Puff puff--

  On Yue Qiluo, blood dripped in an instant.

  As if being added by Wan Jian, cutting Ling Chi.

  However, despite being hit hard by this, her condition suddenly improved a lot.

  But it was just Lin Feng who mobilized the power in her body to expel all the Dao that had invaded her body.

  Those wounds all over the body are caused by the expelled Tao.

  Without the "Tao", such wounds, although difficult for geographers, are not fatal.

  Lin Feng thought about it and handed the power back to Yue Qiluo.


  Yue Qiluo's body moved, turned into a black light, and plunged into the depths of the underground palace.

  Underground palace.

  In a Dan Palace.

  Lin Feng stood on top of Danding.

  Below, Six-winged Flying Centipede, Ren Weiyong, Nintendo, Royal Zombies, Old White Ape, Ahri, Eagle Head, Dong Xiaoyu, and a group of ghost soldiers gathered together.

  Partridge whistle and Chen Yulou are also below.

  "At the moment of the enemy, this seat can't bear it for the time being, and must temporarily avoid the edge."

  "Chen Yulou, you take the people from Xieling and continue here to repair the underground palace. The enemy outside, the target is me, and will not attack you."

  "Bai Yuan, you take your children and retreat to the mountains as usual. As soon as I leave, the strong ones will also leave. As long as I don't die, others will not dare to do anything to you."

  "Ali, you just follow the white apes..."

  "Yingtou, you will be in the middle of the village, please let Wang Po calm down and don't be impatient. I have a big life, and I can't die."

  "Partridge whistle, you bring Hua Ling and leave for now. When this matter is resolved, I will come to you."


  Lin Feng glanced at the people below.

  Arranged one by one.

  Then, he opened the gourd around his waist.


  The gloomy wind whistled.

  All the ghost soldiers, led by Dong Xiaoyu, entered the gourd.

  Below, the six-winged centipede jumped suddenly, and the huge figure shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  In the end, it became the size of a thumb and fell into Lin Feng's hands.


  Lin Feng exerted force at his feet.

  The iron cover on the cauldron suddenly flipped over, revealing a large pitch-black hole.

  This is an escape route in the underground palace.

  Directly to the underground river.

  The dark river extends in all directions.

  As soon as you enter it, the sky is vast.

  Yue Qiluo and San Zong jumped into it one by one.

  In the blink of an eye, it was originally extremely prosperous, and its overall strength, in the whole of Xiangxi, was definitely only under the three major factions, and there were no leaders.

  There is a tendency to fall apart. .

Chapter 253


  The white ape let out a low growl and turned to leave.

  Ali followed closely.

  He didn't make a fuss to follow Lin Feng and leave together.

  She still knows how much she weighs.

  On weekdays, if there is no danger, it is nothing.

  At this time, Lin Feng was at a critical moment. If she continued to make trouble, it would only cause trouble for Lin Feng.


  "I thought I found a backer, but it's only been a few days? The backer ran away."

  Chen Yulou's face was a little strange.

  However, his city was not shallow, and he did not show it in the slightest.

  Lin Feng's departure was not a bad thing for him.

  Because, his purpose of entering this bottle mountain has been achieved.

  Lin Feng had already instructed that the underground palace should be repaired, and the victims outside should also be relieved.

  Therefore, the bright tools in this underground palace are all at his disposal.

  Without a single soldier, he captured a large tomb.

  Such an achievement is unprecedented in the history of Xieling.

  The only loss is an extra master.

  Now that the owner is forced to leave, there is no loss for the time being.

  How do you think this deal is worth it?

  Of course, the premise is that those cultivators outside will not do anything to themselves and others.

  "Senior was forced away, and the future destiny of our family has become rough again."

  "Fortunately, the seniors did not give up on us."

  The partridge whistle had a complicated expression.

  The tribe has been searching for thousands of years, and now it is almost wiped out.

  What for?

  The purpose is to solve the curse on the body.

  And now, they finally see hope.

  Hope was dashed.

  If Lam Fung died.

  The partridge whistle dared not imagine whether he would be able to find Zheng Chenzhu for the rest of his life.

  "Boss Chen, the green hills will not change, the green water will flow, this place has become extremely dangerous, I will stay soon."

  Thinking in his heart, the partridge whistle handed over.

  "The situation is unclear, I won't leave you anymore, take care all the way."

  Chen Yulou nodded.

  Although the two have known each other for a long time, they are both leaders, and they feel a little sympathetic to each other.

  "Okay, goodbye~々."

  The partridge whistle didn't say much, turned and left.

  "Mr. Chen's head, my family's ancestral land, and this Pingshan Mountain are only separated by three mountains. Everyone is doing things for the master. If you need anything, feel free to come to us."

  Eagle head stepped forward and spoke to Chen Yulou.

  He was already out.

  In the past two days, I was familiar with Chen Yulou.

  And now, he is going to visit the Hui clan.

  One is to convey Lin Feng's orders.

  Furthermore, even if he became an archmage, he should go back.

  After all, a large Miao village, relying on Wang Po and an archmage alone, is still somewhat weak.

  Not necessarily able to hold the scene.

  Especially in this eventful time.

  When many cultivators from the outside world poured into Laoxiongling.

  "Okay, when the situation here is stable, I will definitely come to visit as soon as possible."

  Knowing that Eagle Head was Lin Feng's direct descendant, Chen Yulou was also very polite to him.


  The huge alchemy hall was suddenly empty.

  "Keep your head up, what should we do?"

  Hua Ma crouched up.

  He had been guarding outside just now.

  Lin Feng's orders were not deliberately concealed, and the voice was very loud.

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