And Lin Feng's aura was also much stronger.

  If it was just in the early stage of warlock, then now, after refining a fierce soul, it has reached the middle stage of warlock.

  Lin Feng accepted the spell, reached out and patted the ghost bag in his hand.


  A black qi emerged from it, turning into a ferocious soul with an almost transparent body and a black qi wrapped around it, kneeling in front of Lin Feng.

  "Haha, good, good."

  Lin Feng laughed so hard that tears came out.

  In this chaotic world where demons are rampant, he finally has some means to protect himself.

  Although this method is still very weak, as long as he can keep searching for ghosts to refine, he can quickly become stronger.

  "Next door, in the middle of the night, laughing at you paralyzed, why do you want to die?"

  Just then, a fierce roar came from next door.

  Lin Feng remembered that he was a savage, mighty and domineering man, and at first glance he knew that he was not a good person.


  Lin Feng grinned and looked at the murderous soul kneeling in front of him.

  "Go! Scare him!"


  The fierce soul in front of him plunged into the wall and passed through it.

  Soon, a heart-wrenching scream came from the next door: "Ah... help... ghost... there is a ghost..."

  PS: It is both good and evil, the three views are not very positive, everything is as you wish, big guys be careful! .

Chapter 3

  Tanjia Town.

  Lin Feng walked around the splendid new house in Zhenkou with a satisfied look in his eyes.

  This Tanjia Town is the Tanjia Town where Tan Wanwan is among Mr. Linghuan.

  This new house is Tan Wan Wan's haunted new house.

  Lin Feng ran for hundreds of miles and came here because of the ghosts in this house.

  Originally, he was worried that he was late and that the house of ghosts was taken away.

  Just after walking around the house, his hanging heart was let go.

  The yin qi was soaring to the sky, and the ghost in that room was still there.

  On the outer wall of the house, there is a big-character poster: We are sincerely recruiting masters to hunt ghosts, and we will be interviewed for remuneration.

  Lin Feng tore down the big-character poster, found the Tan family's old house, explained the purpose of his visit, and was immediately welcomed in.

  "My house has been built for more than a year. After it was built, we also moved in for a few days, but in those days, our family woke up every day, and no one was sleeping in bed, every night. We were moved out of bed by the ghost. We had no choice but to move out again..."

  In the living room of Tan Mansion, the fragrance of tea overflowed, and Tan Wanwan told Lin Feng about his suffering.

  "Before I came, I walked around your new house. There were ghosts in the sky, and there were indeed a lot of ghosts. However, as long as the money is in place, it's not a problem."

  Without money, it was impossible to move an inch. From Maoshan to here, Lin Feng did not treat himself badly, so the five hundred oceans that Shi Jian gave were very few.

  Otherwise, Lin Fengcai was too lazy to do this, so he first came to Tan Wanwan to talk about money.

  "It's easy to talk about money, but you're already the fifth Taoist priest who said this to me. The first four have nothing to do with the ghosts in that house."

  Tan Wan Wan sighed and began to take money from his pocket.

  With the experience of the first four times, he already knew that these monks and priests who claim to be able to catch ghosts are all masters who do not see rabbits but do not scatter eagles.

  "Hey, I always do things first, and then collect money after I've done things. A ghost is a hundred oceans, and the old man is innocent. If you think the price is right, I'll go to your new house in the evening."

  "One hundred oceans!" Tan Wanwan's face showed a hint of pain.

  "If you don't want to, then forget it." Lin Xi smiled and looked at Tan Wan Wan, Mao Shan's rule is to talk to people and talk to ghosts.

  To put it simply, it depends on the wealth of the client. If the client's family is poor, they will charge less, and if the client's family is rich, they will charge more.

  Tan Wanwan is the richest man in Tanjia Town, and his family is rich. Naturally, Lin Xi will not be polite.

  "Okay, one hundred oceans is one hundred oceans. As long as you can clean up my house, these are not problems."

  Tan Wanwan gritted his teeth and responded, but he had no choice. His new house cost [-] oceans to build.

  If the dirt inside is not cleaned up, then his three thousand oceans will be considered a waste.

