Stand-in puppets are the most common means.

  However, only a few people know that the stand-in puppet can block ordinary disasters, but it can't block the injury of Dao.

  Bottle Mountain.

  in the underground palace.


  A scream resounded through the world.

  A figure with disheveled hair rushed out.

  His body was dripping with blood, like an evil spirit that had just crawled out of hell.

  This figure was exactly Lin Feng who had just suffered a big loss.

  The power of Li Qilong's sword was passed on to him through the substitute puppet.

  If he hadn't understood his own way.

  This sword must be unstoppable.

  This is also part of the plan.

  The avatar puppet was sent by Li Jinlong.

  "Thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi, don't bully young poor!"

  Lin Feng gritted his teeth.

  With a wave, the monsters and zombies from all directions gathered towards the underground palace under the bottle mountain.

  But it is to use the crack under the underground palace to escape from the sky.

  In the underground palace, there are also soldiers under Luo Laowei and disciples from the Xieling lineage.

  Most of them are ordinary people.

  Even the celestial masters would not dare to harm them.

  Otherwise, the karma will add to the body, and the road ahead will be bleak.




  In the bottle mountain, hundreds of black energy rose into the sky.

  But it was the flying-headed barbarian buried in the ground.

  They are integrated with the formation under the bottle mountain.

  But it was Yue Qiluo who was using the power of the formation to fight back.

  "North Pumpkin?"

  "This place of filth and filth, die today."

  There was no sadness or joy on Li Qilong's face, and he waved the Dao sword in his hand towards the bottom again.


  Above the bottle mountain, the shrouded formation was directly torn apart.

  The flying-headed barbarian from bottom to top was directly annihilated in the remnants of Daojian.

  "Being able to resist the Dao sword, this Lin Feng has already understood his own way."

  "The door of the Celestial Master has been opened to him."

  "Such a character should join the corpse-hunting faction."

  Outside Pingshan, a black light shot up into the sky and went straight to Li Zhanlong in mid-air.

  But it was the avatar of the black-robed old man who was hiding in the dark, and he couldn't hold back any longer.

  It is a miracle to be able to resist the Heavenly Master in the body of the Earth Master.

  Then he survived the attack of Daojian.

  Such a character must not die under his salt.

  So, he shot.

  He was afraid that if he didn't do it again, such a good seedling would be ruined.

  "Jie Jie Jie..."

  In the black light, the sound of ghosts crying and gods howling resounded through the world.

  Looking closely, it is in the black light, full of ups and downs of skeletons, screaming and wailing.

  "Heavenly Master, Evil Dao Heavenly Master..."

  "This Lin Feng really has an affair with the evil way."

  "Come on, this evil Taoist master shot, but he won't care about us."


  The faces of those who were watching the excitement all around changed greatly, and they ran out desperately.

  On the other hand, Li Zhanlong, who was above the bottle mountain, was relieved.

  No one jumped out again, he had to continue to shoot.

  If Lin Feng couldn't carry it, then this matter would be a big deal. .

Chapter 252


  The formation was torn apart by the Dao Sword.

  Below, Yue Qiluo's body was shocked, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

  But it was she who integrated the power of the soul into the formation.

  With the help of the formation, feel the power of heaven and earth.

  In this way, her practice is more convenient.

  At the same time, it is also more convenient for her to mobilize the power of the formation.

  However, there are bound to be advantages and disadvantages.

  The relationship between her and the formation is close.

  The formation was broken, and the backlash she received was naturally stronger.

  At this moment, one after another "dao" invaded.

  Her originally delicate loli face turned pale.

  A head of black hair, from white to black.

  But it is this body that has finally relied on the power of the dragon veins to wash the body, and the body, which has just been united, begins to age.

  The mana in the body is constantly surging 24 times, but it can't be resisted at all.

  Because, Dao Jian, can only be blocked by Dao!

  And she didn't understand her own way.

  "Brother Feng, save me!"

  Although already prepared.

  But Yue Qiluo was still shocked.

  Her spirit is very special.

  The magic of the immortal soul technique made it possible for the soul to resist the Dao sword.

  However, her physical body is not.

  If there is no one for her, expel the "Tao" that invades the body.

  Then she had to give up this body.

  However, unless forced to, she didn't want to give up this body.

  Because, relying on this body, she became attached to Lin Feng.

  Although, this fate does not think that it will disappear because of the damage of the body.

  However, it is best not to give up.


  In the underground palace, Lin Feng's eyes were blood red.

  But just now, all the "Tao" that had invaded his body were expelled.

  This battle made him clear where his current limit was.

  With the help of the formation on the bottle mountain, the ordinary Celestial Master can never help him.

  However, if you come across a supreme celestial master like Li Zhanlong who has understood the "Tao".

  Then he had no choice but to escape.

  Moreover, it is not necessarily possible to escape.

  Yue Qiluo's spiritual power and mana were all refined from the essence that devoured him.

  And the means he left behind in those essences allowed him to control the power in Yue Qiluo's body when needed.

  At the moment when Yue Qiluo asked for help, his mind moved and he took control of the power in Yue Qiluo's body.

  In an instant, among those powers, the hidden Dao appeared.

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