  However, so what, just don't admit it.

  It's just that the wind will suffer in the future.



  Lin Jiu stayed up all night.

  He didn't expect that he just mentioned the matter to Shi Jian, and he actually stabbed such a big basket.

  Mao Shan had arranged for someone to go down the mountain to capture Lin Feng, and wanted to capture him back to the mountain.

  Leading the team is Fang Ming, a senior brother from another line of Maoshan, and at the same time, there is also an elder who has long since been ignorant of world affairs.

  The first rule of Maoshan precepts is to fight against righteousness and evil for life.

  If Lin Feng, an archmage who practiced sorcery, was brought back to Maoshan, his fate could be imagined.

  Moreover, this will also be a very heavy blow to their lineage.

  What Shi Jian meant was that it would be better for Lin Feng to leave Xiangxi, or to remain anonymous and hide first to avoid the limelight.

  If no one has been caught, over time, this matter will naturally go away.

  When Shi Jian won the Sect Leader, all that, this matter, would naturally be over.

  However, how to do it specifically depends on Lin Feng's own intentions.

  So, early in the morning, Lin Jiu woke Wen Cai and asked him to go to the town inn to find Lin Feng.


  The spring night is short and the day is high, and since then the king will not go to court early.

  Young man, after playing for a long time at night, when Wen Cai knocked on the door, Lin Feng just fell asleep.

  "Wencai, if you don't tell me how ugly you are today, I will definitely let you know why the flowers are so popular."

  Lin Feng opened the door with dark circles under his eyes, getting up very angry.

  "Little Master Uncle, Master is looking for you to tell me something important!" Wen Cai said in a low voice.

  "What's the big deal, what's the big deal?"

  Lin Feng frowned. Lin Jiu had been operating in Renjia Town for many years, and he had a relationship with Maoshan. If there was any major event, he had to ask Wen Cai to call him.

  "I don't know, Master just said it was a big deal."


  Lin Feng was speechless, but he didn't dare to delay, so he quickly got dressed and hurried to Yizhuang.


  "The fact that I practiced ghost shepherding was known to the head, and the head asked that old boy Fang Ming to bring someone to take me?"

  Yizhuang, after hearing what Lin Jiu said, Lin Feng was a little confused.

  "That's right, Senior Brother asked you to leave Xiangxi and go out to avoid it. If you really don't want to go, you have to keep a low profile, change your face, and find a place to hide. After the limelight passes, we will try to find a way for you. Put this down."

  "Leaving Xiangxi?"

  Lin Feng rubbed his brows. He was still thinking about the royal zombies, the music zombies, and the horse thieves who knew how to use witchcraft.

  If he guessed correctly, these plots will be revealed one by one in the near future.

  If he leaves, then these will have nothing to do with him.

  "Senior brother, things are not so serious. Xiangxi is so big. As long as I keep a low profile, they can't find me."

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