  "it is good,"

  Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction. There were at least a dozen ghosts in the house. With this amount of money, he could be unrestrained for a while.

  "The mage, what needs to be prepared, I will let the people below prepare it as soon as possible."

  After a long illness and becoming a doctor, Tan Wanwan is also knowledgeable, knowing that he does not dare to be a Taoist priest or a monk, and catching ghosts is all about getting the altar.

  "Prepare? No need! I'll just go for a walk then."

  Lin Feng shook his head, he had gained a lot along the way.

  Now, his subordinates already have twelve evil spirits and one evil spirit.

  His cultivation has also reached the level of a mage.

  And he walked around Tan Wanwan's mansion today, and he already knew that the most vicious man in the mansion was an evil spirit.

  A mage who has already reached the full level of ghost shepherding, twelve evil spirits and one evil spirit to clean up one evil spirit and a group of unknown number of evil spirits, where do you need to prepare an altar.

  And he can shepherd ghosts, the altar is useless to him, and he doesn't let others mess around and waste money.

  "it is good."

  Hearing that Lin Feng said he didn't need an altar, Tan Wanwan couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. He didn't want an altar. This wouldn't be another fake mage who came to cheat money.

  However, thinking of doing things first and collecting money later, Tan Wanwan was relieved.

  A dead horse is used as a living horse doctor. Anyway, even if it is a fake, he has nothing to lose.

  Then try it. .

Chapter 4

  As night fell, Lin Feng, accompanied by Tan Wanwan, came to the Tan family's new house.

  Along with them, there were a group of servants from the Tan family, all of them holding weapons and looking fierce, but their trembling hands showed that they were panicking in their hearts.

  "Master, everything is up to you."

  Entering the yard, Tan Wan Wan looked at the closed doors, his legs trembled a little.

  "It's okay, take people's money and help them eliminate disasters. As long as you want, you can move here tonight."

  Lin Feng waved his hand with a smile, and then patted the ghost bag on his waist, black air burst out, and immediately, the thirteen ghosts he raised appeared in the courtyard out of thin air.

  The ghosts who were trained by Lin Feng with the ghost shepherding technique, one by one wearing armor and armor, holding the ghost soldiers who were trained for sacrifice, were trained by Lin Feng according to the military method, and the discipline was strict.

  Compared with ordinary wild ghosts, it is even more ferocious. It can almost be said that it is invincible at the same level. Together, it is even more fierce.

  Just this team of ghost soldiers, even if they encounter a serious ghost, they can resist one or two.

  As soon as they appeared, a gloomy wind blew up, and the temperature in the courtyard dropped a lot in an instant, as if frost had fallen.


  "These ghosts seem to be different from the ghosts in the house."

  "Yes, I see the ghosts in the house. These ghosts are more vicious than the ghosts in the house."


  The legs of all the family members trembled. If it weren't for the strict rules of the Tan family, these guys would have turned around and ran away.


  The ghosts were half kneeling on the ground, waiting for Lin Feng's dispatch.

  "Mage, is this?"

  Tan Wanwan was also panicked, but he was the head of the family, a rich and well-informed rich man. Although he was frightened, he didn't panic. Instead, he hid behind Lin Feng. asked quietly.

  "Don't be afraid, these are the ghost soldiers I raised. The ghosts in this house are hidden underground. If you don't take the initiative to show up, unless you dig up the ground and find their bones, it will be difficult to find them, so you can still get ghosts. make ghosts."

  Lin Feng explained and looked at the Yin soldiers under him: "Go, catch me all the ghosts in this house."


  A group of ghost soldiers got the order and rushed into the house with knives.

  Ghosts can penetrate walls, and closed doors and windows are useless to them.

  Soon, there was a lot of wind in the house, and there were sounds of fighting.

  Then, screaming, crying, begging for mercy...

  In less than half a stick of incense, a group of ghost soldiers came out of the house.

  In their hands, there are ghosts.

  One evil spirit, nine evil spirits, old and young, a family of young and old, neat and tidy.

  "Your Majesty!"

  This nest of ghosts was crushed by ghost soldiers and knelt in front of Lin Feng.

  "Master, all are caught."

  The leading evil spirit stepped forward to report.

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