He took out a jade bottle from his pocket and stuffed the yin god into it. Lin Feng handed the bottle to Deng Mo, who was eager to see through.

  "Here, you guys take it back for business."

  Lin Feng casually threw the jade bottle over.


  Deng Mo took the jade bottle in fear.

  I am afraid that the bottle will be damaged.

  After all, among them, Liu Yongchuan's Yin spirit is of great importance.

  Maybe it is an opportunity for the rise of Maoshan.

  "Kid Feng, we will discuss this matter with the teacher in detail."

  "As for your affairs, the division has its own judgment. Believe me, you will never be wronged."

  "And when Deng Mo goes back this time, he will also withdraw from the competition for the head position."

  "Your Sanmai suffered heavy losses for Maoshan decades ago. I hope Shi Jian can restore his vitality as soon as possible after Shi Jian takes the position of the head..."

  After explaining a few words, Deng Mo and his party left in a hurry.

  "It's a troubled time, Qiluo, we got into a big trouble this time."

  Looking at the figures of Deng Mo and his party going away, Lin Feng's eyes were burning with a flame called ambition.

  The accumulation of the corpse sent for thousands of years.

  If you can take over some of it yourself.

  Then, to what extent will his own strength expand?

  However, his strength is still a little weak after all.

  The cake of the corpse pie cannot be eaten for the time being.

  "The big trouble, I'll take it for you."

  Yue Qiluo straightened her chest.

  Mmm, very flat! .

Chapter 237

  Chase the corpse.

  In a quiet secret room.

  At the moment of Liu Yongchuan's accident, the dark secret room was illuminated by blood light.

  But it was the black-robed old man sitting in the corner who opened his eyes at this moment.

  As a Celestial Master, he is naturally very sensitive to things that involve him.

  In his eyes, blood is surging, and he wants to break through time and space, and find the source of the throbbing in the dark.

  However, there was a fog in front of me, and I couldn't see anything clearly.

  "Is there a sect who discovered the trace of my corpse sect?"

  "Or is something wrong with Yongchuan?"

  The black-robed old man's face was uncertain.

  He could think of only two things. twenty four

  Regardless of that, it was a big blow to the corpse sect.

  Thousands of years of planning, can not tolerate the slightest sloppy.

  Everything must be done with caution.

  Immediately, his mind moved, the stone door of the secret room opened wide, and a figure appeared outside the secret room.

  "Go, let someone investigate the situation of all parties, and then contact Liu Yongchuan. In addition, everyone, so the stronghold is moving, ready to transfer at any time..."

  The black-robed old man's voice was very soft, but it resounded throughout the secret room.

  The figure retreats.

  For thousands of years, the corpse sect has placed Anzi in various places and sects, and began to move.


  In order to prevent the news from leaking out, Deng Mo and his party did not contact Maoshan after leaving Pingshan, but went straight to the mountain gate day and night.

  The speed of the earth division is not slow, and it is normal to travel thousands of miles in the day and [-] in the night without considering the consumption and flying with all his strength.

  The next afternoon, Deng Mo and his party rushed back to Maoshan.

  Maoshan shook.

  All the high-level people above the earth division and people in the mountain gate gathered together.

  Even, it has been closed for a hundred years, and most people in Maoshan have never seen the elders.

  On the bright face of Maoshan, the only Celestial Master was alerted and went out to discuss matters.

  Maoshan respected the right, and the elder Taishang sat on the right side of the head Yang Daozhen.

  The first elder, Wuwei, was sitting on the left side of the head Yang Daozhen.

  Plus the head Yang Daozhen.

  The three of them are the three most powerful people in Maoshan now.

  Determines the future direction of Maoshan.

  Below, Deng Mo respectfully explained the whole process of this trip to Pingshan.

  "A geomaster in his twenties, his combat power is comparable to that of a celestial master. With the help of the formation on the bottle mountain, his combat power is undoubtedly comparable to that of a celestial master..."

  "What kind of sorcery is it that can make a kid who hasn't been able to get started for more than ten years achieve such great achievements in just over a year?"

  "Fang Ming, the former chief disciple of my Second Vessel, must have died in the hands of this Lin Feng."


  Following Deng Mo's remarks, the elders around were shocked, disbelieving, gritted their teeth, and filled with righteous indignation...

  It can be described as a crowd.

  Only the three people at the top, with expressionless faces, listened carefully.

  Until, Deng Mo mentioned the corpse sect.

  The true biography of the corpse sect came to Pingshan.

  At this moment, the elder Taishang waved his hand and silently activated the mountain protection formation that enveloped the entire Maoshan Mountain.

  Shroud the chamber to keep the news out of the way.

  After all, Maoshan is not a monolith.

  Those present, although they were all high-rises in Maoshan.

  But who can guarantee that there will be no secrets from other factions.

  After all, Maoshan also has such operations in other sects. .

Chapter 238


  "Lin Feng killed the corpse-killing faction who used the secret treasure of the corpse sect to temporarily raise his strength to the level of a celestial master, and captured its yin god and let me bring it back."

  While everyone was stunned, Deng Mo took out the jade bottle that imprisoned Lin Fengyin.

  "I killed the true biography of the Zombie Sect, and captured the yin god..."

  "Great merit, great merit, no matter what he has done in the past, this one thing alone is enough to wipe out the many things in the past."

  "Three Meridians has produced an extraordinary talent."


  All the elders turned pale.

  The grievances between Maoshan and the Zombie Sect have been forged since the moment the Zombie Sect stole the remains of the ancestor of Maoshan.

  This grievance must be washed away with the blood of the corpse sect disciples.

  Until the dead.

  However, for thousands of years, the corpse sect has always been like a mouse, hiding very deeply.

  Can't find anyone at all.

  This grievance can only be put aside temporarily.

  And now, people have found it.

  Moreover, he also won the first battle and received some interest.

  How can this not surprise everyone.

  After all, this is related to the face of the master, and it is more related to the face of the master who is close to the three masters.

  If they were alive, they would be able to help Shimen and help the Patriarch find his face.

  Then when their yang lifespan is exhausted and they descend to the blessed land of the yin world, there will naturally be many benefits.

  Of course, there are also people with flickering eyes.

  Mao Shan found out about the corpse sect and captured one of its true disciples.

  If this matter spreads out, it will definitely cause an uproar.

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