Even set off turmoil in the arena.

  After all, the Zombie Sect is the public enemy of the cultivation world.

  The three giants of Maoshan, who were sitting upright, could no longer be calm.

  "Show me~々."

  The elder Taishang waved his sleeves.

  The jade bottle in Liu Yongchuan's hand suddenly floated up and went towards the elder Taishang.


  At this moment, among the elders, an elder from the second line, who was usually very low-key, suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the jade bottle.

  The blood on his body was surging, and it was obvious that his blood essence was burned as soon as he made a move.

  This is a life-threatening blow.

  Whether he succeeds or not, he will die.

  However, if this blow can shatter the jade bottle and shatter Liu Yongchuan's Yin God, then it will all be worth it.

  Because Liu Yongchuan, as the chief disciple of the Corpse Sect, knows too much.

  If it really falls into the hands of the Celestial Master, the Celestial Master will excavate all the secrets he knows.

  That corpse sect must suffer heavy losses.

  This is intolerable for him, who is clearly the elder of Maoshan, but secretly he is a corpse driver.

  This blow.

  too suddenly.

  Everyone was caught off guard.

  Including, the aloof elders.


  The blood light shattered the jade bottle.


  In the jade bottle, there were screams.

  But at the moment of the sound, it stopped abruptly.


  "what are you doing?"


  A group of Maoshan executives became angry with shame.

  Know the many secrets of the corpse sect. (Li Hao Zhao)

  Maybe the clues that could allow Mao Shan and the Zombie Sect to settle the thousand-year-old grievances were broken.

  cut off by his own people.

  Their chance to be remembered is gone.

  What I once fantasized about, going down to the blessed land of the underworld, there may be benefits, but no luck.

  How does this keep them from getting angry?

  Even the elder Taishang, who was sitting at the top, was furious.

  A big hand glowing with clear light appeared out of thin air, pinched the elder who had shot, and dragged it into the air. .

Chapter 239

  "One day, the corpse sect will rule the world again."

  The face of the geomaster who had no resistance was full of madness, and then his head tilted, his eyes closed, and there was no sound.

  But he knew that his life was over, and he had cut himself off.

  In an instant, the entire council hall could hear needles falling, and it was terribly quiet.

  Deng Mo was completely dumbfounded.

  This is a yin god who drives the corpse.

  And he has been subdued by Lin Feng.

  How many secrets are there?

  How much benefit would Maoshan get if it was all excavated?

  But now, right in front of his eyes, the Yin God was shattered.

  All his plans are meaningless.

  The two elders who accompanied Deng Mo were also stunned.

  The cooked duck flew away.

  Moreover, it was made by himself.

  This feeling is really uncomfortable.

  The elders of the Second Vessel were even more stunned.

  A year ago, the unsatisfactory Fang Ming made them lose face.

  This year, just slowed down.

  Now, on my side, there is another traitor.

  This traitor also ruined the major affairs of the division.

  This is tantamount to another slap in the face of their second vein.

  Now, what they are about to face is the anger of the Supreme Elder, the Sect Leader, and the Great Elder.

  Even, in the blessed land, the anger of the patriarch whose status is only under the founder of the patriarch.

  What the heck, what happened to my secondary veins recently.

  Why is it so bad luck?

  However, think about the destruction of the three veins decades ago.

  Their hearts were a little better.

  Compared with the group annihilation of Sanmai, what they have experienced now is nothing.

  Immediately, all the elders of the Second Meridian knelt down with a plop.

  "I don't know anyone, I'm guilty..."

  This is not to apologise to the supreme elders, chiefs, and chief elders who are in high positions.

  As an earth teacher and an elder of Maoshan, even an elder who is a celestial master is not qualified to force them to kneel down and plead guilty.

  They are kneeling, it is Maoshan, the ancestors under the shadow of Maoshan.

  If you do something wrong, you must admit it.

  In his own vein, the dark son of the corpse sect lurked unexpectedly, and he also stole a high position, making Maoshan shame at a critical time.

   They must come up with a suitable attitude.

  Otherwise, the punishment of the patriarch will surely follow.

  "Elders, please get up, the corpse sect is powerful, and it is normal to have dark sons in various sects."

  "However, in the future, everyone must be serious about the conduct of disciples."

  Yang Daozhen's face was a little ugly.

  However, there is no excessive punishment.

  These are geographers.

  Although his strength is not as good as him, he is not much worse than him.

  They are all pillars of Maoshan.

  How can he be punished?

  "Don't worry, let them kneel for a while."

  On the other side, the elder Taishang spoke.

  As a Celestial Master, the strongest person in Maoshan Yangshi, his words are more effective than the Sect Master's words.

  Immediately, the elders of Ermai who were about to borrow the donkey to get up and get up, their faces stiffened, and they had to continue to kneel.

  After all, this Supreme Elder, when he was young, was a murderer with a fierce reputation.

  Known by outsiders as the Dragon Catcher.

  The dragon catcher Li catches the dragon.

  This is an existence that once captured and killed a demon king-level dragon.

  Murder is terrifying.

  Whether it is inside or outside the door, they are very afraid of him.

  "Then Lin Feng, what is the situation, you can tell me in detail."

  Li Qilong looked at everyone with a stern face.

  He has been in seclusion all year round, and he really doesn't know much about the juniors of the sect. .

Chapter 240

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